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points: the elucidation of some fundamental doctrines of our faith; and the inculcation of a practical truth of the highest moment, yet a truth which too often, if we may judge by the language in common use among men when speaking either concerning themselves or others, is fatally undifcerned or disregarded, that nothing short of an avowed and unreferved furrender of the whole heart to God through Christ, evinced, under the bleffing of divine grace, by a zealous and habitual pursuit of universal holiness, is Religion.

Many persons appear to imagine that, when once the researches of an individual into the Christian Revelation have satisfied him as to its sacred authority, the remainder of his religious course lies plain and easy before him. They perceive not that he has afcended but the first and the least laborious acclivity of the mountain. Surely it requires but a small degree of infight into human nature and the

Scriptures to discover with how much greater facility


facility the understanding is convinced of speculative truth, than the heart is subdued to a productive faith and a practical love of holiness. I shall rejoice if any part of the following pages should be rendered instrumental in diffipating the pernicious delufion which I have mentioned.

I am, with fincere respect,
My Lord,

Your Lordship's obliged

Yoxall Lodge,
April 20, 1802.

and affectionate Servant,


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