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both discourses clearly evinced the deep interest which the auditors took in the subjects, which were treated with remarkable closeness and consecutiveness of argumentation and felicity of illustration, as well as with deep fervour and earnestness. On Tuesday evening the public assembled in increased numbers to listen to the talented lecturer, while he discoursed on a theme which has occupied the best attention of Christian divines in all ages, namely, 'The Origin of Evil,' in which the lecturer endeavoured to show-and, to our mind, successfully that we need not travel from home to solve this apparently intricate problem, that we, too, have within ourselves the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Life, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the Serpent, which tempts each of us as he tempted our first parents. Here again the subject was elucidated by illustrations which brought it home to the humblest intelligence. It is not for us to pronounce on the correctness of the views of which Mr. Gunton is so talented an exponent; but his advocacy of them clearly shows that they have a foundation in reason to stand upon. We should, however, be committing an unpardonable omission did we not add that, while the rational faculty is constantly appealed to, and its vigorous exercise enforced in the investigation of religious truth, the Holy Scriptures are as constantly referred to as the ultimate and supreme arbiter, and are brought to bear with telling force upon the subject in hand." The subjects which followed were "The Second Coming," "The Widow's Pot of Oil," "The Creation of Man in the Image of God," Geology and Genesis," "The Resurrection," "The House built upon a Rock," pentance," and "The New Jerusalem." On Tuesday, the 9th of June, the friends of the Jersey New Church Missionary Association held their annual meeting in the Prince of Wales Assembly Rooms. Seventy sat down to tea, their number being afterwards increased to one hundred and fifty. The chair was occupied by A. J. Le Cras, Esq., who delivered an interesting address, intended to show the folly of adhering to the mere letter of the Divine Word to the exclusion of its spiritual sense, reading, by way of illustration, an extract from a London paper describing the ceremony of wash




ing the feet, as practised in one of the principal Parisian churches during the Passion week, and concluding with a beautiful exposition of the spiritual sense of our Lord's washing His disciples' feet, which, he showed, represented the purification of the external man by the truths of the Word, received in the understanding and wrought out in the life. this meeting the report of the retiring committee was presented, from which we learn that the small means at their disposal has prevented their undertaking any public missionary services during the year except this visit by Mr. Gunton. They had failed to obtain a public room at St. Aubins; but were hopeful of obtaining Mr. Gunton's services again for a more extended service at St. Heliers. On the following evening a meeting was held in the Temple, to devise means for removing the debt of £300. still remaining on the building. Mr. Gunton was present and rendered them good service, and there seemed reason to hope that this object might be accomplished during the present year.

SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARIES.-One of the pleasant and interesting services connected with the several societies of the church in Lancashire is their Sunday school anniversary. The societies usually sustain one another on these occasions, the attendance is large, and the services excite considerable interest. In no part of the kingdom is the interest in Sunday schools more marked than in the manufacturing parts of Lancashire and Yorkshire. This is seen in the large numbers attending the schools, the amount of money contributed for their support, and the number of persons who take part in their teaching and superintendence. We have received accounts of several of the school anniversaries, but have not space for extended reports. At Radcliffe and Bolton the churches were completely filled, every seat being occupied, and sittings placed in the aisles to accommodate the overflowing congregations. At Ramsbottom the friends obtained the use of a large public hall, feeling assured that their small chapel would not hold the congregations that would assemble. The sermons at the two former places were by the Rev. R. Storry; and the collections, at Radcliffe £81., at Bolton £34. At Ramsbottom the sermons were by the Rev. J. Hyde,

who addressed the large audiences assembled with his accustomed eloquence. The collections amounted to £34., a sum which exceeds that of any previous occasion.

CLAYTON-LE-MOORS.-On Saturday afternoon, June 6th, the foundation-stone of the New Jerusalem School at Claytonle-Moors was laid in Arthur-street. Up to last October the children of New Church parents attended school at Accrington, but the distance being two miles, great inconvenience was experienced by both parents and children, and consequently an effort was made to establish a school in their own locality. Accordingly, in October last, a school was opened, and has so far been successful. There are at present seventy-eight scholars and twelve teachers, and these have met hitherto in the Mechanics' Institute, but the room having become too small, the friends have been compelled to provide increased accommodation. After mature consideration, they decided to build a school-chapel. James Lomax, Esq. very kindly allowed them their choice of a site, and the present one in Arthur-street was fixed upon. The interior of the building will be 72ft. by 27ft., and 23ft. to the middle of the ceiling. The length will be divided into six bays, and will have an open timber roof, the principals springing from stone corbels built into the side walls. Each bay will be lighted by two windows on a stone mullion, in keeping with the general design. The building is in the early Gothic style, and will be erected under the superintendence of Mr. Thos. Hacking, the architect. The total cost is estimated at £600., towards which sum £300. has been already promised and received. The building is designed to hold six hundred people. Prior to the ceremony a procession was formed at the Mechanics' Institute, where the school is at present taught. On arriving at the site, where a goodly number of spectators were gathered, the proceedings were opened by the Rev. John Hyde, of Manchester, giving out the 23rd hymn, which was sung by a choir, the assembly joining with them. Mr. Hyde then offered up a suitable prayer, after which Mr. E. J. Broadfield, B.A., of Accrington, was called upon to give a statement as to the uses to which the building would be devoted. After stating the

circumstances in which the movement had originated, and the uses to which the room would be devoted, he proceeded to remark on the general doctrines of the New Church, and on the relation of this church to other Christian communities. This was followed by the presentation of a silver trowel and mallet to Mrs. Pilkington, of Clayton House, by the teachers and friends of the school, as a token of the inestimable value they placed upon her services, and of the high appreciation they had of the interest she had taken in the school. The stone having been duly laid, W. H. Pilkington, Esq., responded on behalf of his wife for the presents she had received. He said it had been his good pleasure for more than twenty years, in Clayton-le-Moors, to speak to public audiences on various occasions, and relative to various matters; but he knew not a time when he stood up in their township to address an audience which gave him so much pleasure. He was delighted to see so many people gathered on Whit-Monday, when they had their annual festival. Nothing pleased him more than to see nearly 2,000 people parading the streets, all neat and clean, and now the members of the New Church were going to increase the number. They could not all think alike, neither had they all faces alike, but let them all try to love alike. A religious man, not trying to do good, was not carrying out what he believed; for a man really believed nothing but what he did. The speaker went on to describe some of the prominent doctrines of the true Christian religion; and was followed by the Rev. Mr. Hyde, who dwelt on the universality of the Divine Mercy and the unsectarian character of true religion. It always seemed to him that they were like so many persons in a great field, where were a large number of weeds; and the Church of England, the Roman Catholic, the Methodist, and the other denominations, were all endeavouring to pluck up those weeds, and to lead men to a purer, holier, and nobler life; and to all who were doing that work he could stretch out the hand of fellowship and bid them God-speed. And it was only to the extent they did that work, that they could realise the blessing of the Lord"There is one Master even Christ, and all ye are brethren."

ISLINGTON.-The annual meeting of this society was held on the 19th May, and was followed by a tea meeting on the 26th. From the secretary's report it appears nine members have been added during the year, and the average attendances have increased some thirty per cent. At the Holy Communion also, the numbers have increased considerably. The society's position is, therefore, one of increased strength and increased means for usefulness. The meeting was addressed by Dr. Bayley, Rev. W.C. Barlow, Mr. G. Pulsford, Mr. Kimen, Mr. Bateman, who was in the chair, and the Secretary.

LIVERPOOL.-On the evening of May 18th, a public meeting was held for the recognition of Mr. Goldsack as minister of this society. The appointment, at first temporary, has recently been rendered permanent, and it was resolved to celebrate the event by a social meeting to which the congregation and several of the neighbouring ministers were invited. A pleasant and numerous party assembled to tea, and during the evening the large School-room was nearly filled. The chair was occupied by George Pixton, Esq., who regarded it as a piece of good fortune to occupy so prominent a place in the meeting. The society, he said, had increased in numbers, and he hoped would steadily improve in quality. They had been fortunate in obtaining the services of Mr. Goldsack, whose connection with the society he hoped would be long continued. He should himself regard its severance as a calamity, to prevent which he strongly urged on all, mutual affection, forbearance in judgment, and to keep the conscience void of offence. It was their duty to their minister to sympathise with him in his labours, and to render him a cordial assistance in the works of usefulness which he suggested, and in which he was engaged for the building up of the Church.-Mr. Skeaf introduced Mr. Goldsack with the assurance that he would uprightly discharge the duties of a minister; and Mr. Francis, in recognising his appointment, trusted that the society would give him every encouragement and assistance.

Mr. Goldsack, in a very able speech, of which we can only give a brief abstract, dwelt on the position we claim for the New Church, and on the ministry as a means of its establishment. We call it

the New Christian Church, foretold by the Lord in Daniel, vii. 13, 14, and in the Apocalypse, xxi. 1, 2. The world at large thinks that of all expositions of these visions and prophecies ours are the most mistaken, and we have to support the claim against such an amount of disbelief and pre-conceived aversion, that success would be impossible if our position were not in some form true. We believe that those prophecies refer not so much to any material or physical events and changes as to spiritual. We may sum up their fulfilment by saying it realises the heavenly upon earth; it is a bringing down of the higher glories of spiritual existence to bless and adorn the world. This, then, is our position. The Word of God is the source of all true doctrine, and in the doctrines we have derived from it are the basis and foundation of a new and everlasting church, even the grand and holy state pictured by the New Jerusalem in Revelation. The New Church, then, is no sect; its principles are derived solely from Holy Scripture; its aim is from those principles to build up a heavenly state upon earth. If you ask who compose it, I answer the good of every denomination, wherever there are faith and life according to Scripture; there, in one form or other, is part of that Church which is to stand for ever. If you reply, why then set up a new ecclesiasticism, a New Church? I answer, it is the best means to the end universal. Thus it can grow and expand, shedding its light and spreading its love in a form that can be seen and recognised; the more distinct its position, the greater its power. If men can see that it really is something greatly differing from other churches, it stands forth either acknowledged or condemned. Take for instance the doctrine of the Trinity. There is no common ground between our views of the sole and supreme Divinity of Christ Jesus, in whom dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, and those which have been taught for centuries of the "three persons, each by himself God and Lord." We acknowledge no connection whatever with such a theory of the Divine Being, and we wish such to be plainly understood. So with the doctrines of redemption, the future life, and others. There is a radical distinction, and the truest course is to say so plainly. Our doctrines have little or no

resemblance to the mass of religious teaching, and we come forward as a New Church in the Lord's name, to stand or fall, as our doctrines are from Him or not. In the one case public opinion will no more affect the truth and success of our views, than it has done the many verities it has at various times ridiculed and despised; in the other we deserve to fall. The New Church, then, is a necessity for the times,-necessary as the spiritual home of advancing minds, of minds which the prevalent doctrines of Christendom are failing to lead to a clearer knowledge and a purer love. Referring to his connection with the society, Mr. Goldsack, after warmly expressing his thankfulness and gratitude for the uniform kindness shown to himself and his dear wife, remarked-I have to teach and to preach according to the doctrines of our Church. To do, as best I can, the greatest good for the greatest number, is no small task. Few things, indeed, are more difficult than completely satisfying a variety of tastes. You come to church each Sabbath with various feelings and affections, each having had a week's work differing in nature and differing in effect, producing wishes and feelings of unlike kind; and though the service, that most important part of our Sabbath work, does much, very much, to bring the hearts and minds of the congregation into unity and harmony, yet will there be great variety of receptivity, each listener taking the preacher's words according to his or her state; on them as much as on him depends the success of his teaching. The worship of the Lord in sincere contrition before Him for sin, humiliation that the heart may receive His nature, thanksgiving and praise for His many mercies, are among the most important uses of public worship; and on the ground thus prepared the preacher must scatter the seed of truth, to be nurtured and produce good fruits; and just as the husbandman watches the field he has sown, is anxious that it should grow and be productive, is hopeful that no weeds shall come, no blight destroy the fruit of his labours, so is the spiritual husbandman equally careful and anxious that the seed he sows be not lost, but bring forth abundantly. Let us each, therefore, search out and endeavour to fulfil our individual duties, and then I am sure the Lord will bless and crown our efforts with success.

The address of Mr. Goldsack was followed by appropriate addresses from Revs. E. D. Rendell, W. Woodman, and R. Storry. Mr. Rendell urged on the society the duty of cordially and warmly supporting their minister. "Give him," he said, "the love and the coöperation he deserves. Let him feel that you are his friends. Sustained by your sympathy he will work on cheerfully and usefully. But if you become cold, he will be cold. And remember that an iceberg not only cools, it crushes. The angels strive to find the good. When we strive to find out spots we are not angels. It is by regeneration that we approach the angelic state. Let each endeavour, therefore, to become an angel." Mr. Woodman dwelt on the importance of the ministerial office, offered reasons for the setting apart proper persons to perform its functions, dwelt upon the value of continuous service, and cautioned against the seductiveness of popularity, as liable to foster pride and to sacrifice more solid advantages, and concluded by offering encouragements to the minister in the difficulties of his office, pointing to the Lord as the only source of aid and his everpresent helper. Mr. Storry after briefly tracing the preparation providentially made for the public teaching of truth, dwelt upon the need of the ministry of the New Church for the exposition of the Word, and the guidance of mankind to the attainment of the spiritual life. The end of preaching is a regenerated humanity, and this regeneration is only possible by the Word born into the hearts and minds of the people, and brought forth into their life and conduct. The evening was enlivened by some very choice music, and afforded eminent pleasure to the friends assembled. The congregations on the Sabbath are large and encouraging, and we hope that the appointment will be the commencement of a long course of happy and useful labour.

SOUTHPORT. The desire long felt by a few earnest New Church friends here to open a meeting room in which to worship the Lord Jesus Christ as the only true God of heaven and earth, has recently been accomplished. A room in Chapel-street, a central part of the town, has been rented, in which to hold services every Sabbath. The opening took place on Sunday, the 17th of May, on which occasion the Rev. E. D. Rendell, of

Preston, delivered two able and eloquent discourses; that in the morning on "Public Worship," and that in the evening on "The Dispensations of the Ancient and Modern Churches." The attendance was good, though not numerous. The number of receivers of the heavenly doctrines in Southport is not large, though sufficient to sustain a useful and edifying religious service. The opening of the room affords also an opportunity to New Church friends visiting this interesting and pleasant watering-place, to attend a New Church service, and the friends naturally hope they will avail themselves of the opportunity thus afforded.

WIGAN. The effort making by the society at this place to possess itself of a suitable room for a day and Sundayschool and a place of religious worship, had an encouraging commencement on the 27th of May. It was arranged that a procession of the members and friends, and the teachers and children of the Sunday-school, should proceed from the room at present occupied by the society, in Rodney-street, to the ground on which the new room is being built, and here a stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies by the Rev. W. Woodman, who has manifested a deep interest in the progress of the society. At the time appointed a considerable congregation, including a few friends from distant societies, and a number of strangers attracted by the service, assembled on the ground. The day was beautifully fine, and the proceeedings throughout animated and interesting. The service was commenced by a hymn, followed by a short introductory address by the Rev. E. D. Rendell, who presided. The stone was next laid in due form, after which Mr. Woodman delivered an earnest and animated address. He remarked particularly on the points of doctrine which the members of the New Church held in common with other Christian communities, noticing in this connection the Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ, around which, as a central truth, all Christian truths group themselves; the written Word, which it was impossible to venerate more highly than was done by the members of the New Church; faith, not indeed separate from love, but faith united with love, true faith being the eye of love, and love the soul of

faith. The work in which we were engaged was in harmony with the new era on which the world had entered. It was an age of education, of moral training, of the mental and physical improvement of the human family; and the members of the New Church would cheerfully and earnestly work with others in promoting its advancement. The harvest was great, but the labourers were few; and the wants of society furnished abundant room for the most earnest and united labours of all christian communities. This address was followed by prayer by the Rev. R. Storry, a short address by the Rev. J. Hyde, and the meeting closed by a second hymn and the benediction. After this service a numerous party assembled in the schoolroom of the Wesleyan Free Church, most kindly lent for the occasion, where a sumptuous tea was provided. After tea addresses were delivered by the ministers who had taken part in the proceedings, by Mr. Deans of Bolton, Mr. Kenyon of Wigan, Mr. Bucknall, and other friends. The proceedings throughout seemed to yield the greatest satisfaction to the friends present, and may be regarded, we hope, as an earnest of the success of their labours.

"CONFERENCE FUND."-The following was Minute 85, of the last General Conference :-"It appearing that the present contributions to the 'Conference Fund' are inadequate to meet the expenses, resolved,-That in the opinion of this Conference it is the duty of every society to contribute annually to the 'Conference Fund' a sum at the rate of not less than sixpence for each adult registered member; and the Conference directs that copies of this resolution be printed, and sent by the Treasurer, in May next, to every society of the church."


R. GUNTON, Treasurer, 83A, Guilford-st., Russell-square, W.C. "MAIDEN, PREPARE ΤΟ BECOME HAPPY WIFE AND MOTHER."-Under this title, as briefly noticed elsewhere, Mr. Butter has published an instructive and interesting address to young women on the subject of marriage. We have received a letter from a correspondent, for which we have not room, strongly recommending this little work as "calculated to produce much happiness and prevent much misery."

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