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meet him? I have not now, in the theatre of the wide world, a relative-let him come-he shall inherit the possessions of his ancestry. I'll clasp him with real affection in my arms, and be to him as a brother.

The stranger funk upon his feat a scalding tear coursed down his cheek 'Never! never!" he exclaimed.

The milk of human kindness filled the bofom of Sir Alwyne, he approached nearer to the pilgrim, and affectionately took him by the hand.

The features of the mysterious stranger fuddenly affumed the mark of ferocity, rifing from the couch, he cried 'Keep off, thou man of goodness, I am a murderer!?

The baron started..

The pilgrim hastily put his hand into his bofom and drew forth a small manuscript volume, - Here, Sir Knight,' he cried, 'read the infamy of I dare not name him look not so sternly on me, Sir Alwyne, I came with the horrid intention of murdering you!

The chieftain laid his hand upon his fword..


'Fear not,' cried the stranger, I dare not injure you. The spirits of the Just hover to protect the virtuous. - Last night!-mighty powers -Last night!

'Pilgrim,' replied Sir Alwyne, 'did I ever wrong thee?'

'No? no! answered the stranger-Oh! I have finned against heaven! Mark me, Sir Knight, the manufcript in your poffeffion will unfold all to you-it will unfold a fad variety of woe liften to me.'



"Shadows of the dead, the murdered, rise-your dying agonies, your black and strangled visages, your gaping wounds, shall make me quake, -yet oh! tell me, to what unknown, what stranger coatts you will conduct me ?-The foul recoils within herself, and shrinks with terror from the dreadful thought, while fancy, cunning in her malice, fills the scene with horrid phantoms."


Translation from the Robbers.

The Villain-Suicide.

THE HE infernal design of afsaffinating the worthiest of the human race, was fixed on last night, and at the time you took your accustomary survey of the ramparts of the castle, as the most likely period to accomplish it. I had long refolved the project in my mind, and the demon of cruelty led me on; but your attendants were too powerful to cope with, and providence, who, with watchful eye, guards the minutest actions of the Just, had rendered my dreadful purpose abortive.

'Night o'ershadowed me I fought repose, (if repose is granted to the bosom of barbarity,) in the eastern battlements the filver moon played through the crevices of the broken walls, and ferved to cheer the awful gloom around.

Musing on the stability of the undertaking, I was alarmed by the bell of the neighbouring monastery founding folemn the hour of midnight, and an awful bursting of a thunder cloud, struck terror on my callous heart.

'I hastily rose to quit the spot, but my footsteps were arrested in my flight-oh! would I could I bury it in oblivion-a lady, shrouded in the drapery of the grave, stood before me-the resolution that I fo lately boasted, fled, and staggering, I fell against the decayed wall.

'The inhabitant of the tomb, grinned horridly -her hand, cold and clammy with the dew of death, she extended forth raised-and clasped me in a dread embrace. Her corrupted flesh fell from the bones, and a ghaftly skeleton remained in my arms!

'I gave a shriek of horror.

' A blue flame quivered round a black marble pillar-in crimfon characters were wrote



'The flame vanished-I strove to fly from the dreadful scene-terror gave me strength, but the skeleton pursued me o'er the ruins..

At length I reached the moor-the storms of infulted heaven affailed me-overpowered, I funk to the earth.

'How long I remained infenfible, I am unable to conjecture you found me, and your humanity afforded confolation to my depraved heart. Gratitude and contrition hath drawn me to a disclosure of crimes, dreadful in the recital.'

Sir Alwyne rofe-the pilgrim proceeded.

In the paper now before you, are inferted a variety of atrocities, that are beyond the leaft hope of mercy!-I dare not kneel to pray, and my stubborn knees refuse to bend before the altar of the creator of the world! Hark!heard you not a voice-fee-fee again the phantom!-ha! she comes towards me! nay approach me not-point not to your gaping wounds.-Agnes, mercy-Elwina, save me!"

The chieftain stood aghaft.

• Thou man of integrity!' fhrieked the fuffering unfortunate, pray for me-I am the deceiver of your children - I stole them from the foftering arms of their parent- I murdered your spotless wife-I am your Brother!!'

Sir Alwyne funk upon the couch.

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