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Unfathom'd caves beneath the deep
For thee their hidden treasures keep.
2 By thee alone the living live,
Hide but thy face, their comforts fly;
They gather what thy seasons give,
Take thou away their breath, they die;
But send again thy spirit forth,
And life renews the gladden'd earth.

3 Joy in his works JEHOVAH takes,
Yet to destruction they return,
He looks upon the earth, it quakes,
Touches the mountains, and they burn:
But God for ever is the same;
Glory to his eternal Name!

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From the cv. Psalm of David.

10 RENDER thanks, and bless the LORD. Invoke his sacred Name; Acquaint the nations with his deeds,

His matchless deeds proclaim.

2 Sing to his praise in lofty hymns,
His wondrous works rehearse ;
Make them the theme of your discourse,
And subject of your verse.

3 Rejoice in his almighty Name,
Alone to be adored;

And let their hearts o'erflow with joy
That humbly seek the LORD.

4 Seek ye the LORD, his saving strength Devoutly still implore;

And, where he's ever present, seek
His face for ever more.

5 The wonders that his hands have wrought

Keep thankfully in mind;

The righteous statutes of his mouth,
And laws to us assign'd.

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From the cvi. Psalm of David.

1 O RENDER thanks to GOD above,
The fountain of eternal love;
Whose mercy firm through ages past
Has stood, and shall for ever last.

2 Who can his mighty deeds express,
No! only vast, but numberless?
What mortal eloquence can raise
His tribute of immortal praise?
3 Happy are they, and only they,
Who from thy judgments never stray
Who know what's right; nor only so,
But always practise what they know.
4 Extend to me that favor, LORD,
Thou to thy chosen dost afford;
When thou return'st to set them free,
Let thy salvation visit me.

50 may I worthy prove to see
Thy saints in full prosperity;
That I the joyful choir may join,
And count thy people's triumph mine.

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For his mercies ever sure,
From eternity the same,
To eternity endure.

2 Let his ransom'd flock rejoice,
Gather'd out of every land,
As the people of his choice,

Pluck'd from the destroyer's hand 3 In the wilderness stray,

la the lonely waste, they roam, Hurgry, fainting by the way,

Far from refuge, shelter, home:

4 To the LORD their GOD they cry; He inclines a gracious ear, Sends deliv'rance from on high,

Rescues them from all their fear:

5 Them to pleasant lands he brings,
Where the vine and olive grow;
Where, from verdant hills, the springs
Through luxuriant vallies flow.
6 0 that men would praise the LORD,
For his goodness to their race;
For the wonders of his word,
And the riches of his grace!

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I THY wondrous power, Almighty LORD,
That rules the boist'rous sea,
The bold adventurers record,
Who tempt that dang'rous way.

2 At thy command the winds arise,
And swell the tow'ring waves;
While they astonish'd mount the skies,
And sink in gaping graves.

3 Dismay'd they climb the wat'ry hills,
Dismay'd they plunge again;
Each like a tott'ring drunkard reels,
And finds his courage vain.

4 Then to the LORD they raise their cries
He hears their loud request,
He calms the fierce tempestuous skies,
And lays the floods to rest.

5 Rejoicing, they forget their fears,
They see the storm allay'd:
The wish'd-for haver: now appears;
There, let their vows be paid!

6 O that the sons of men would praise
The goodness of the LORD!
And those who see his wondrous ways
His wondrous love record!

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From the cviii. Psalm of David.

I O GOD, my heart is fully bent


To magnify thy Name;
My tongue with cheerful songs of praise
Shall celebrate thy fame.

2 Awake, my lute; nor thou, my harp,
Thy warbling notes delay;
Whilst I with early hymns of joy
Prevent the dawning day.

8 To all the list'ning tribes, O LORD,
Thy wonders I will tell,
And to those nations sing thy praise
That round about us dwell;

4 Because thy mercy's boundless height
The highest heaven transcends,
And far beyond th' aspiring clouds
Thy faithful truth extends.

5 Be thou, O GOD, exalted high
Above the starry frame;

And let the world, with one consent,
Confess thy glorious Name.


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II. 2
From the cx. Psalm of David.

1 THE LORD unto my Lord thus spake:
"Till I thy foes thy footstool make,
Sit thou in state at my right hand:
Supreme in Sion thou shalt be,
And all thy proud opposers see

Subjected to thy just command.

2 "Thee, in thy power's triumphant day, The willing people shall obey;

And, when thy rising beams they view, Shall all, (redeem'd from error's night,) Appear more numerous and bright

Than crystal drops of morning dew."

8 The LORD hath sworn, nor sworn in vain, That, like Melchisedec's, thy reign

And priesthood shall no period see: Anointed Prince! thou, bending low, Shalt drink where darkest torrents flow, Then raise thy head in victory!

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From the cxi. Psalm of David.

1 PRAISE ye the LORD! our GOD to praise

My soul her utmost power shall raise;
With private friends, and in the throng
Of saints, his praise shall be my song.
2 His works, for greatness though renown'd,
His wondrous works with ease are found
By those who seek for them aright,
And in the pious search delight.

3 His works are all of matchless fame,
And universal glory claim;

His truth, confirm'd through ages past,
Shall to eternal ages last.

4 By precepts he hath us enjoin'd
To keep his wondrous works in mind;
And to posterity record

That good and gracious is our LORD.

15 His bounty, like a flowing tide,
Has all his servants' wants supplied;
And he will ever keep in mind
His cov'nant with our fathers sign'd.
6 Just are the dealings of his hands,
Immutable are his commands,
By truth and equity sustain'd,
And for eternal rules ordain'd.

7 He set his saints from bondage free,
And then establish'd his decree,
For ever to remain the same:
Holy and rev'rend is his Name.

8 Whe wisdom's sacred prize would win
Must with the fear of GOD begin.
Immortal praise and heavenly skill
Have they who know and do his will.

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1 THAT man is bless'd who stands in awe
Of GOD, and loves his sacred law;
His seed on earth shall be renown'd,
And with successive honors crown'd.
2 The soul that 's fill'd with virtue's light
Shines brightest in affliction's night;
To pity the distress'd inclined,
As well as just to all mankind."
3 His lib'ral favors he extends,
To some he gives, to others lends;
Yet what his charity impairs
He saves by prudence in affairs.
4 Beset with threat'ning dangers round,
Unmoved shall he maintain his ground
The sweet remembrance of the just
Shall flourish when he sleeps in dust.

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From the cxiii. Psalm of David. 1 YE saints and servants of the LORD, The triumphs of his name record;

His sacred Name for ever bless: Where'er the circling sun displays His rising beams or setting rays,

Due praise to his great Name address. 2 GOD through the world extends his sway, The regions of eternal day

But shadows of his glory are: With him whose majesty excels, Who made the heaven in which he dwells,

Let no created power compare. 3 Though 't is beneath his state to view In highest heaven what angels do,

Yet he to earth vouchsafes his care; He takes the needy from his cell, Advancing him in courts to dwell, Companion of the greatest there.

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2 Why should the Heathen cry, "Where's 18 Therefore my life's remaining years,


The GoD whom ye adore ?" Convince them that in heaven thou art, And uncontroll'd thy power.

3 0 Israel, make the LORD your trust,
Who is your help and shield;
Priests, Levites, trust in him alone,
Who only help can yield.

4 Let all who truly fear the LORD
On him they fear rely;
Who them in danger can defend,
And all their warts supply.
5 of us he oft has mindful been,
And Israel's house will bless;
Priests, Levites, proselytes, e'en all
Who his great Name confess.

6 On you, and on your heiss, he will
Increase of blessings bring:
Thrice happy you, who favorites are
Of this almighty King!

7 Heaven's highest orb of glory he
His empire's seat design'd;
And gave this lower globe of earth
A portion to mankind.

8 They who in death and silence sleep To him no praise afford;

But we will bless for evermore
Our ever-living LORD.

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From the cxvi. Psalm of David.

1 MY soul with grateful thoughts of love Entirely is possess'd,

Because the LORD vouchsafed to hear
The voice of my request.

2 Since he has now his ear inclined,
I never will despair;

But still in all the straits of life

To him address my prayer.

3 With deadly sorrows compass'd round,
With pains of hell oppress'd,
When troubles seized my aching heart
And anguish rack'd my breast,-
4 On Gov's almighty Name I call'd,
And thus to him I pray'd;
""LORD, I beseech thee save my soul,
With sorrows quite dismay'd."
5 How just and merciful is GOD,
How gracious is the LORD!

Who saves the harmless, and to me
Des timely help afford.

6 Then, free from pensive cares, my soul, Resume thy wonted rest;

For God has wondrously to thee
His bounteous love express'd.

7 When death alarm'd me, be removed

My dangers and my fears;

My feet from falling he secured,
And dried my eyes from tears.

Which GOD to me shall lend,
Will I. in praises to his Name,
And in his service, spend.

9 In GOD I trusted, and of him
Did boast in greatest fear:
Though in my trouble I exclaim'd,
All men are insincere.

10 O what return to God shall I
For all his goodness make?
I'll praise his Name, and with glad zeal
The cup of blessing take.

11 I'll pay my vows among his saints
Whose blood (howe'er despised

By wicked men) in GOD's account
Is always highly prized.

12 To thee I'll off'rings bring of praise;
And while I bless thy Name,
The just performance of my vows
To all thy saints proclaim.
13 They in Jerusalem shall meet,
And in thy house shall join
To bless thy Naine with one consent,
And mix their songs with mine.

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From the exvii. Psalm of David.

10 PRAISE the LORD, for he is good,
His mercies ne'er decay;
That his kind favors ever last,
Let thankful Israel say.

2 Their sense of his eternal love
Let Aaron's house express;
And that it never fails, let all

That fear the LORD confess.

8 Far better 't is to trust in GoD,
And have the LORD our friend,
Than on the greatest human power
For safety to depend.

4 The LORD has been my help; the praise To him alone belongs;

He is my Saviour and my strength,
He only claims my songs.

5 Joy fills the dwelling of the just,
Whom GOD has saved from harm;

For wondrous things are brought to pass
By his almighty arm.

6 He, by his own resistless power,
Has endless honor won;

The saving strength of his right hand
Amazing works has done.

7 GOD will not suffer me to fall,
But still prolongs my days;
That, by declaring all his works,
I may advance his praise.

8 When GOD had sorely me chastised,
"Till quite of hopes bereaved,
His mercy from the gates of death
My fainting life reprieved.

9 Then open wide the temple gates
To which the just repair,
That I may enter in, and praise
My great deliv'rer there.

10 Within those gates of God's abode
To which the righteous press,
Since thou hast heard, and set me safe,
Thy holy Name I'll bless.

11 That which the builders once refused
Is now the corner-stone:
This is the wondrous work of God,
The work of GOD alone.

12 This day is GOD's; let all the land
Exalt their cheerful voice:
"LORD, we beseech thee, save us now
And make us still rejoice."

13 Him that approaches in GOD's name Let all th' assembly bless;

"We that belong to God's own house Have wish'd you good success."

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1 How shall the young preserve their ways From all pollution free?

By making still their course of life
With thy commands agree.

2 With hearty zeal for thee I seek,
To thee for succor pray;

O suffer not my careless steps

From thy right paths to stray.

3 Safe in my heart, and closely hid Thy word, my treasure, lies,

14 GOD is the LORD, through whom we all To succor me with timely aid

Both light and comfort find;

Fast to the altar's horns with cords

The chosen victim bind.

15 Thou art my LORD, O GOD, and still
I'll praise thy holy Name;
Because thou only art my GoD,
I'll celebrate thy fame.

16 0 then with me give thanks to GOD,
Who still does gracious prove;
And let the tribute of our praise
Be endless as his love.

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When sinful thoughts arise.

4 Secured by that, my grateful soul
Shall ever bless thy Name;

O teach me then by thy just laws
My future life to frame.

5 My lips, unlock'd by pious zeal,
To others have declared

How well the judgments of thy mouth Deserve our best regard.

6 Whilst in the way of thy commands, More solid joy I found,

Than had I been with vast increase
Of envied riches crown'd.

7 Therefore thy just and upright laws Shall always fill my mind;

1 HOW bless'd are they who always keep And those sound rules which thou prescrib'st

The pure and perfect way;

Who never from the sacred paths

Of God's commandments stray!

2 How bless'd, who to his righteous laws Have still obedient been;

And have with fervent humble zeal,
His favor sought to win!

8 Such men their utmost caution use
To shun each wicked deed;
But in the path which he directs
With constant care proceed.

4 Thou strictly hast enjoin'd us, LORD,
To learn thy sacred will;
And all our diligence employ
Thy statutes to fulfil.

Entire respect shall find.

8 To keep thy statutes undefaced
Shall be my constant joy;
The strict remembrance of thy word
Shall all my thoughts employ.


1 BE gracious to thy servant, LORD;
Do thou my life defend,
That I according to thy word
My time to come may spend.

2 Enlighten both my eyes and mind,
That so I may discern

The wondrous things which they behold, Who thy just precepts learn.

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1 My soul, oppress'd with deadly care,
Close to the dust doth cleave;
Revive me, LORD, and let me now
Thy promised aid receive.

2 To thee I still declared my ways,
And thou inclin'dst thine ear;
O teach me then my future life
By thy just laws to steer.

S If thou wilt make me know thy laws,
And by their guidance walk,

The wondrous works which thou hast done
Shall be my constant talk.

4 But see, my soul within me sinks,
Press'd down with weighty care;
Do thou, according to thy word,
My wasted strength repair.

5 Far, far from me be all false ways
And lying arts removed;
But kindly grant I still may keep
The path by thee approved.

6 Thy faithful ways, thou Gop of truth,
My happy choice I 've made;
Thy judgments, as my rule of life,
Before me always laid.

7 My care has heen to make my life
With thy commands agree;
O then preserve thy servant, LORD,
From shame and ruin free.

8 So in the way of thy commands
Shall I with pleasure run;
And, with a heart enlarged with joy,
Successfully go on.


1 INSTRUCT me in thy statutes, LORD,
Thy righteous paths display;
And I from them, through all my life,
Will never go astray.

2 If thou true wisdom from above
Wilt graciously impart,

To keep thy perfect laws I will
Devote my zealous heart.

13 Direct me in the sacred ways
To which thy precepts lead;
Because my chief delight. has been
Thy righteous paths to tread.

4 Do thou to thy most just commands
Incline my willing heart;
Let no desire of worldly wealth

From thee my thoughts divert.

5 From those vain objects turn mine eyes,
Which this false world displays;
But give me lively power and strength
To keep thy righteous ways.

6 Confirm the promise of thy word,
And give thy servant aid,
Who to transgress thy sacred laws
Is awfully afraid.

7 The censure and reproach I fear,
In mercy, LORD, remove;
For all the judgments thou ordain'st
Are full of grace and love.

8 Thou know'st how after thy commands
My longing heart does pant;

O then make haste to raise me up,
And promised succor grant.

1 THY constant blessing, LORD, bestow
To cheer my drooping heart;
To me, according to thy word,
Thy saving health impart.

2 So shall I, whosoe'er upbraids,
This ready answer make;
"In GOD I trust, who never will
His faithful promise break."

8 Then let not quite the word of truth
Be from my mouth removed;
Since still my ground of steadfast hope,
Thy judgments, LORD, have proved.

4 So I to keep thy righteous laws
Will all my study bend;
And constantly my time to come
In their observance spend.

5 My soul shall gladly walk at large.
From all oppression free,
Since I resolve to make my life
With thy commands agree.

6 My longing heart and ravish'd soul
Shall both o'erflow with joy,
When in thy loved commandments I
My happy hours employ.

7 Then will I to thy holy laws
Lift up my willing hands;
My care and business then shall be
To study thy, commands.

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