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of their defpightfull foe:
And from the enemies hand he did,
deliver them alfo.
The fecond part.

11The waters their oppreffors whelm'd
not one was left alive:
12Then they beleev'd his word & praise
in fong they did him give.
13 But by and by continually,

his workes they clean forgat,
And for his counfell and his will,
they did neglect to waite.
14 But lufted in the wilderneffe,
with fond and greedy luft:
And in the defart tempted God,

the ftay of all their truft: 35And then their wanton minds defire hefuffered them to have: But wafting leanneffe there withall, into their foules he gave. (tents, 16 Then when they lodged in their at Mofes they didgrutch: Aaron the holy of the Lord,

fo did they envie much. 17 Therefore the earth did open wide and Dathan did devoure: And all Abirams company

did cover in that houre. 18 In their affembly kindled was, the hot confuming fire: And wafting flame did then burn up the wicked in his ire.

19 Upon the hill of Noreb they,

an idol calf did frame: And there the molten image they did worship of the fame. ao Into the likeneffe of a Calfe,

which feedeth on the graffe, Thus they their glory turn'd, and all their honour did deface.

21 And God their onely Saviour,

unkindly they forgot:

Which many great and mighty things,
in Egypt-land had wrought.
The third part.

22 And in the land of Ham for them
most wondrous works had done:
And by the red-fea dreadfull things,

performed long agone: 23 Therefore for their fo fhewing them forgetfull and unkinde; To bring deftruction on them all, he purpos'd in his minde. ad not his chofen Mofes flood,

before him in the breake: To turn his wrath, left he on them, with flanghter fhould him wreake. 24 They did defpife the pleafant land, that he behight to give: Yea, and the words that he had spoke,


they did no whit beleeve. 25 But in their tents & grudging heart they wickedly repinde: Nor to the voyce of God the Lord,

they gave a hearkning minde. 26 Therefore against them lifted he, his ftrong revenging hand: Them to destroy in wilderneffe, ere they fhould fee the land. 27 And to destroy their feed among the Nations with his rod; And through the countries of the to fcatter them abroad. (world, 28 To Baal-Peor then they did

adjoyne themselves alfo : And ate the offerings of the dead, fo they forfook him tho. 29 Thus with their own inventions, his wrath they did provoke : And in his fore enkindled wrath.

the plague upon them broke:
30 But Phinehas ftood up with zeale
the finners vile to flay:
And judgement he did execute,
and then the plague did stay.
The fourth part.

31 It was imputed unto him,
for righteoufneffe that day:
And from thenceforth fo counted is,
from race to race, I fay.
32 At Waters cke of Meribah,

they did him angry make :
Yea, fo far forth that Mofes was
then punifht for their fake.
33. Because they vext his fpirit fo fore,
that in impatient heat:
His lips fpake unadvisedly,

his fervour was fo great.

34 Not as the Lord commanded them, they flew the people tho :


But were among the heathen mixt, and learn'd their works alfo.


And did their idols ferve, ŵ were their ruine and decay :


To fiends their fons and daughters did offer up and flay.



Yea, & unkindly murdering knife, the guiltneffe blood they fpilt: Yea, their owne fons and daughters without all canfe ofguilt. (blood, Whom they to Canaan idols then

offred with wicked hand: And fo with blood of innocents, defiled was the land.

39 Thus were they ftained ŵ the work of their own filthy way:

And with their own inventions,

a whoring they did ftray. 40 Therefore againft his people was the Lords wrath kindled fore: And

And even his own heritance,

he did abhor therefore,

and eke their fouls annor'd.

41 Into the hands of heathen men he gave them for a prey: (they And made their foes their lords,whom were forced to obey. The fifth part.

42 Yea, and their hatefull enemies, oppreft them in the land: And they were humbly made to stoop, as fubjects to their hand. 43 Full oftentimes from thrall had he, delivered them before : But with their counfels they to wrath

provok't him evermore. Therefore they by their wickedneffe,

were brought full low to lie. 44 Yet when he faw them in diftreffe, he hearkened to their cry. 45 He cal'd to mind his covenant, which he to them had fwore: And by his mercies multitude

repented him therefore.

46 And favour them he made to finde, before the fight of those: That led them captive from their land,

when erft they were their foes. 47 Save us, O Lord, that art our God, fave us (O Lord) we pray. And from among the heathen folke,

Lord gather us away. 48 That we may fpread the noble praise of thy moftholy Name; That we may glory in thy praife,

and founding of thy fame. 49 The Lord the God of Ifrael,

be bleft for evermore;

Let all the people fay, Amen: praife ye the Lord therefore. PSA L. CVII. W. K.

GIve thanks unto the Lord our for gracious is he :


And that his mercy had no end, all mortall men may fee. 2Such as the Lord redeemeth hath, with thanks fhall praife his Name;

(freed And fhew how they from foes were and how he wrought the fame. He gathered them forth of the lands, that lay fo farre about; (South, From East to West from North to his hands did find them out. They wandred in the wilderneffe, and frayed from the way, And found no City where to dwell

that ferve might for their stay. Whofe thirst and hunger was fo great, in thefe defarts fo void; That faintneffe did them ore affault,

6 Then did they cry in their diftreffe, unto the Lord for aid, Who did remove their troublous ftates according as they praid. 7 And by that way ŵ was most right he led them like a guide; That they might to a City go, and there alfo abide. 8 Let men therefore before the Lord, confeffe his kindneffe then : And fhew the wonders that he doth before the fonnes of men. 9 For he the empty foule fuftain'd, whom thirst had made to faint; The hungry foule with goodneffe fed, and did them eke acquaint. 10Such as do dwell in darkeneffe deep, where they on death do wait : Faft bound to taft fuch troublous as iron chaines do threat. (ftorms, The fecond part

II For that against the Lords own word they fought fo to rebell: Efteeming light his counfels high,

which do fo farre excell. 12But when he humbled them full low they then fell down with grief: And none was found fo much to help, whereby to get relief.

13 Then did they ery in their diftreffe, unto the Lord for aid: Who did remove their troublous ftate, according as they pray'd. (brought 14 For he from darknes out them and from deaths dreadfull fhade: Bursting with force the iron bands

which them before did lade. 15 Let men therefore before the Lord, confeffe his kindneffe then; And fhew the wonders that he doth before the fons of men. (braffe 16 For he threw down the gates of and brake them with strong hand; The iron barres he finote in two, nothing could him withstand. The foolish folk great plagues do and cannot from them wend, (feel heape on more to thofe they have, because they do offend.





Their foul fo much did loath al that none they could abide, Whereby death had them almost caught as they full truely tri'd. 19 Then did they cry in their diftreffe unto the Lord for aid: Who did remove their troublous state, according as they prai'd. 20 For then he sent to them his word, F 4 which

which health did foone reftore; And brought them from thofe dangers wherein they were before. (deep, The third part:

21 Let men therefore before the Lord, confeffe his kindnesse then; And fhew the wonders that he doth before the fons of men. 22 And let them offer facrifice,

with thanks and alfo feare? And fpeak of all his wondrous works, with glad and joyfull cheare. 23 Such as in fhips and brittle barks, into the feas defcend; Their merchandife through fearfull to compaffe and to end. (floods, 24 Thofe men are forced to behold the Lords works what they bee; And in the dangerous deepe the fame, moft marvellous they fee. 25 For at his word the ftormy wind, arifeth in a rage: And ftirreth up the furges fo,

that nought can them affwage. 26 Then are they lifted up fo high,

the clouds they feeme to gaine : And plunging downe the depth, untill their foules confume with paine. 27 And like a drunkard to and fro,

now here, now there they reele, As men with feare, of wit bereft, or had of fence no feele. 28 Then did they crie in their distreffe,

unto the Lord for aid; Who did remoove their troublous ftate according as they prai'd. 29For with his wordy Lord doth make

the sturdy ftormes to cease: So that the great waves from their rage are brought to reft and peace. 30Then are men glad when reft is come which they fo much did crave: And are by him in haven brought, which they fo faine would have. The fourth part.

31 Let men therefore before the Lord confeffe his kindneffe then: Aad fhew the wonders that he doth

before the fonnes of men. 32 Let them in prefence of the folk, with praife extoll his Name. And where the Elders do convent

there let them do the fame.

35 For running flouds to dry defarts, he doth oft change and turne: And drieth up as it were duft,

the fpringing Well and bourn. 34 A fruitful land with pleafures deckt, full barren he doth make; When on their finnes that dwell therein


he doth juft vengeance take. 35 Again, the wilderneffe full rude he maketh fruit to beare: With pleafant fprings of waters cleare, though none before were there. 36 Wherein fuch hungry foules are fet, as he doth freely chufe: That they a citie might them build. to dwell in for their use. 37 That they may fowy pleasant land, and vineyards alfo plant: To yeeld them fruit of fuch increase, as none may feem to want. 38 They multiply exceedingly,

the Lord doth bleffe them fo: Who doth alfo the bruit beafts make

by numbers great to grow. 39But when y faithful are low brought by the oppreffours ftout: And minifh do through many plagues, which compaffe them about. 40Then doth he Princes bring to fhaine, which did them fore oppreffe: And likewife caufed them to erre


within the wilderneffe.

But yet the poore he raifeth up out of their troubles deep : And oft times doth their train augment much like a flocke of fheep. 42 The righteous fhall behold this fight and alfo much rejoyce: Whereas the wicked and perverfe

with grief fhall ftop their voyce. 43 But who is wife that now full well he may these things record: For certainly he shall perceive

the kindneffe of the Lord. PSAL. CVIII. I. H.

God my heart prepared is, and eke my tongue is fo: will advance my voyce in fong> and giving praife alfo. Awake my viol and my harpe fweet melody to make: And in the morning I my felfe


right early will awake.

3 By me among the people, Lord, ftill praifed fhalt thou be, And I among the heathen folk

will fing, O Lord, to thee. 4 Because thy mercy Lord is great, above the heavens high: And eke thy truth doth reach the within the loftie skie. (clouds s Above the ftarrie heavens high, exalt thy felf, O God: And Lord difplay upon the earth thy glory all abroad. 6 That thy dearly beloved may be fet at liberty: ·


Help O my God with thy right hand
and hearken unto me.
7 God in his holineffe hath spoke,
whereof my joyes abound:
Sichem I will divide, and meete

the vale of Succoth ground. 8 And Gilead fall be mine own,

Manaffes mine fhall be : My heads ftrength Ephraim, and law fhall Juda give for me. 9 Moab my wafh-pot and my fhoe on Edom will I throw : Upon the land of Palestine

in triumph will I go.
10 Who fhall into thy City firong
be guid to conduct me?
Or how by whom in Edom land
conveyed fhall I be?

II Is it not thou, O Lord, which late
hadft us forfaken quite ?
And thou, O Lord, which w our hoaft
didft not go forth to fight?
12 Give us, O Lord, thy faving aid,
when troubles do affaile:
For all the help of man is vain

and can no whit avail.
13 Through God we fhall do valiant
and worthy of renown: (acts
He fhall fubdue our enemies,

yea, he fhall tread them down.

IN fpeechleffe filence do not hold,
O God, thy tongue alwayes:
O God even thou I fay, thou art

the God of all my praife.
2 The wicked and the guilefull mouth
on me difclofed be:

And they with falfe and lying tongues,

have fpoken unto me. 3 They did befet me round about with words and hatefull fpight; Without all caufe of my defert,

against me they did fight. 4For my good will they were my foes, but then I to pray: gan s My good with ill, my friendlincffe, with hate they did repay. 6 Set thou the wicked over him, to have the upper-hand : At his right hand eke fuffer thou, his hatefull foe to stand. When he is judged, let him then

condemned be therein: And let the prayer that he makes, be turned into finne. Few be his dayes, his charge alfo let thou another take; His children let be fatherleffe, his wife a widow make. o Let his of-fpring be vagabonds,

to beg and feeke their bread; Wandring out of the wafted place, where erft they have been fed. 11 Let covetous extortioners,

catch all his good and store: And let the ftrangers fpoile the fruit of all his toile before.

12 Let there be none to pity him,
let there be none at all:
That on his children fatherleffe,
will let their mercy fall.
The Second part.

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13. And fo let his pofterity,
for ever be destroyed:
Their name out-blotted in the age,
that after fhall fucceed..
14. Let not his fathers wickedneffe,
from Gods remembrance fall:
And let not thou his mothers.finne,
be done away at all.
But in the prefence of the Lord,
let them remain for aye:
That from the earth their memory,
he may put cleane away.
16 Sith mercy he forgot to fhew,
but did purfue with fpight:
The troubled man, and fought to flay,
the wofull hearted wight.
17 Ashe did curfing love, it shall
betide unto him fo:


And as he did not bleffing love,
it fhall be farre him fro.
As he with curfing clad himselfs,
to it like water fhall
Into his bowels, and like oyle
into his bones befall.
19 As garments let it be to him

to cover him for aye,
And as a girdle wherewith he

fhall girded be alway.
2 Lo let the fame be from the Lord,
the guerdon of my foe:
Yea, and of thofe that evill fpeake,
against my foule alfo.

21 But thou, O Lord, that art my God,
deale thou I fay with me,
After thy Name deliver me,

for good thy mercies be.
22 Becaufe in depth of great diftreffe,
I needy am and poore;
And eke within my pained breast,
my heart is wounded fore.
The third part.
23 Even fo do I depart away,
as doth declining fhade ;
And as the Grafhopper, so I
am fhaken off and fade. (food,
4 With fafting long from needfull
enfeebled are my knees:
And all her fatneffe hath my flesh

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enforced beene to leefe. 25 And I also a vile reproach

to them am made to be; And they that did upon me looke,

did fhake their heads at me.

26 But thou, O Lord, that art my God, mine aid and fuccour be; According to thy mercy, Lord,

fave and deliver me. (this 27 And they fhall know thereby, that (Lord) is thy mighty hand; And that thou, thou haft done it Lord, fo fhall they understand. (thou 28 Although they curfe with fpite, yet fhalt bleffe with loving voyce: They fhall arife, and come to fhame, thy fervant fhall rejoyce. (fhame, 29 Let them be cloathed all with that enemies are to me; And with confufion as a cloake,

eke covered letthem be.

30 But greatly I will with my mouth,
give thanks unto the Lord;
And I among the multitude,

his prayfes will record.
31 For he with helpe at his right hand,
will ftand the poore man by;
To fave him from the man that would
condemne his foule to die.


THe Lord did fay unto my Lord, fit thou on my right hand; Till I have made they foes a ftoole, whereon thy foot may ftand.

2 The Lord fhall out of Sion fend, the Scepter of thy might; Amid thy mortall foes, be thou

the ruler in their fight.

3 And in the day on which thy reigne,
and power they shall fee;
Then hereby free-will-offerings fhall
the people offer thee.
Yea, with an holy worshipping,

then fhall they offer all;
Thy births dew is the dew that doth

from wombe of morning fall. 4The Lord hath fworne, and never will repent what he doth fay ; By th' order of Melchifedech,

thou art a Priest for aye. The Lord thy God, on thy right hand,

that ftandeth for thy stay ; Shall wound for thee the ftately kings, upon his wrathfull day. 6 The heathen he fhall judge, and fill the place with bodies dead; And over divers countries fhall

in funder fmite the head.

7 And he shall drink out of the brook, that runneth in the way;

Wherefore he fhall lift up on high
his royall head that day.

WIth heart I doe accord,


to praife and laud the Lord,

In prefence of the juft.
2 For great his works are found,
To fearch them fuch are bound,
As him do love and truft.
3 His works are glorious,
Alfo his righteoufneffe,

It doth endure for ever.
4 His wondrous works he would
Weftill remember should,

His mercy faileth never.
5 Such as to him love beare,
portion full faire,

He hath up for them laid;
For this they fhall well find
He will them have in minde,

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And keep them as he said.
6 For he did not difdaine,
His works to fhew them plaine,

by lightning and by thunders:
When he the heathen land,
Did give into their hand,

Where they beheld his wonders.
Of all his works enfueth,
Both judgement, right and truth,
Whereto his ftatutes tend.

They are decreed fure,

For ever to endure,

Which equity doth end;
Redemption he gave,
His people for to fave;
9 And hath alfo required,
His promife not to faile,
But alwayes to prevail;

His holy Name be feared.
10 Whofo with heart full faine,
True wifdome would attaine,


The Lord fear and obey :
Such as his lawes doe keepe
Shall knowledge have full deepe,
His praife fhall laft for aye.

He man is bleft God doth feare
And that this law doth love indeed,
2 His feed on arch God will upreare ;
And bleffe fuch as from him proceed.
3 His houfe with good he will fulfill

His righteoufneffe endure fhal ftit
4 Unto therighteous doth arife:
In trouble, joy, in darkneffe light:
Compaffion is in his eyes,
And mercy alwayes in his fight.

5 Yea, pitty mooveth fuch to lend,
He doth by judgement things expend
6 And furely fuch fhall never faile,
For in remembrance had is he:

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