The Northumbrian Chieftain: Or, Spectre of the Abbey. A Legendary Tale. Collected from an Ancient ManuscriptD. Bass, 1803 - 60 pages |
From inside the book
Page 15
... Wallace , nor in this wish was the oath of allegiance prostituted in the youthful hero . Bufied in contemplation , he was interrupted by the fudden approach of the Caledonians . The air was darkened by a difcharge of arrows - ( 15 )
... Wallace , nor in this wish was the oath of allegiance prostituted in the youthful hero . Bufied in contemplation , he was interrupted by the fudden approach of the Caledonians . The air was darkened by a difcharge of arrows - ( 15 )
Page 23
... wish . After a pleasant journey of some days , the princely retinue arrived at the castle of Alwyne . -It's Gothic appearance charmed the fair daughter of the once renowned Percy . Fond of nature's scenery , she chose her abode in this ...
... wish . After a pleasant journey of some days , the princely retinue arrived at the castle of Alwyne . -It's Gothic appearance charmed the fair daughter of the once renowned Percy . Fond of nature's scenery , she chose her abode in this ...
Page 57
... wish to live dishonoured - no ! -but thou , thou perfidious incestuous villain , think of thy fufferings here- after - and finner as thou art , remember me ! ' Lost in bewildered amazement , I strove to fly - but perceiving my intent ...
... wish to live dishonoured - no ! -but thou , thou perfidious incestuous villain , think of thy fufferings here- after - and finner as thou art , remember me ! ' Lost in bewildered amazement , I strove to fly - but perceiving my intent ...
Common terms and phrases
acroſs addreſſing anguiſh arms baron blaſt bleſſings blood boafts bofom boſom brother caſtle of Alwyne CHAP chieftain chofen chriſtian claſped cloſed courſed cried curſe dare daughter domeſtic dreadful drooping earl Earl Percy Edric Edwy Elwina Engliſh eſcape exclaimed faid father feat filver fincerity fled fleeps fond foon forrow fuffer funk hanging rock happineſs happy heard heart heaven heireſs human infult iſſue Juſt laſt manfion manufcript Manuscript defaced Martha melancholy mercy moſt murder noble houſe NORTHUMBRIAN o'er paffion paſſed Percy pilgrim poſſible preſent purpoſe raiſed rapture repoſe reſolution roſe rouſed ruffians ruſhed ſave ſaw ſcattered ſcene Scots ſeized Shakespeare ſhall ſhalt ſhe ſhed ſhewed ſhield ſhort ſhortly ſhouts ſhrieks ſhuddering Sir Alwyne Sir Knight ſmall ſmile ſome ſpectre ſpirit ſpot ſtarted ſteel ſteps ſtood ſtorm ſtranger ſtreams ſtrength ſtrove ſtruck tear thee thoſe thou thro unfold vaſſal virtue virtuous viſion Wallace warrior wiſh youth
Popular passages
Page 3 - O ! might she stay to wash away her stains, And fit her for her passage ! Mournful sight ! Her very eyes weep blood ; and every groan She heaves is big with horror : but the foe, Like a staunch murderer steady to his purpose, Pursues her close through every lane of life, Nor misses once the track, but presses on ; Till, forced at last to the tremendous verge, At once she sinks to everlasting ruin.
Page 26 - But to fine issues ; nor Nature never lends The smallest scruple of her excellence But, like a thrifty goddess, she determines Herself the glory of a creditor, Both thanks and use.
Page 34 - Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood ! Over thy wounds now do I prophesy (Which like dumb mouths do ope their ruby lips, To beg the voice and utterance of my tongue...
Page 18 - Of every hearer; for it so falls out, That what we have we prize not to the worth, Whiles we enjoy it; but being lack'd and lost, Why, then we rack the value; then we find The virtue, that possession would not show us, Whiles it was ours...
Page 22 - midft the chace on every plain, The tender thought on thee fhall dwell. Each lonely fcene-mall thee reftore,. For thee the tear be duly fhed ; Belov'd, till life can charm no more ; And mourn'd, till Pity's felf be dead; [ 99 J ODE OK THE DEATH OF MR.
Page 13 - For, lo, what monfters in thy train appear ! Danger, whofe limbs of giant mold What mortal eye can fix'd behold ? Who ftalks his round, an hideous form, Howling amidft the midnight ftorm, Or throws him on the ridgy fteep Of fome loofe hanging rock to fleep...
Page 51 - Morpheus roufes from his bed, Sloth unfolds her arms, and wakes, Lift'ning Envy drops her fnakes ; Inteftine War no more our paffions wage, And giddy Factions hear away their rage.
Page 25 - And whiten the prospect around ; When the keen cutting winds from the north shall attend, Hard chilling and freezing the ground ; When the hills and the dales are all candied with white, When the rivers congeal to the shore, When the bright twinkling stars shall proclaim a cold night, Then remember the state of the poor. When the poor harmless hare may be trac'd to the wood, By her footsteps indented in snow ; When the lips and the fingers are starting with blood ; When the marksmen a...
Page 40 - For, as we die, we muft remain ; Hereafter all our hopes are vain, To make our peace with Heaven, or to return again. The heathen, who no better underftood Than what the light of nature taught, declar'd, No future mifery...
Page 40 - Go, bring, the Judge impartial, frowning, cries, Thofe rebel fons, who did my laws defpife ; Whom neither threats nor promifes could move, Not all my fufferings, nor all my love, To fave themfelves from everlafting miferies. At this ten millions of archangels flew Swifter than lightning, or the fwifteft thought.