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thank themselves for the "progress of Dissent!" That their want of orthodoxy, properly so called, and their nouresidence, and other glaring corruptions of their ecclesiastical character, easily accounts for the zealous Dissenters having out-run them in exertion, and excelled them in success; the only success which in religion is lawful to be sought, the conversion of sinners to the cross of the Redeemer.

We take the liberty to advise, that if any other Reviews should appear in the "Quarterly," evidently written with an eye towards Canterbury, that no replies to them should be published by Dissenters. Surely it is not necessary that, in addition to supporting our own cause, and paying our proportion towards supporting the established clergy, and building the new churches, we should also be taxed by purchasing works, answering reasous often repeated, and worn-out statements, and continning to prove the self-evident propositions, the principles on which our Dissent is founded, that Christ is the Head, and the only Head of his Church; that the scriptures, and the scriptures alone, is the religion of Protestants; and that the religions principles which a man believes, he has an undeniable right to profess, and to propagate.

An Appeal to all Classes on the Subject of Church Patronage in Scotland: with a Plan for its Amendment. Glasgow, 1824.

THIS very able and spirited tract is dedicated to James Douglas, Esq. of Cavers, and seems to have originated

in the discussions on the Case of Principal M'Farlane, which will not soon be forgotten.

minated Presbyterian, were endowed, many years ago, by Calvinists, on principles calculated, as they thought, to ensure the preaching of the truth. They were invested in Trustees; and what has ensued? They have become, almost without exfor private trusts. The Seceders in Scotception, Socinian or Unitarian. So much land, on the other hand, placed their church, a hundred years ago, on the freest popular footing; and what has ensued? They are only more strict to their original standards, than when they separated from the establishment. These two facts speak volumes. They supersede all argument. They go far to prove, that the blessing of God awaits the popular principle."

In this case, as in many others, the foolishness of God is wiser than the wis dom of men, and we may add, in the words of the same apostle, which will, in due time, be verified, that the weakness of God is stronger than the strength of men.*

There are myriads and millions now in Europe, whose acquaintance with the gospel is but commencing, who will see, with the utmost astonishment, that in complete opposition to the national establishments under which they have long lived," the popular principle" pervades the New Testament in every part of it.

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THIS" Alarm" has roused the atten

tion of many who are now in the regions of peace and safety, and will praise God for ever that they heard it. Many are now living who have derived millions in their infancy, and millions great benefit from it, and there are


The proposal is to constitute A Society for promoting the appointment of evangelical ministers, by placing Church patronage on a popular foot-yet unborn, who will be stimulated by ing." And the time is coming when it to keep the narrow path that leads this subject will be pressed on the peoto everlasting life. ple of England, with all the advantages of that light which, no doubt, will be derived from the multiplication of Bibles and schools, and the vast increase of readers in the rising generation. We can give only one short extract from page 26:

"Various churches in England, deno

not pretend to vouch for every one of Agreeing with the Editor, we do his sentiments. We do not approve of all his modes of expression. There is his statements; and frequently someoccasionally something overcharged in thing vulgar and offensive in his lan

1 Cor. i. 25.

guage," but we must add, there is so much vital spirit in it, that it would be sure to live, if it were anonymous. To many, however, it will be additionally recommended by all the weight that belongs to the high character of the author-a holy man, who feared God above many-who laboured and suffered in prison, and fainted not.

We rejoice to see this new and handsome edition, and applaud the wisdom of our Scottish friends, who have ranked Joseph Alleine among the "select Christian authors."

The Essay prefixed by Mr. Thomson is ably written, and with great clearness and force proves, that to alarm sinners is essential to preaching the gospel that it is perfectly rational to do so that it is in complete accordance with the principles of our nature -and that to reject this mode of address, though we must not confine ourselves to it, is to reject the examples of the prophets, of the apostles, and of Jesus Christ himself.

The two first Chapters of this popular work are occupied in shewing what conversion is not, and what it is. The third proves its necessity. The fourth and fifth exhibit the marks and the miseries of the unconverted; and the two following are filled with directions and motives.

The two Epistles, prefixed by Richard Baxter and Richard Alleine, are extremely touching.

Mr. Baxter says, " I must tell thee, reader, that I take it for an honour to commend so masculine a birth unto the world. The midwife of Alexander or Aristotle need not be ashamed of her office."

Oh that it may find its way into the hands and the hearts of those interesting young men, who are tempted to prefer the ornamental to the useful; and also of those preachers, who cry "Peace, peace, when there is no peace;" and who, misled by a false delicacy, seem afraid to "mention hell to ears polite !"

Letters and Papers of the late Rev. Thomas Scott; never before published: with occasional Observations by John Scott, A. M. Octavo, pp. 515. Seeley and Son.

THIS is a collection of valuable ma

terials, and forms a suitable Appendix to the Memoirs of the writer noticed in a former number of our work. The subjects are so numerous, and in general so vastly important, that to review them, or even to enumerate them, is rendered, by our limits, quite impossible. The Letter on "The Divine De crees," p. 169; and the remarks," On the practical Influence of the Doctrines of Predestination, Election, and Final Perseverance," p. 321, are peculiarly excellent, because of the scrip tural and luminous statements they give of the Divine Sovereignty, as manifested in the just condemnation of impenitent sinners; and the free salvation of the elect of God; and the necessary tendency of these doctrines upon the mind of a renewed person, to promote sincere humility, godly zeal, and universal holiness of life. A paper on the "Observance of religious Ordinances," p. 488, ought to be carefully read, and the injunctions it contains, should be practically observed. There are many serious persons in our churches, who live in the neglect of baptism and the Lord's Supper; and that do not reverently, and in proper time, attend public worship on the Lord's-day, who would find themselves powerfully reproved by it.

The whole work must be read, in order that its worth may be properly appreciated.

A Letter to a Friend, on the Authority, Purpose, and Effects of Christianity, and especially on the Doctrine of Re demption. By Joseph John Gurney. 5th Edition. 12mo. Pp. 48. 6d. or 4s. 6d. per Dozen.

THE very intelligent and orthodox writer of this pamphlet, is a minister of the Society of Friends, or Quakers. We are very happy to find him speaking on all the fundamental points of Christianity, in a tone so decidedly evangelical. And as we have been assured by most competent authority, that his principles in this Tract are body of Friends; all the suspicions fully recognized and approved by the might be dismissed which, some years since, were excited by the" controversy between Hannah Barnard and the Society of Friends;" that many of them had expressed a leaning towards

Socinianism. As to the doctrine of three equal persons in the Trinity; the proper Divinity of Jesus Christ; the Atonement made by his vicarious sacrifice; the justification of the repenting sinner, through the imputation of the merits of Christ, without human deservings, to those who believe in his name; and the certainty of good works, as the evidences of faith in the Redeemer-all these points are most scripturally and luminously stated. The following is a specimen of the Author's style :—

"Now were we, through the means of that dispensation, to receive nothing but information, precept, and example, our need would be far indeed from being supplied. Powerless and corrupt as we are, we should still be left to perish in our sins, and the light thus communicated to us, would only aggravate our woe, and render our destruction more terrible. Where is the individual who understands

the plague of his own heart, who is not aware that he stands in need, not only of information, but of reconciliation with God; not only of light but of life; not only of precept and example, but of power to obey the one, and to follow the other? Yes, my dear friend, the gospel of our Lord and Saviour is no messenger of good tidings to us, unless it proclaims to us indemnity and cure. Thus, and thus only, will it supply all our spiritual need. Truly our hope is only in the mercy of God, through the Saviour of men, A Saviour, or I die-a Redeemer, or I perish for ever!"

We venture to suggest, for the consideration of this writer, whether the contrast between John's baptism, and that of the Saviour, mentioned, page 39, ought to have been applied to "the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost," which relates to the sanctification of all Christians; when, as it appears to us, our Lord himself (Acts i. 5,) explains John's meaning as referring entirely and exclusively, to the extraordinary gifts to be imparted by the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost? We are aware the system of the Friends makes such an application of the text necessary:but "what saith the scriptures?"

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A Manual for Church Members, drawn from the New Testament. By W. Newman, D.D. pp. 111. Offor. 2s. DR. NEWMAN's announcement of bis

intention to publish this “Manual for Church Members" was hailed by us with peculiar satisfaction; not less on account of the ability with which we knew such a work would be executed by him, than on account of its desirableness to meet the present demand of instruction, in relation to a subject, which, though essential to the purity and prosperity of the Christian church, we fear, in this age of generalization and latitudinarianism, is too much overlooked and neglected.

Having now attentively perused this highly acceptable publication, we hasten to give it our strongest recommendation: to which, as it appears to us, by its judicious arrangement, perspicuous statements, and compressed information, it is justly entitled. Besides the preface, and a short, but interesting, paper on baptism, the work contains fourteen sections; of which the titles the New Testament-The Constitution are the following. The Authority of of a Christian Church-On Church Power-The mode of admitting Members-The Lord's-day-The Public Worship of the First Christians-The Lord's Supper-The Pastor's OfficeThe Dutics of Church Members to their own Pastors-The Duties of Church Members to each other-The Deacon's Office-The Discipline of a Christian Church-The Law of Excommunication-The Fellowship of Christian Churches. An appendix is added, consisting of a paper on John iii, 5.— Extracts from Jowett's Christian Researches-On the Pastor's Maintenance-Catalogue of Authorities.

The tutors of our dissenting academies will, no doubt, recommend this "Manual" to the notice of the students under their care; and, while the pastors and deacons of our churches will feel that much is due to Dr. Newman, for the pains he has bestowed on this important subject, they will perceive the propriety of co-operation-that is, endeavouring, in their respective communities, to impress upou the minds of the members, and also of those who may be approaching their communion, the desirableness of their possessing this valuable syllabus of facts and duties. In short, such is our conviction of the utility of this concise, but comprehensive, view of the Christian church, and its relative obligations that we sin

cerely hope it will be perpetuated through numerous editions, and that, if any be unable to procure it by their own means, there will be persons found in every Christian society, whose prompt benevolence will cheerfully supply the deficiency.

Treatises on Justification and Regeneration. By John Witherspoon, D.D. With an Introductory Essay by Wm. Wilberforce, Esq. Glasgow, 1823. Dr. Witherspoon was a man of learning, and of wit and humour. But his highest reputation was derived from his theological pre-eminence, and from the ability and decision with which, while he presided in one of the American colleges, he defended the doctrines of grace. His writings abound with luminous statements, clear, cautious, and circumspect reasonings; pungent expostulations with the conscience, and powerful appeals to the heart.

This volume contains a respectful and affectionate letter to the Rev. James Hervey, which introduces an essay on the connection between the doctrine of justification by the imputed righteousness of Christ and holiness of life.

The largest and the most laboured piece, is the practical treatise on regeneration. Dr. Witherspoon has justly remarked, "wherever there is much real, there will also be much counterfeit religion." One of the most striking features of this work is, the skill which the writer has displayed in separating the precious from the vile-in distinguishing true from false religion.

In the first chapter, after some general observations on the metaphor used by our Lord, in John iii. 3, he shews, in distinct sections, that the change must be great-that it is not merely external and imperfect, but inward, essential, and complete-and that it must be supernatural.

The second chapter presents a large view of its principal evidences and fruits.

The third traces the steps by which this change is accomplished. Here, in seven sections, he shews that there must be a discovery of the real nature of God--and of his infinite glory-and a conviction of sin and danger. He

goes on to treat of the degree of sorrow for sin in true penitents--and their acceptance of salvation through the cross of Christ. He shews how the believer recovers peace of conscience, and how he is governed in his daily conversation -and concludes with particular addresses to the rich and the poor; the young and the old; the self-righteous, and the chief of sinners.

berforce, has a rich evangelical unction The introductory essay, by Mr. Wilupon it, and will be read with admiration and delight by many, to whom, perhaps, the name of Dr. Witherspoon was almost, or entirely unknown.

We must confine ourselves to a short extract from Dr. Witherspoon's "Introduction," p. 95.

"It is not my purpose to give a tedious explication of the passage, or entertain the reader with a proportion of criticism kingdom of God,' hath various significaupon the words. This expression the tions in scripture, but chiefly two in the New Testament: 1. The gospel dispensation, or government of the Messiah, as distinguished from the preceding periods; 2. The kingdom of heaven, where the sincere disciples of Christ shall be put in full possession of the blessings of his purchase. I take it to be the last of those that is, either only, or chiefly, intended in this passage, Both of them, order, and for their different purposes. indeed, may be meant in their proper An open profession, and receiving the external badge, was necessary to a concealed friend and cowardly disciple; but a right to the spiritual privileges of the gospel, and the promise of eternal life, was the only thing that could make the profession valuable or desirable. Accordingly, our Saviour seems to speak of both in his reply to Nicodemus, admission into the visible church by baptism, and renovation by the Holy Ghost. Jesus answered, born of water and of the spirit, he cannot Verily I say unto thee, except a man be enter into the kingdom of God.'"

If this be the true interpretation, (and a host of divines, both ancient and modern, might be appealed to in its support) it decides, at once, the controversy on "terms of communion." Without presuming to decide on its validity, we may, however, confidently state, that it is entitled to the serious consideration of all those who now take opposite sides on that question.

An Abstract of the gracious Dealings of God with several eminent Christians, in their Conversion and Sufferings. By Samuel James, M. A. Ninth Edition, with considerable Additions, and Memoirs of the Author, by his Son, Isaac James. Octavo, pp. 158. 5s.

THIS Useful book is well known to many of our readers; and to such persons it needs no recommendation. To those who compose the new generation in our churches, it may not be unne cessary to say, that several of the eminent Christians, whose experiences of the divine love and protection are here recorded, lived during the period of persecution in the reigns of Charles II. and James II. Their faith was thus tried with fire, and was made to appear more precious than gold, however refined, as it stood them in stead in the most trying and afflicting circumstances. To these Memoirs of perse cuted Nonconformists, the Editor has now added one of a pious Protestant clergyman, in the reign of bloody queen Mary:-"the interesting Narrative of the Rev. Thomas Mountain, transcribed from Strype's Ecclesiastical Memorials." His deliverances from popish bishops, who thirsted for his blood, is little short of miraculous! Mr. James bas "considerably enlarged the account of his great-grandfather, Mr. Laurence Spooner, from the original manuscript; as also the "Detail of the sufferings of Agnes Beaumont;" from the original manuscript. The experiences of Mrs. Combe, Mrs. Clarkson, and Mrs.Churchman, are well worth perusing, especially by those feeble-minded. Christians, who need information and encourage ment, respecting the nature of a work of grace in the heart. To pious females of this class especially, we cordially recommend these accounts.

Mr. James has rendered an accept able service by the republication of this enlarged work we wish he could be induced to publish, before his death, the "History of the Dissenters in Bristol," announced as being in a state of preparation about thirty years ago! Surely he need have no apprehensions but what such a publication, would be purchased to an extent sufficient, at least, to cover the expenses; especially

if he practically regard the opinion which he mentions of the late Mr. Ful ler, in the compilation.

Gleanings from pious Authors, with a choice Collection of Letters (some by the Rev. John Newton ), and original Poetry, by the Author of Miscellaneous Thoughts. Pp. 438. Burton.

THE class of persons to whom such a compilation as this will prove acceptable is very considerable. A want of leisure, or a disinclination to read more voluminous works, will, in many instances, make these pious extracts welcome. To the 163 p. this volume consists of a selection of passages on various subjects intended to illustrate and enforce some To these succeed poems whose chief me. doctrinal, experimental, or practical truth. rit is their piety. These again are fol lowed by forty-four letters the most interesting of which are six by the late Rev. John Newton, and one by the late Rev. J. Grimshawe; and the volume is concluded by a selection of texts on various and important subjects.

Though upon the whole we think well of this work, we feel it to be our duty to caution the editor against publishing every thing which may fall in his way in the shape of original poems or letters, lest book-making, and suffer the penalty of a he should incur the serious charge of stagnant sale.

Four Treatises, by the Rev. J. Haldane, Author of the Revelations of God's Righteousness, &c. &c. &c. Pp. 136. Holdsworth.

THE subjects of these treatises are: 1. Mystery of Redemption; 2. Prayer of Moses; 3. Doctrine and Duty of Selfexamination; 4. On the Faith of the Gospel.

The author has treated these important articles with great seriousness; and though we are not aware that his statements possess any strong claim to origi. nality, yet we think pious readers cannot peruse this work attentively without reaping advantage. It contains many passages of great excellence; among these we quote the following:

"Let all beware, then, of trifling with religion; there is, indeed, much speculation on the subject in this country. Some are speculating about faith as a

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