VERSICULI ALIQUOT LATINI BY WILLIAM ALMACK OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, AND ONE OF THE MASTERS OF TENUES HOS VERSICULOS N. PINDER QUONDAM E SOCIIS COLLEGII S. S. TRINITATIS OXON. GRATO ANIMO D. D. D. GULIELMUS ALMACK E DIV. COLL. JOH. CANTAB. ET E MAGISTRIS Hæc mea musa tibi tenuissima carmina sacrat, Si quid habent pulchri, est nomen habere tuum. INDEX OF FIRST LINES I. A golden column next in rank appeared, 2. And Julian made a solemn feast, I never, 3. By many names men call us, 4. Hadst thou but lived though stripped of power, 5. I doubt not the flowers of that garden sweet, 6. Let me not have this gloomy view, 7. Must thou go, my glorious chief, 8. My dearest child, I have no song to give you, 9. No more shall meads be decked with flowers, 10. Now gentle sleep hath closed up those eyes, II. O silvery streamlet of the fields, 12. O! snatched away in beauty's bloom, 13. Oh that those lips had language! life has passed, . 14. Rarely, rarely comest thou, PAGE 34 46 44 14 40 30 20 66 52 48 58 18 56 42 |