L LITURGY of St. JAMES, Freed from all latter ADDITIONS and INTERPOLATIONS of what- By comparing it with the Account given of that LITURGY by St. Cyril in his fifth MYSTAGOGICAL CATECHISM, And with the CLEMENTINE LITURGY, &c. loy Bp. Rattray Containing in so many different Columns, I. The Liturgy of St. James as we have it at present, the Interpolations being II. The same Liturgy without these Interpolations, or the ancient Liturgy of III. St. Cyril's Account of that Liturgy in his Vth Mystagogical Catechism. V. So much of the corresponding Parts of the Liturgies of St. Mark, St. Chryfoftom WITH AN English TRANSLATION and NOTES, AS ALSO An APPENDIX, containing some other ANCIENT PRAYERS, Δύναμιν λαβῶσα κυριακὴν ἡ ψυχὴ μελεῖᾷ εἶναι θεὸς, – ἀεὶ – εὐχαρισᾶσα ἐπὶ πᾶσι τῷ Θεῷ, - διὰ Προσφορᾶς, LONDON: Printed by JAMES BETTENHAM. M.DCC.XLIV, 9-14-38 1.4 Denioon Baker 7-25-38 36815 THE PREFACE. T HE Liturgy of St. James is unquestionably one of the most ancient and valuable now any where extant in the Christian Church. That it is the same that was used in the Church of Jerufalem about the Time of the first Council of Nice, will appear to any who will candidly compare it with St. Cyril's Vth Mystagogical Catechism; and we have no reason to doubt that it was so much earlier. It is indeed, as we now have it, very much corrupted (as all the other ancient Liturgies are, the Clementine only excepted) by the Additions that were introduced into the Worship of the Church in After-times: Concerning which fee Dr. Hickes's Christian Priesthood, from p. 141, to p. 146. Ed. 3d. But then upon examining it more attentively, it appeared to me that all these Additions and Interpolations, ions, of whatever kind, might eafily be diftinguished, and separated from it, and this excellent Lifeparated from it, turgy of the Church of Jerufalem thereby restored to it's original Purity. And this induced me to bestow some Pains in attempting it; presuming that it would not be unacceptable to such as have a just Regard for Antiquity; and might prove useful. of That all that Part, both of this and the other ancient Liturgies, which precedes the Anaphora, is a latter Addition to the Service of the Church, appears from the Account given thereof by Justin Martyr in his first Apology, from the Clementine Liturgy, and from the 19th Canon of the Council of Laodicea : By comparing of which, with other ancient Authorities, we plainly find that the Service of the Church began with reading of the Scriptures, intermixed with Pfalmody: After which followed the Sermon. Then the * See Can. 17. ἀκροώμενοι and ἄπιςοι, the Hearers and Unbelievers being dismissed, there followed in Order, the Bidding-Prayer of the Deacon, and the Collect of the Bishop, first for the A 2 Con. Laod. Bingh. Orig. Ecclefiaft. L 2, 3. xiv. cap. 1, Cate |