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repeatedly prefsfed him to his throbbing bofomfpeech was denied him, and overcome with the fudden tranfition of forrow and rapture, he funk upon the couch.

The fon of Alwyne knelt at his father's feetthe chieftain recovered-gazing his new found treafure in the face, he exclaimed, "My Elwina lives!'

In a few days, the daughter of Witherington, accompanied by a princely retinue, joined her lord, at the Castle of Alwyne. The baron received her with fond parental rapture, and this alliance more strongly cemented an ancient friendship in the noble houses of Witherington and Alwyne. The clouds of forrow were dispersed, and domeftic peace fat fmiling in their hall.

READER,-Humanity is one of the first of virtues--by following it's mild precepts, you gain the affection of all good men. Benevolence prolonged the existence of the hero of this fragment of the days of other times, and served as a shield from afsassination. Though misfortune frowned on his youth, yet real happiness accompanied the winter of his age. With the calm ferenity of a christian, he died in the arms of his affectionate children, and 'Chearing Hope lighted. him to the mansion of his forefathers."





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