FROM THE MINUTES OF THE YEARLY MEETING OF FRIENDS HELD IN PHILADELPHIA, By adjournments from the 21st of the Fourth Month 1890. PHILADELPHIA: WM. H. PILE'S SONS, PRINTERS, 422 WALNUT STREET. EXTRACTS. At a Yearly Meeting of Friends held in Philadelphia, by adjournments from the 21st day of the Fourth Month to the 25th of the same, inclusive, 1890. Twenty-first of the month and Second of the week.The Representatives were all present except three Friends; prevented by indisposition. The Minutes of the Meeting for Sufferings were read, detailing the labors in which they had been engaged during the past year. These had been largely in the line of the preparation and distribution of writings which set forth the doctrines and testimonies of the truth as held by Friends, and whose tendency is to stir up the readers to greater dedication of heart to the service of our Lord. Sympathy and unity with their labors were freely expressed, and a desire was felt that in thus spreading before others an outward knowledge of the principles of the Gospel, our members may dwell under the power of the Spirit of Christ, so that their own lives may extend an invitation to them to come and have fellowship with us, because our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son. The Meeting for Sufferings had also addressed a memorial to the Congress of the United States, remonstrating against increased expenditures for naval and military purposes. This meeting united with their labors and encouraged them to continued faithfulness in using such opportunities as may open in the truth for the furtherance of the Lord's cause. (For Report of Book Committee, see page 17.) (For Memorial to Congress, see page 20.) The Report of the Indian Committee was interesting and satisfactory to the Meeting. Its suggestion that the Yearly Meeting appropriate $2000 for their use the present year was approved. As they requested some addition to their number, a committee was appointed to consider the subject, and if way opens therefor, to nominate suitable Friends to a future sitting of this Meeting. The committee having suggested the appointment of a few judicious women Friends to co-operate in their work, this suggestion was approved, if it should meet the approval of women Friends. (For Report of Indian Committee, see page 23.) To examine and settle the accounts of John W. Biddle, our Treasurer, compare his payments with the vouchers, and propose a sum to be raised for the use of the Meeting the ensuing year, a committee was appointed. Twenty-second of the month and Third of the week. John S. Stokes on behalf of the Representatives, reported that on convening they were united in proposing that Joseph Walton be appointed to act as Clerk, and John E. Carter as Assistant Clerk, to the Meeting for the present year. These nominations were separately considered and united with by this Meeting, and the Friends appointed to the respective services. Twenty-third of the month and Fourth of the week. By reports received from all the Quarterly Meetings it appears that there are within our limits 772 children of suitable age to attend school. Of these, during the past year 224 have been at Westtown; 250 at schools under the care of Monthly or Preparative Meetings; 120 at other schools taught by members, or who have received instruction at home; making 594 receiving school education under the care of the Society. One hundred and sixty-one have attended schools not taught by members, and 17 have not been at school during the year, or their situation in this respect is unknown. An interesting report was also received from the Committee on Education; their labors were satisfactory to the Meeting, and their request for an appropriation of $1500 to aid them in their work was approved. Monthly Meetings were requested to send up reports next year as to the education of their children, as heretofore. (For Report of Committee on Education, see page 27.) By reports received from all of the Quarterly Meetings on the use of intoxicating liquors, it appears that 189 of our members have made use of them as a drink during the past year, and one has handed them to others, making 190 in all who have disregarded the advice of the Yearly Meeting on this subject. 28 of these persons have also handed them to others. In most of these cases there is reason to believe that the use has not been frequent, and that only the milder forms of intoxicants were drunk. Labor has been extended in many instances to dissuade those concerned from continuing this indulgence. In addition to those enumerated above, one report states that a few of their members were not entirely clear of the use of cider. Under a belief that there is danger in the use of even the milder forms of intoxicants, the Meeting |