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It gives me pleasure that you have so far noticed this, in the words which we have adopted from the Greek, Latin, Italian and French for you will be inclined the more readily to concur with me, that the same thing is equally observable in those words which are original in our own language. Thus

BRAND-in all its uses, whether Fire-brand, or a brand of infamy (i. e. Stigma, itself a participle of (w) or brand-new, (i. e. newly burned,) is merely the past participle Bren-ed, Bren'd*, of the verb To Bren; which we now write To Burn.

Sir T. More wrote the word indifferently Bren and Burn.-" At St. Waleries here in Picardy there is a faire abbey, where saint Walery was monke. And upon a furlonge of, or two, up in a wood is there a chapel, in which the saint is specially sought unto for the Stone; not only in those partyes, but also out of England. Now was there a yonge gentilman which had maried a marchantes

*["And blow the fire which them to ashes BRENT."

Faerie Queene, booke 1. cant. 9. st. 10.]

wife; and having a littel wanton money, which hym thought BRENNED out the bottom of hys purs, in the firste yere of hys wedding toke hys wife with hym and went ouer the sea for none other erand, but to se Flaunders and France, and ryde out one somer in those countrees. And hauing one in hys company that tolde by the waye many straunge thinges of the pilgrimage, he thought he wold go somewhat out of his way, either to se it, if it were trew, or laughe at his man if he founde it false; as he veryly thought he should have done in dede. But when they came in to the chapell they founde it all trewe. And to beholde they founde it fonder than he had tolde. For like as in other pilgrimages ye se hanged up legges of waxe or armes or suche other partes, so was in that chapell al theyr offringes that honge aboute the walles, none other thinge but mens gere and womans gere made in waxe. Then was there besides these, two rounde ringes of siluer, the one much larger than the other: through which euery man did put his prevy membres at the aulters ende*. Not euerye man thorough bothe, but some thorough the one and some thorough the other. Then was there yet a monke standing at the aulter that holowed

["The author reports that, in crossing the forests of Westrogothia on horseback, they stopped a while at Lincopen, to look upon a column of stone, wherein there was a hole, designed for a use which cannot decently be expressed in vulgar language; but here is the Latin of it- Vestrogoticis silvis equitantes inducti, Lincopiæ, ob loci religionem non omittenda, tantillum substitimus: ibi cippus lapideus, pertusus, explorandæ maritorum membrositati : qui pares foramini, approbantur, impares excluduntur connubiali toro: inde matrimonia aut stant aut cadunt, pro modulo peculii.' -Bayle's Dictionary, 2d edit. vol. 2. Article Francis Blondel, pag. 30. Note A.]

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certeine thredes of Venice golde: and them he deliuered to the pilgrimes, teching them in what wise themselfe or theyr frendes should use those thredes agaynst the Stone: that they should knitte it aboute their gere, and say I cannot tel you what praiers. As this gentylman and his wife wer kneling in the chapel, there came a good sadde woman to him, shewing him that one speciall poincte used in the pilgrimage and the surest against the Stone, she wist nere whither he were yet advertised of. Which if it were done she durst laye her lyfe, he shoulde neuer haue the Stone in his life. And that was, she would haue the length of his gere, and that should she make in a waxe candel whiche should BREN up in the chapell, and certaine praiers shoulde ther be sayd the while. And thys was against the Stone the very shote anker. Whan he had hard her (and he was one that in earnest fered the Stone) he went and askid his wife counsel. But she like a good faithfull christen woman loued no suche supersticions. She could abide the remenant wel ynough. But when she herde ones of BRENNING up the candell, she knit the browes, and earnestly blessing her :-Beware in the vertue of God what ye do, quod she, BURNE up, quoth-a! Marry, God forbede. It would waste up your gere, upon paine of my life. I praie you beware of such witchcraft."-Sir Thomas More's Workes. A Dialogue made in the yere 1528, pag. 195.

ODD-Is the participle Owed, Ow'd. Thus, when we are counting by couples or by pairs; we say-One pair, two pairs, &c. and one Owed, Ow'd, to make up another pair. It has the same meaning when we say--An ODD man, or an ODD action: it still relates to pairing; and

we mean-without a fellow, unmatched, not such another, one Owed to make up a couple.

"So thou that hast thy loue sette unto God,
In thy remembraunce this emprint and graue,
As he in soueraine dignitie is ODDE,

So will he in loue no parting felowes haue."

Sir T. More's Workes. Rules of Picus, pag. 28.

HEAD-IS Heaved, Heav'd, the past participle of the verb To Heave: (As the Anglosaxon Deafod was the past participle of Deafan) meaning that part-(of the body-or, any thing else) which is Heav'd, raised, or lifted up, above the rest *.

In Edward the third's time, it was written Heved.

"And I say an other strong aungel comyng down fro Heuene, keuerid or clothid with a cloude, and the reyn bow in his Heued." -Apocalyps., chap. 10. (verse 1.)

"The Heuedes of holy churche, and they holy were,

Christe calleth hem salt."

Vision of P. Ploughman, fol. 84. pag. 1.

"Persons and priests that Heueds of holy kyrke ben."

Ibid. passus 16. fol. 84. pag. 2.

WILD-is Willed, Will'd (or self-willed) in opposition to those (whether men or beasts) who are tamed or subdued (by reason or otherwise) to the will of others or of Societies.

FLOOD-is Flowed, Flow'd.

"And sens it rayned, and al was in a FLODE."

Troylus, boke 3. fol. 176. p. 1. col. 1.

* [" The first, to which we nigh approched, was
An high HEADLAND thrust far into the sea."

Spenser, Colin Clouts come home again.]

LOUD is the past participle of the verb To Low, or To Bellow (lopan, Behlopan) Lowed, Low'd. To Bellow, (i. e. To Be-low) differs no otherwise from To Low, than as Besprinkle differs from Sprinkle, &c. What we now write LOUD, was formerly, and more properly, written LOW'D.

Skinner mistakingly says-" LOWD, melius LOUD, ab A. S. "lud."-Not perceiving that Dlud is the past participle of lopan: and Skinner's authority perhaps contributed to mislead those who followed him, to alter the spelling to LOUD.

"And with LOW'D larums welcome them to Rome."

Tit. Andron. fol. 1. pag. 32.

"Who calls so LOW'D."-Romeo and Juliet, pag. 74.
"The large Achilles (on his prest-bed lolling)
From his deepe chest laughes out a LOWD applause."
Troylus and Cressida.

"Honor, loue, obedience, troopes of friends,

I must not looke to haue; but, in their stead,
Curses, not LOWD, but deepe."-Macbeth, pag. 149.
"Why, what would you?

Make me a willow cabane at your gate,

Write loyall cantons of contemned loue,

And sing them LOWD euen in the dead of night:
Hollow your name to the reuerberate hilles,
And make the babling gossip of the aire
Cry out-Oliuia."-Twelfe Night, pag. 259.
"Do but start

An eccho with the clamor of thy drumms,
And euen at hand a drumme is readie brac'd
That shall reuerberate all as LOWD as thine.
Sound but another, and another shall
(As LOWD as thine) rattle the welkin's eare
And mocke the depe-mouth'd thunder."

King John, pag. 20.

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