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Page 115

79 God is to his people their plan-
ter, builder, &c. they are 15 That he should be despised of

his planting, his vine-yard


which he watereth and mak-16 That he should be hated.

eth fruitful, his house, his 17 Reproached.

building, God planted the 18 The reproaches that were cast
Jewish nation in Canaan.

upon him.

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fixed by other events fore-33 They mock him on the cross.
told in prophecy. Page 113 34 They part his garments.-

6 The country and town where His words on the cross.

Christ should be born.

35 Christ's prays for his enemies.

26 Christ is called a Priest.

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ed, the design thereof.

Christ gave himself, and for
what end.

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16 Eternal life is the gift of God
through Christ.



19 Christ's care of his people.-

CHAP. XII. Of the Holy Ghost.


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4 Wisdom.

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