PUBLISHED MONTHLY. H. HUDSTON, BOROUGH PRINTING OFFICES, NOTTINGHAM. COMMUNICATIONS have been received from J. Service, Glasgow; W. Godson, Beverly; G. Greenwell, Huddersfield; R. Ellis, Junr., Harrogate; J. Mair, Edinburgh; I. R. Rollo, Irvine; J. Carnduff, Kilmarnock ; T. Saunders, Kirkaldy; G. Y. Tickle, Liverpool; J. G. Ainslie, Dundee; W. Anderson, Dundee; J. Witham, London; D. King, London; J. Hudston, Newcastle; E. Hulme, Shrewsbury; J. Litchfield, Kingsthorpe ; George C. Young, Camberwell New Road; and D. Roberts, Liverpool." We cannot permit a second number of the BANNER to go amongst our brethren and friends, without expressing our hearty thanks to them for their zealous co-operation. It shall be our endeavour to deserve their aid. We would also return thanks to those correspondents who have favoured us with their valuable suggestions. They are regarded by us as sign-posts on the highway to perfection. It is with pleasure we invite the attention of our readers to the article from the pen of brother Tickle, page 59, on raising a fund for the distribution of the BANNER. We shall be most happy to do our part in the furtherance of this object. Will the brethren please to express their minds on the matter? 66 We have two pamphlets in the press, from the pen of our talented and devoted brother Greenwell; the first, intituled, "The Entrance into the King's House," with an Appendix; the second, The Feast upon the King's Table." These pamphlets are written and printed by request of the brethren at Huddersfield, and are well adapted for an extensive distribution. They may be obtained with the April BANNER, price 1d. per copy, or 78. 6d. per 100. Copies forwarded by post, 2d. each. In giving orders for the BANNER to the Bookseller, please remember to give the address of our London house, " Ives and Swan, 14, Paternoster Row," and there will be no difficulty in obtaining them. Our subscribers may rely upon our best endeavours to ensure punctuality. 66 The Christian's Manual" will be duly announced in the BANNER when through the press. "The Third Epistle of Peter" may be obtained from London, as above. LIST OF SUBSCRIBER'S NAMES RECEIVED FOR THE PEOPLE'S EDITION OF CAMPBELL AND RICE'S DEBATE, UP TO OUR GOING TO PRESS. In reply to several inquiries we beg to state, that it is our intention to issue a People's Edition of A. CAMPBELL & BISHOP PURCELL'S DEBATE, uniform with the Lexington Debate, if we meet with encouragement to do so. The issuing of these Debates from the British press, at so low a price, imperatively require the united support of our brethren and friends. HE GOSPEL BANNER AND BIBLICAL TREASURY commences its career in a most ominous age. One which has characteristics possessed by few of its predecessors. A strong belief that a glorious period is at hand; an intense anxiety for it; and an untiring energy in accelerating its approach; are amongst the most prominent features of this age. The great mass of mankind have that belief, though they cannot agree what is to constitute the joy and glory of the period. Some believe that it will be political freedom, when every man shall be able to wave the cap of liberty on each green hill and plain. Then all shall live in prosperity with their families, in harmony with their neighbours, and in peace with their rulers. Others regard a full education in natural, moral, and intellectual knowledge, as the first cause of that age. These consider that by such an education man would become a dignified and polished being. His intellect and moral feelings being raised to their rightful power, and his animal propensities curbed into subjection to them. Another section of the human family consider that if the bright age should come in this dispensation of God's favour, it will be constituted of a freedom from the power of sin, existing in ourselves and others: and that this will be caused by a perfect knowledge of the revealed will of God, and of a cheerful obedience unto it. Every intelligent and pious member of this section, believes, that if the happy period is not ordained to be before the personal return of the Saviour, yet that it is their duty to proclaim this knowledge and freedom; for they believe that these alone can effectually remove the cause of man's misery, and produce for him essential good. Of this faith we confess ourselves to be. Although we acknowledge the value of political freedom, in elevating man to a nobler and happier position, cheerfully admitting that it unchains his mind, pours joy into his heart, and causes him to exercise his powers of spirit and body with more life and vigour. We also know the influence of true scientific knowledge over man-that it gives strength to the faculties of his soul, and tends to restrain him from indulging too much in animal pleasures. But it is not from his earthly circumstances, nor from a knowledge of the properties and relations of created objects, that man can obtain a pure and enduring happiness. Could his life glide away as a soft flowing stream, reflecting, |