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BS 2577 259


To the most Reverend

Father in GOD,

THOMAS. Lord ARCH-BISHOP of Canterbury, &c.

May it please Your Grace,

O accept favourably

St. Matthew, as an humble Expression of that Duty and Honour, which I, with all good Men, owe to your Grace, whom the especial Providence of God has placed in the highest Station of our Church; where by your wife Government and

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pious Example you support and encourage true Religion and Virtue, which feem to be in great Danger not only from the bold Pretenders to Atheism and Deism, but even from the many Controverfies about smaller Matters, raised and

uncharitably managed among Christians, while little regard is had to the great Duties and moft effential

Parts of Religion.

The Care, Sincerity, and

Impartiality with respect to any Theological Controverfies, wherewith I have endeavoured to explain in

general the Doctrine and



History of our Saviqur, may, I hope, procure me Pardon for the involuntary Errors and Failings in this Performance. For as I cannot without great Prefumption, suppose it free from Mistakes; fo I truft I have no where offered any interpretation repugnant to the fundamental Articles of our Religion, or the neceffary Rules of Holy Life. And that I might not be deceived in matters of so great importance, I have (as I thought my felf obliged to do) fubmitted these Papers, before they were made publick, to the view and cen

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fure of fome of my Superiors, on whose Judgment I thought I might safely rely.

Now that God may long preserve your Grace, for the Good and Honour of this Church, is the constant Prayer of,


Your Grace's

most humble

and obedient Servant,

S. C.

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