A MANUAL OF FAMILY DEVOTION, CONTAINING A FORM OF PRAYER FOR EVERY MORNING AND EVENING IN THE WEEK, SELECTED CHIEFLY FROM The Book of Common Prayer. BY THE REV. THOMAS STEVENSON, M.A. CHAPLAIN TO THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS WELLESLEY. London: PRINTED FOR C. & J. RIVINGTON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD, AND WATERLOO-PLACE; T. CADELL, IN THE STRAND; J. HATCHARD AND SON, PICCADILLY; AND L. B. SEELEY AND SON, FLEET-STREET, 1825. PREFACE. IN the first Number of the Quarterly Theological Review, Article 9th, some very just and useful remarks are made on the obligation and advantages of private and family prayer. I beg leave to transcribe a few sentences from this excellent Article. "That portion of religious duty which consists in devotional exercises, whether in the congregation, in the domestic circle, or in the privacy of the closet, is, it has been well said, A light unto the soul: it is a groundwork and preparation, a motive and security, for that practical holiness which is not comprised in the mere profession of piety, but influences and adorns the sincere Christian when he goes forth to his daily commerce with the world. |