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Lord Viscount Townshend;

Regis, Lord-Lieutenant of the County of
Principal Secretaries of STATE, and one
of his most Honourable Privy Council.

My Lord,


S the free Use of the
Holy Scriptures in the
Hands of all Sorts of

People, after a long
and pernicious Re-

straint, was what gave Life and

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Rect. MVP, 12-26-39

Birth to the Proteftant Religion; fo our Endeavours to render them as. intelligible to all Capacities, as pofsibly we can, is the best Means to preserve and improve the Remains of its true Spirit and Purity amongst us.

WHEN, with this fincere View, I had refolved to cast my poor Mite into a Treasury, already so enriched by the Pens of learned Men, it was no small Encouragement to me, that I had not far to look for an Honourable Patron, under whose secure Protection I might presume to offer it to the World. One, whom Europe knows to be an Englishman, upon Maxims truly English; and a Church of England Man, upon the everlasting Foundation of the Scriptures and the Reformation.


To these Principles so highly valuable, We owe the many unshaken Endeavours of Your Lordship for the Proteftant Interest in general, and that of Great Britain in particular.

THE Part You had in Uniting our Island, into one uniform and happy Government, will now unite Men of all Sentiments in acknowledging it, as a lasting Monument of Your Wisdom.

I WILL not presume to take upon Me, to describe, in their proper Lights, the Candour and unalterable Integrity that appeared in all Your Publick Negotiations; when, justly esteemed worthy to act in Concert with the most consummate General and Statesman, You naturally attracted the entire Confidence of all the High Allies; A3 caufing causing it to center in the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain.

THE Treaty of Succeffion and Barrier is now its own Vindication; fince the peaceable and quiet Accession of our Glorious Protestant King to his Throne, cannot but put all considering Men in Remembrance, in how great a Degree this defirable Event was owing to Your steady Zeal for this Succession, to the Councils You were actuated by, with fuch Forefight and Constancy, as render'd You fuperior to Calumnies and Reproaches, to Threats and Promises, and even the worst Examples. And that We have lived to fee all Occafions of Trembling for our Ark taken away, will furely convince us all of the Obligations We have to those who have fuffer'd in so great a Cause ; and may it fit close and long upon the


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