PEACE, IN LIFE, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. FIFTEEN DISCOURSES BY THE REV. JAMES HOUGH, A. M. AND LATE CHAPLAIN TO THE HON. EAST INDIA COMPANY, Εἰρήνην ἀφίημι ὑμῖν. -JOHN XIV. 27. PUBLISHED BY R. B. SEELEY AND W. BURNSIDE ; FLEET STREET, LONDON. MDCCCXXXVI. TO THE CONGREGATION ATTENDING AT THE CHURCH OF ST. ANDREWS, HAM COMMON. MY DEAR FRIENDS, As this Volume owes its appearance to your uniform kindness towards me, especially during the past year, you must permit me to dedicate it to you. Indeed, it could not have a more appropriate Introduction; and I beg to present it to you as my EASTER OFFERING. I ought, perhaps, to apologize for its not appearing before, as some of you have requested. But considering the numerous volumes of unexceptionable Discourses already published, I could not think it necessary to add to the number: and aware that an affectionate people's partiality for their own minister often leads them to form too |