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ATHER Valfechi has put out an Historical and Chronological Differtation concerning the Reign of Elagabalus.

De M. Aurelii Antonini Elagabali Tribunitia Poi teftate V. Differtatio Hiftorico-Chronologica. Auctore P. D. Virginio Valfechi, a Brixia Monacho Benedictino Congregationis Cafinenfis. Florentie 1711. in 4to. Pagg. 120,


R. Borges, Profeffor of Mathematicks and Eloquence in the University of Groningen, who died in the Year 1666. left behind him feveral Indexes or Repertories of his own making. Those Indexes have been bought by Mr. Halma, a Bookfeller of Leuwarden, who is willing to fell them. Here follows the Catalogue.

1. Rationarium, five Repertorium Philologicum, Criticum & Antiquitatum, ordine literarum Alphabethi. It confifts of Seven large Volumes in Folio, and contains an Extract of the beft Criticks, fuch as Scaliger, Cafaubon, Salmafius, Voffius, Gronovius, and above Fifty more.

24. Re

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2. Repertorium Politicum, Hiftoricum & Juridicum, in one large Volume in Folio, taken from several Ancient and Modern Hiftorians, and from many Modern Politicians, fuch as Bodin, Grotius, &c.

3. Index rerum & verborum in T. Livium. 1. Vol. in Fol.

4. Index rerum & verborum in Plutarchum. 2. Vol. in Fol.

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6. - in Catalecta veterum Poetarum, Phadri fa bulas Corippum.

7. Index Philologicus Apuleianus.

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in Martianum Capellam de nuptiis Philole

in Silium Italicum.

Philologico-politicus in Salluftium,

rerum & verborum in Valerium Maxi

in Juftinum.

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in Claudianum & Lucanum.

in C. Sollium Sidonium Apollinarem.

Papinium Statium.

in Hiftoria Augufta Scriptores, ad litteram Q

28. in Cenforinum de Die Natali.

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34. in Panegyriftas Latinos.

Befides fome others, that are not so complete.

A Fourth Edition of Mr. Le Clerc's Ars Critica is lately come out with great Improvements.



HE following Book has been newly published here:

Melanges de Remarques Critiques, Hiftoriques, Phitofophiques, Theologiques fur les deux Differtations de M. Toland, intitulées, l'une, L'Homme fans fuperftition, & l'autre, Les Origines Judaiques. Avec une differtation tenant lieu de Preface, où on examine l'argument tiré du confentement de tous les peuples, pour prouver l'exiftence de Dieu, & on refute les principales objections par lesquelles on a pretendu Tafforblir. Par Elie Benoift, Pafteur de l'Eglife Walone de Delft. Delft 1712. in 8vo. Pagg.




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A VOTAGE to the South Sea, and round the World, performed in the Tears 1708, 1709, 1710, and 1711, Containing a Journal of all Memorable Tran factions during the faid Voyage; the Winds, Currents, and Variations of the Compafs; the taking of the Towns of Puna and Guayaquil, and feveral Prizes, one of which a rich Acapulco Ship. A Defcription of the American Coafts, from Tierra del Fuego in the South to California in the North, (from the Coasting-Pilot, a Spanish Manufcript.) An Historical Account of all thofe Coun tries from the best Authors. With a New Map and Defcription of the mighty River of the Amazons. Wherein an Account is given of Mr. Alexander Selkirk, his Manner of Living and Taming fome wild Beafts during the Four Years and Four Months be lived upon the uninhabited


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