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not have perished entirely without effect, should a thought remain of him, to whom, in the innocence of childhood, you bent the willing knee-O! dwell for an instant on that fleeting thought; remember, painful as may be the recollection now-remember, you have "a master in heaven;" think, if your stronger mind hath yielded to temptations, how your excesses will have led weaker minds astray think of the blood that will be required at your hands-think of the cry that echoed from every haunt of misery, from every death-bed of despair, from every scaffold on which the offender hath atoned for crimes, of which you, and you alone, are the author: think how that cry, piercing to the throne of grace, will bring down accumulated vengeance on your guilty head; think of all this think of it when you are by yourself, when your heart is saddened, perhaps, with apprehensions of ill, you know not what.


These moments of depression come kindly when they do come-they come to steal us from the world, to disunite so gently, that we scarce perceive the work, the links which bind us to this worthless earth. In moments such as these, think of what I have reasoned with you-pray God to change your heart-pray him, that you may have strength given, to enable you to sustain the trial that is proposed to you; assume a new part— become the priest of your household: morning and evening assemble them all around you stand forth in the midst, and in sincerity of heart, beseech the Master you have in heaven, to send down a blessing upon you and them; to enable each of you faithfully to perform his trust -to assist you in all your difficultiesto support you through all your dangers; and on every company of sinful men, met together for uses such as these, may the Holy Spirit come down to sanc

tify-may they approach, day by day, nearer and nearer to the goal of life; and when the victory over the grave is won, and all have passed the fearful barriers which separate them from the untrodden world, may they find him they have served on earth, a compassionate and forgiving "Master in heaven." Now to God, &c.



Acts ii. 1.

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.


THE thousand rumours that ever attend events uncommon or striking, had long died away and been forgotten scribe returned to his deserted school; the Pharisee resumed his ostentatious life; the disciple of Sadoc sought his accustomed pleasures; again did the temple of God become "a house of merchandize;" the money-changer replaced his table; and he that sold doves re-erected his seat; all things wore their usual and apparently unvarying aspect;

nought but the solitary cross on Calvary told that a prophet had appeared in Israel, and had received a prophet's doom. It was said, indeed, it was murmured, a low and cautious whisper went round the city, that the tomb of the malefactor Jesus had been found empty, but the watch might have been ill kept; his disciples interested in the completion of the impostor's vaunt, might have stolen away the body; the real Messiah was a widely different person from him who had so rashly, and for himself so unhappily, usurped the office:' thus reasoned the wise man, and argued the ancient.

Where were the crowds which followed the benevolent Jesus? Where the sick whom he had restored to health? Where the blind whose darkness he had made light? Where the lame who had received strength? Where the poor whose labours he had cheered, and

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