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And each time the Deacon shall respond:

Always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Then both make three devout reverences. And the Deacon, taking the censer, saith:

For the Precious Gifts now offered up, let us pray to the Lord.

Then the Priest maheth the PRAYER 0F OBLATION:

O God our God, who didst send forth the Heavenly Bread, the Nourishment of the whole world, our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, to be our Saviour and Redeemer and Benefactor, blessing and sanctifying us: Do thou, the same Lord, bless also this oblation, and accept it on thy most heavenly Altar. Call to remembrance those who offer it, and those for whom it is offered, inasmuch as thou art good and lovest mankind; and preserve us blameless in the holy ministry of thy Divine Mysteries.

For sanctified and glorified be thy most honourable and majestic Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Then the Priest pronounceth the DISMISSAL, saying:

Glory to thee, O Christ our God; glory to thee.

Deacon. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thriee.)

Master, bless.

Then the Priest pronounceth the BENEDICTION. (f it be Sunday

May he who rose again from the dead, Christ our true God, . .

But if it be not Sunday:

May Christ, our true God, through the intercessions of his allundefiled Mother; of our Father among the Saints, John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople (or, if the Liturgy of St. Basil be used: of Basil the Great, of Cæsarea in Cappadocia); and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us, and save us : for he is good and loveth mankind.

Deacon. Amen.

After the Benediction. the Deacon censeth the Holy Oblation. Then (if the Pontifical Sen/ice is to follow, see page 78. If not :) he goeth and censeth the Holy Altar round about, in the form of a cross. saying, secretly: (5) In the grave with the body, but in Hell with the soul, in that thou art God; in Paradise with the thief, and on the throne with the Father and the Spirit, wast thou, O Christ, filling all things, in that thou art infinite.


Then he shall recite Psalm li.: Have mercy upon me, O God, after thy great goodness; (See page 45).


Meanwhile, he censeth the Sanctuary and all the Temple, and returneth again to the Holy Altar; and having a ain censed it and the Priest, he putteth the censer aside in its place, and approachcth the Priest. And standing together before the Holy Altar, they make three lowly reverences, praying secretly, and saying:

0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fillest all things; Treasury of good things, and Giver of life: Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain; and save our souls, 0 Good One.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men. (Twice.) O Lord, open thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth thy praise.

Then the Priest hisseth the book of the Holy Gosjels, and the Deacon kisseth the Holy Altar. Then the Deacon, bowing his head before the Priest, and holding his stole with three fingers, saith:

It is time to sacrifice unto the Lord. Bless, Master.

And the (Bishop or the) Priest, signing him with the sign of the cross, saith:

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of


Deacon. Pray for me, holy Master.

(Bishop or) Priest. May the Lord direct thy steps unto every good work.

Deacon. Remember me, holy Master.

(Bishop or) Priest. May the Lord God remember thee in his kingdom always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Deacon. Amen.

And having made a humble reverence, he goeth out throufh the north door, and standing in his accustomed place before the Ho y Door, he thrice boweth his head reverent/y, and saith, secretly:

O Lord, open thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth thy praise.

Thereafter he beginneth, aloud:

Bless, Master. (See page 79.)

If the Priest celebrate without a Deacon, the words assigned to the Deacon in the OFFICE OF OBLATION and in the LITURGY, before the Gospel is read; and in response: Bless, Master: and: Pierce, Master; and: It is time to sacrifice: shall not be said. As, likewise, the litany and ablation of ranks. But if many Priests serve, as in a Cathedral, only one Priest shall perform the Office of Oblation, and shall say what is herein set forth; but no other of the Priests shall say that Ofiice separately. They are allowed only to take out the particles for the living and the dead.

If a Pontifical Service is to follow, then, after the Benediction of the


Office of Oblation, the Priest who hath celebrated the Office of Oblation (and the other Priests, in their cassochs), bearing a cross upon a salver, accompanied by the Proto-Deacon or Deacon with the censer and taper, the crazier-bearer with the Bishop’s crazier, and the Sub-Deacons with the mantle and the eagle-rugs, go forth to meet the Bishop at the western door. As the Bishop entereth the Temple, the Deacon exclaimeth: Wisdom! And the Bishop saith, secretly; I will enter into thy house (see page 68). He is then vested in his mantle, and hisseth the cross, and giveth it to be kissed by all the Priests who are preparing to celebrate the Liturgy; and then, while the Choir singeth: Meet is it: ... More honourable (see page [07), supporting himself on his crazier, he approacheth the Holy Door, and there give/h the blessing for the PRAYER 0F ENTRANCE, as shown above. (See page 68.)

After the Prayer: Stretch forth thy hand, 0 Lord... (see page 68), the Bishop turneth his face towards the People, and blesseth the worshippers, whi e the Choir singeth:

Ton Despotin kai Arkhieréa imon, Kyrie fylatte. Eis polla éti, Déspota. (Preserve, O Lord, our Master and Bishop. For many years, O Master.)

The Bishop then goeth to his dais; the Clergy ash his blessing, and withdraw into the Sanctuary to vest themselves. The Priest who hath celebrated the Office of Oblation blesseth the beginning of the Hours:

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Reader. Amen.

And he readeth the Tmnn our: and the SIXTH Houn.

Meanwhile the Sub~Deacons begin to vest the Bishop, having first removed his mantle, cowl. pectoral holy image, and outer cassock. While the Bishop’s vestments are being put upon him, the Proto-Deacon, censer in hand, reciteth the same Verses which the Priests recite as they vest themselves. (See above.) Or, sometimes, they are chanted by the Chair, the ProtoDeacon exclaiming before each: Let us pray to the Lord; and using the second person, and substituting for “Priests" the word “Bishops," and so forth.

When the fall (omofbr) is put on, the Deacon saith:

When thou hadst taken upon thy shoulders human nature which had gone astray, O Christ, thou didst bear it to heaven, unto thy God and Father, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

And with the pectoral holy image he saith:

May God create in thee a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within thee, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. At the second pectoral image (if there be one), he saith:

Thy heart is inditing of a good matter; thou shalt speak of thy deeds unto the King, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


And with the cross he saith:

If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, saith the Lord, and take up his cross and follow me, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

And with the mitre he saith:

The Lord hath set upon thy head a crown of precious stones. Thou askedst life of him, and he shall give thee length of days, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Then the Proto-Deacon standeth aside, and the Sub-Deacons enter the Sanctuary, and taking from the Clergy the dihlri and the trihiri, they bear them to the Bishop. And the Proto-Deacon saith:

May thy light so shine before men that they may see thy good works and glorify our Father which is in heaven, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

And the Bishop bestoweth the blessing, in cross-form, with the dihlri and the trihlri, to the east, and the west, and the south, and the north, while the Choir singeth slowly:

Ton Despétin kai Arkhieréa imon, KYrie fylatte. Eis polla éti, Déspota. (Preserve, O Lord, our Master and Bishop. For many years, O Master.) (6)

Then the ewer and basin are brou ht by the Proto-Deacon and the Deacon, and the Bishop washeth his hands, if there be no Setting-apart of a Reader or Chanter, or the Ordination of a Sub-Deacon. But if there be a Setting-apart or an Ordination, then he who is to be set apart or ordained bringeth the ewer and basin, after he hath been vested in his dalmatic, in the manner set forth in the Order for the Laying-on of Hands.


Settingapart of

Readers and


Ordination of Sub


When the SIXTH HOUR approacheth its close, all the Clergy. having vested themselves, come forth from the Sanctuary through the north door, and taking their stand beside the Bishop, begin to pray:

O God, cleanse thou me, a sinner. (Thrice.)

Bishop. 0 Heavenly King . . . (See page 67), with hands uplifted.

Glory to God in the highest,

O Lord, open thou my lips,


Proto-Deacon. It is time to sacrifice unto the Lord. Bless, Right Reverend Master. (See page 80.)

The First Priest and the Proto~Deacon kiss the Bishop‘s hand, and the Priest goeth into the Sanctuary, and openeth the Holy Door, while the Proto-Deacon remaineth standing outside, in front of the holy picture of the Saviour.

The Bishop remaineth on his dais (káthedra), until the Little Entrnnce. The other C ergy enter the Sanctuary after the Exclamations at the Great and Little Litanies.



Deacon. Bless, Master.

Priest (bestowing the blessing, in oross-form, with the book of the Gospels from the Altar). Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Choir. Amen.


And if it be at Eastertide:

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life.

THE GREAT LITANY (Velikaya Ekténiya).

Deacon. In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord. R

For the peace of the whole world for the welfare of God's holy Churches, and for the peace of them alle B

For this holy Temple, and for those who with faith, deNoutness, ant of the fear of God have entered therein: R For our Holy Synod (or Patriarch); for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N.; for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ; for all the clergy, and the laity: R

Here follow petitions for the Ruler of the Land and for all the Authorities (Emperor, or King, and Reigning House, or President, according to the elements and nationalities of which the Parish is constituted).

let us pray to the Lord.

Choir. Lord, have mercy.

If a Bishop be the remebrant, he
saith here, secretly, the PRAYER


O God our God, who didst send forth the Heavenly Bread, the Nourishment of the whole world, our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, to be our Saviour and Redeemer and Benefactor, blessing and sanctifying us: Do thou, the same Lord, bless also this oblation, and accept it on thy most heavenly Altar. Call


remembrance those who offer it, and those for whom it is offered, inasmuch as thou art good and lovest mankind; and preserve us blameless in the holy ministry of thy Divine Mysteries.

For sanctified and glorified be thy most honourable and majestic Name, of the Father, and Of the Son’ and 0f the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


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