1 0 LORD, my God, my portion thou And sure possession art,
Thy words I steadfastly resolve
To treasure in my heart.
2 With all the strength of warm desire I did thy grace implore;- Disclose, according to thy word, Thy mercy's boundless store.
3 With deep reflection and strict care On all my ways I thought; And so, reclaim'd to thy just paths, My wand'ring steps I brought. 4 Prolonging not the time, my soul Resolved without delay To watch, that I might never more From thy commandments stray. 5 To such as fear thy holy Name Myself I closely join;
To all who their obedient wills To thy commands resign.
6 O'er all the earth thy mercy, Lord, Abundantly is shed;
grant that I may truly learn Thy sacred paths to tread.
1 WITH me, thy servant, thou hast dealt Most graciously, O LORD; Repeated benefits bestow'd, According to thy word.
2 Teach me the sacred skill by which Right judgment is attain'd, Who in belief of thy commands Have steadfastly remain'd.
3 Before affliction stopp'd my course, My footsteps went astray; But I have since been disciplined Thy precepts to obey.
4 Thou art, O LORD, supremely good, And all thou dost is so;
On me, thy statutes to discern, Thy saving skill bestow.
15 'T is good for me that I have felt Affliction's chast'ning rod, That I may duly learn and keep The statutes of my GOD.
6 The law that from thy mouth proceeds, Of more esteem I hold
Than richest mines, than thousand mines Of silver and of gold.
1 To me, who am the workmanship Of thy almighty hands, The heavenly understanding give To learn thy just commands. 2 My preservation to thy saints Strong comfort will afford, To see success attend my hopes, Who trusted in thy word.
8 That right thy judgments are, I now By sure experience see; And that in faithfulness, O LORD, Thou hast afflicted me.
4 O let thy tender mercy now Afford me needful aid; According to thy promise, LORD, To me, thy servant, made.
5 To me thy saving grace restore, That I again may live; Whose soul can relish no delight But what thy precepts give. 6 In thy blest statutes let my heart Continue always sound;
That guilt and shame, the sinner's lot, May never me confound.
4 Unless thy sacred law had been My comfort and delight,
I must have fainted and expired
In dark affliction's night.
5 Thy precepts therefore from my though's Shall never, LORD, depart, For thou by them hast to new life Restored my dying heart.
6 I've seen an end of what we call Perfection here below; But thy commandments, like thyself, No change or period know.
1 THE love that to thy laws I bear No language can display; They with fresh wonders entertain My raptured thoughts all day.
2 My feet with care I have refrain'd From every sinful way, That to thy sacred word I might Entire obedience pay.
3 I have not from thy judgments stray'd, By vain desires misled;
For, LORD, thou hast instructed me Thy righteous paths to tread.
4 How sweet are all thy words to me! O what divine repast!
How much more grateful to my soul Than honey to my taste!
5 Taught by thy sacred precepts, With heav'nly skill am blest;
2 My hiding-place, my refuge-tower And shield art thou, O LORD;
I firmly anchor all my hopes On thy unerring word.
3 Away from me, ye wicked men, Approach not my abode; For firmly I resolve to keep The precepts of my GOD. 4 According to thy gracious word, From danger set me free; Nor make me of those hopes ashamed That I repose on thee.
PART XVI. AIN. C. M 1 MINE eyes, alas! begin to fail, In long expectance held; Tili thy salvation they behold And righteous word fulfill'd. 2 To me, thy servant in distress, Thy wonted grace display, And discipline my willing heart Thy statutes to obey.
3 On me, devoted to thy fear, Thy sacred skill bestow, That of thy testimonies I
The full extent may know.
4 Thy laws and precepts I account In all respects divine;
They teach me to discern the right, And all false ways decline.
Through which the treach'rous ways of sin 1 THE wonders which thy laws contain
1 THY word is to my feet a lamp, The way of truth to show:
A watch-light, to point out the path In which I ought to go.
2I've vow'd, and from my cov'nant, LORD, Will never start aside,
That in thy righteous judgments I Will steadfastly abide.
8 Let still my sacrifice of praise With thee acceptance find;
And in thy righteous judgments, LORD, Instruct my willing mind.
4 Thy testimonies I have made My heritage and choice; For they, when other comforts fail, My drooping heart rejoice. 5 My heart with early zeal began Thy statutes to obey,
And, till my course of life is done, Shall keep thine upright way
No words can represent;
Therefore to learn and practise them My zealous heart is bent.
2 The very entrance to thy word Celestial light displays,
And knowledge of true happiness To simplest minds conveys. 3 With eager hopes I waiting stood, And fainting with desire,
That of thy wise commands I might The sacred skill acquire.
4 With favor, LORD, look down on me, Who thy relief implore;
As thou art wont to visit those
Who thy blest Name adore.
5 Directed by thy heavenly word Let all my footsteps be; Nor wickedness of any kind Dominion have o'er me.
6 On me, devated to thy fear, LORD, make thy face to shine: Thy statutes both to know and keep My heart with zeal incline.
2 Most just and true those statutes were Which thou didst first decree; And all with faithfulness perform'd Succeeding times shall see.
3 LORD! each neglected word of thine, Howe'er by men despised, Is pure, and for eternal truth By me, thy servant, prized.
4 Thy righteousness shall then endure When time itself is past; Thy law is truth itself, that truth Which shall for ever last.
5 Though trouble, anguish, doubts, and dread,
To compass me unite; Beset with danger, still I make
Thy precepts my delight.
6 Eternal and unerring rules Thy testimonies give:
Teach me the wisdom that will make My soul for ever live.
1 WITH my whole heart to GOD I call'd- LORD, hear my earnest cry; And I thy statutes to perform Will all my care apply.
2 Again more fervently I pray'd- O save me, that I may Thy testimonies fully know, And steadfastly obey.
3 My earlier prayer the dawning day Prevented, while I cried
To him upon whose faithful word My hope alone relied.
4 LORD, hear my supplicating voice, And wonted favor show;
O quicken me, and so approve 'Thy judgments ever true.
5 Concerning thy divine commands My soul has known, of old
That they were true, and shall their truth To endless ages hold.
1 CONSIDER my affliction, LORD, And me from bondage draw; Think on thy servant in distress,
Who ne'er forgets thy law.
2 Defend my cause, and me to save Thy timely aid afford;
With beams of mercy quicken me, According to thy word.
3 From harden'd sinners thou remov'st Salvation far away;
Tis just thou should'st withdraw from them Who from thy statutes stray.
4 Since great thy tender mercies are To all who thee adore; According to thy judgments, LORD, My fainting hopes restore.
1 THY sacred word my joyful breast With heav'nly rapture warms; Nor conquest, nor the spoils of war, Have such transporting charms. 2 Perfidious practices and lies I utterly detest;
But to thy laws affection bear Too vast to be express'd.
3 Sev'n times a day, with grateful voice, Thy praises I resound, Because I find thy judgments all With truth and justice crown'd.
4 Secure, substantial peace have they Who truly love thy law;
No smiling mischief them can tempt, Nor frowning danger awe.
5 For thy salvation I have hoped, And, though so long delay'd, With cheerful zeal and anxious care All thy commands obey'd.
6 Thy testimonies I have kept, And constantly obey'd; Because the love I bore to them Thy service easy made.
7 From strict observance of thy laws I never yet withdrew; Convinced that my most secret way? Are open to thy view.
PART XXII. TAU. C,. M. 1 To my request and earnest cry. Attend, O gracious LORD; Inspire my heart with heavenly skill, According to thy word.
2 Let my repeated prayer at last Before thy throne appear; According to thy plighted word, For my relief draw near.
3 Then shall my grateful lips return The tribute of their praise, When thou thy counsels hast reveal'd, And taught me thy just ways.
4 My tongue the praises of thy word Shall thankfully resound; For thy commands are right, thy laws With truth and justice crown'd. 5 Let thy almighty arm appear, And bring me timely aid; For I the laws thou hast ordain'd My heart's free choice have made.
From the exxi. Psalm of David. 1 TO Sion's hill I lift my eyes, From thence expecting aid; From Sion's hill and Sion's GOD,
Who heaven and earth has made. 2 Ile will not let thy foot be moved, Thy guardian will not sleep; Behold, the GOD who slumbers not Will favor'd Israel keep.
8 Shelter'd beneath th' ALMIGHTY's wings, Thou shalt securely rest,
Where neither sun nor moon shall thee By day or night molest.
4 From common accidents of life The LORD shall guard thee still; "T is even he that shall preserve Thy soul from every ill.
5 At home, abroad, in peace, in war, Thy GoD shall shee defend; Conduct thee through life's pilgrimage, Safe to thy journey's end.
From the cxxii. Psalm of David.
10'T WAS a joyful sound, to hear Our tribes devoutly say,
Up, Israel, to the temple haste, And keep your festal day!
2 At Salem's courts we must appear, With our assembled powers,
In strong and beauteous order ranged Like her united towers.
S'T is thither, by divine command, The tribes of God repair, Before his ark to celebrate
His Name with praise and prayer 40, ever pray for Salem's peace; For they shall prosp'rous be, Thou holy city of our GOD, Who bear true love to thee.
5 May peace within thy sacred walls A constant guest be found, With plenty and prosperity Thy palaces be crown'd.
6 For my dear brethren's sake, and friends No less than brethren dear,
I'll pray-May peace in Salem's towers A constant guest appear.
From the cxxiv. Psalm of David. 1 HAD not the LORD, may Israel say, On Israel's side engaged, The foe had quickly swallow'd us, So furiously he raged.
2 Had not the LORD himself vouchsafed To check his fierce control,
The adversary's dreary tood Had overwhelm'd our soul. 8 But praised be our eternal LORD, Who left is not his prey; The snare is broke, his rage disarm'd, And we again are free.
4 Secure in GOD's almighty Name Our confidence remains;
The GOD who made both heaven and earth Of both sole monarch reigns.
From the cxxv. Psalm of David.
1 WHO place on Sion's GOD their tru Like Sion's rock shall stand; Like her immoveably be fix'd By his almighty hand.
2 Look how the hills on every side Jerusalem enclose;
So stands the LORD around his saints, To guard them from their foes.
3 Be good, O righteous GOD, to those Who righteous deeds affect; The heart that innocence retains
Let innocence protect.
4 All those who walk in crooked paths, The LORD shall soon destroy; Cut off th' unjust, but crown the saints With lasting peace and joy.
1 FROM lowest depths of wo
To GOD I sent my cry; LORD, hear my supplicating voice, And graciously reply..
2 Shouldst thou severely judge, Who can the trial bear? But thou forgiv'st, lest we despond, And quite renounce thy fear. 3 My soul with patience waits For thee, the living LORD; My hopes are on thy promise built, Thy never-failing word. 4 My longing eyes look out, For thy enliv'ning ray,
More duly than the morning watch To spy the dawning day.
5 Let Israel trust in GoD,
No bounds his mercy knows;
The plenteous source and spring from whence
Eternal succor flows:
6 Whose friendly streams to us Supplies in want convey;
A healing spring, a spring to cleanse And wash our guilt away.
From the exxxi. Psalm of David. 1 LORD, for ever at thy side Let my place and portion be: Strip me of the robe of pride, Clothe me with humility. 2 Meekly may my soul receive All thy spirit hath reveal'd; Thou hast spoken-I believe, Though the oracle he seal'd. 3 Humble as a little child, Weaned from the mother's breast, By no subtleties beguiled,
On thy faithful word I rest.
4 Israel! now and evermore In the LORD JEHOVAH trust; Him, in all his ways adore, Wise, and wonderful, and just.
PSALM 106.
From the cxxxii. Psalm of David. 10, WITH due rev'rence, let us all To GOD's abode repair;
And, prostrate at his footstool fall'n, Pour out our humble prayer.
From the cxxxiii. Psalm of David.
1 HOW vast must their advantage be, How great their pleasure prove, Who live like brethren, and consent In offices of love!
2 True love is like the precious oil, Which, pour'd on Aaron's head, Ran down his beard, and o'er his robes Its costly fragrance shed.
3 "Tis like refreshing dew, which does On Hermon's top distil; Or like the early drops, that fall On Sion's favor'd hill.
4 For Sion is the chosen seat Where the Almighty King
The promised blessing has ordain'd, And life's eternal spring.
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