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LIFE OF BUNYAN (Preliminary). To study wisely this wonderful book we must


know the author-one of God's heroes. life and history are the key to Pilgrim's Progress.

1. BORN NEAR BEDFORD, England, 1628; died, London, 1688. Humble and obscure origin; probably of gypsy blood. As boy had few advantages. No signs of greatness in youth. Great men often from humble conditions. Some obscure boy will dream out a book, invention, discovery, that thrills world. (Franklin, Stephenson, Faraday, Arkwright, Hargreaves, Edison.) When, like Bunyan, obedient to God they conquer worlds.

2. DesperatelY WICKED YOUTH. Tinker by trade. Soldier at seventeen; cursing, swearing, lying youth. At nineteen married a devoted girl; the young tiger tamed. Dangerous experiment for a Christian girl; often ends in broken heart. Bunyan and wife read together two pious books of hers; outwardly he reformed. At sport on Sabbath, awakened; resisted the Spirit; became desperately blasphemous; rebuked by an abandoned woman; stung and silenced; never swore again :

became moral. Friends amazed, but he, only a poor, painted hypocrite, knew nothing of Christ.

3. CONVERSION. Conversation of three pious women led to inquiry. Their pastor (Rev. Mr. Gifford) led Bunyan to genuine conversion. Life now founded on Bible. Became Baptist; no close communion views. Severe conflict; all young converts have same. Bunyan immortalized his trial in "combat with Apollyon;" after many temptations slays fiend with two-edged sword. Conquers by intense prayer and study of Bible. Clear sky. Henceforth his life almost unclouded peace.

4. MINISTRY. Now began cottage meetings. Still a tinker. Wonderful power to present Christ. Audiences increased. Soon called to preach. Reign of Charles II, frivolous and debauched. Bunyan assailed by ridicule and condemned at first, then slandered and abused; but the people flocked to hear. One night officers arrested him in cottage for holding unlawful meetings. Not authorized by Established Church. Imprisoned; shut up as felon because he did not use prayer book. Methodism born amid such bigotry. Thank God, the day is past. Bunyan several times offered freedom if he would attend English Church and stop preaching. His heroic reply: "If I was out of prison to-day I would preach

the Gospel again to-morrow, by the help of God." With wife and four children destitute, suffering, would not sell conscience. Wife would not let him yield. Separation from family severe trial, especially his "poor, blind child.” "Home to prison." Twelve years in jail, damp, cold, filthy. To support family learned to make tagged lace.

5. PRISON AND WRITING. All day at work; evening brings blind daughter to carry home lace. Reads Bible; kneels on stone floor: prays with child; kisses her good night. Not alone; a rude lamp; Bible Concordance; pen, ink, paper. Writes, smiles, clasps hands, looks up, blesses God. Skies shine with light. Twelve years of nights with God in jail! Inspired and writes; beauteous vision glows; flowing on paper in burning pictures. Thus Pilgrim's Progress originated.

1672 liberated by Richard Carver's claim on king, whom he (Carver) carried through the surf to shore. Bunyan released, began preaching again undisturbed. Sixteen years of glorious work, winning many souls. In 1688, in London, on errand of mercy, died of fever. Last words, "The blessed sunshine is about me! It is morning."

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"What shall I do to be saved?"

"PILGRIM'S PROGRESS;" an allegory. Christian life a pilgrimage; shown by variety of pictures. Christ's method. Book deals with reality; not rhapsodies, but, real experiences of life. Free from bigotry. Written in bigoted age by a Baptist, yet nothing sectarian; no immersion taught; no close communion.

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1. AWAKENED. Book opens with Pilgrim walking through wilderness; "clothed with rags (sinful nature); his home, City of Destruction; face from his own house (starting); Bible in hand; burden on back (sin); reading, weeping, trembling, crying "What shall I do?" First question of awakened soul. Danger felt; lost condition; told his family; thought him de ranged; got him to bed; night of tears; morning family chide and ridicule. Walking in field reading, praying. Evangelist meets; gives Pilgrim roll with words "Flee from the wrath to come." Whither? Evangelist points to gate. Word of God shining there; Pilgrim bean to run; family cry after him to return; stops his


ears, ran crying" Life, life, eternal life!" Neighbors mocked and threatened.


Obstinate and Pliable

2. UNGODLY FRIENDS. overtake him; resists Obstinate's appeal to go back. Ungodly friends try ridicule and sneers to turn back awakened soul. Resolute purpose needed; word of God only guide now. Obstinate leaves; crazy, fanatical fellow." Young Christians must resist worldly companions; yield to them you are lost. Run, run for wicket gate; keep eye on light above the gate. Stop ears to all voices; only one way of safety to wicket gate. Reach that at all hazard. Obstinate cannot give up the world. Scoffs at Bible; begs Pliable to return. Pliable represents sentimental, shallow person. At first eager; when trial comes, no strength.

3. DESPONDENT. Now both Christian and Pliable fall suddenly into Slough of Despond. Lack of watchfulness and prayer. Pliable discouraged, struggles out and returns home. Christian because of burden sinks deeper; struggles. for shore next to wicket gate. Honest seeker; no going back. Help came to him. God always sends help to resolute. Fear of Christian made him oblivious of solid steps through the Slough These are God's promises. God's help drew Christian out safely. Now on solid ground. Al ways help for the earnest.

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