whofe heart Whole hands are harmlene, and Therefore the Lord will finners teach and fuch as go afide. 9 The humble he will teach, no fpot there doth defile, His foule not fet on vanitie, who hath not fworne to guile. 5 Him that is fuch a one, the Lord fhall place in bliffefull plight: And God his God and Saviour, fhall yeeld to hem his right. This is the brood of travellers, in feeking of his grace: As Jacob did the Ifraelite, his precepts for to keepe: He will direct in all his wayes, the lowly and the meeke. 10 Forall the wayes of God, are truth and mercy both: To them that keep his teftament, the witneffe of his troth. (open 11 in that time of his race. Ye princes open your gates, ftand the everlasting gate: For there fhall enter in thereby, the King of glorious state. Who is the King of glorious ftate? the strong and mighty Lord: The mighty Lord in battell stout, and triall of the fword. The fecond part. Now for thy holy Name, O Lord I thee intreat: 12 Who fo doth feare the Lord, (open 13 9 Ye Princes open your gates, the everlasting gate: and For there fhall enter in thereby the King of glorious state. 10 Who is the King of glorious ftate? the Lord of hofts is it: The Kingdome and the royalty, of glorious ftate is his. PSA L. XXV. T. S. Lift my heart to thee, my God and guide most just : Now fuffer me to take no fhame, for in thee do I trust. 2 Let not my foes rejoyce, nor make a fcorne of me: And let them not be overthrowne, that put their trust in thee. 3 But shame fall them befall, which harme me wrongfully: Therefore thy paths & thy right wayes unto me, Lord defcrie. 4 Direct me in thy trueth, and teach me, I thee pray: Thou art my God and Saviour, on thee I wait alway. s Thy mercies manifold, I thee Lord remember: pray And eke thy pitty plentifull, for they have been for ever, 6 Remember not the faults, and frailty of my youth, Remember not how ignorant, I have beene of thy truth. 7 Not after my deferts, let me thy mercy find: But of thine own benignity, Lord have me in thy mind: His mercy is full sweet, his truth a perfect guide: inherite fhall the land. 14 All thofe that fear the Lord, know his fecret intent: And unto them he doth declare, his will and teftament. 15 Mine eyes and eke my heart, to him I will advance : That pluckt my feet out of the fnare, of finne and ignorance. 16 With mercy me behold, to thee I make my moane: For I am poore and defolate, and comforteleffe alone. mine anguifh and my paine: Remit my finne and mine offence, and make me cleane againe, 19 O Lord' behold my foes, hou they doe ftill increafe, Purfuing me with deadly hate, that faine would live in peace, 20 Preferve and keepe my foule, and eke deliver me: And let me not ke overthrowne, because I truft in thee. 21 Let my fimple pureneffe, me from mine enemies fhend: Becaufe I look as one of thine, that thou fhould'st me defend 22 Deliver Lord thy folke > and fend them fome relief: I meane thy chofen Ifrael, from all their paine and grief. PSA PSAL. XXVI. I. H. Ord be my Judge,and thou fhalt fee my paths be right and plaine: Itruft in God, and hope that he will strength me to fuftaine. 2 Prove me my God, I thee defire, my wayes to fearch and try: As men do prove their gold ŵ fire, my raines and heart efpie. 3 Thy goodneffe laid before my face, i durft behold my wayes: For of thy truth I tread the trace, and will doe all my dayes. I doe not luft to haunt or ufe with men whofe deeds are vaine: To come in houfe I doe refufe, with the deceitfull traine. Imuch abhorre the wicked fort, their deeds I doe defpife: Idoe not once to them refort, that wicked works devife. 6 My hands I wash and do proced, in wayes to walke upright: Then to thine altar I made speed, to offer there in fight.. (praife 7 That I may fpeak and preach thy that doth belong to thee: And fo declare how wondrous wayes, thou hast been good to mee. O God thy houfe I love most deare, to me it doth excell: I have delight and would draw neere, whereas thy grace doth dwell. 9 Ohut not up my foule with them, in finne that take their fill: Nor yet my life among thofe men, that feek much blood to fpill. 10 Whofe hands are heapt with caeaft and guile their lives thereof are full, And their right hand with wrench and for bribes, do pluck & pull. (wile 11 But I in righteoufneffe intend, my time and daves to ferve: Have mercy Lord, and me defend, fo that I doe not swerve: 12 My foot is ftayed for all affayes, it ftandeth well and right: Wherefore to God will I give praife, in all the peoples fight. PSAL XXVII I H. THe Lord is both my health & light, fhall man make me difmaid? Sith God doth give me ftrength and why should I be afraid? (might 2 While that my foes with all their begin w me to brawle, (ftrength, And think to eat me up at length, themfelf have caught the fall. 3Though they incampe against me lie my heart is not afraid: In battel pight ifthy will try, I trust in God for aid. 4 One thing of God Idoe require, For which I pray, and will defire, life throughout may dwell To fee the bauty of his face, and view his temple well. 6 In time of dread he fhall me hide, within his place moft pure, And keep me fecret by his fide, as on a rock moft fure. 7 At length I know y Lords good grace fhall make me ftrong and ftout, My foes to foile and cleane deface, that compaffe me about. 8 Therefore within his house will I give facrifice of praife: With Pfalmes and Songs I will apply to laud the Lord alwayes. The fecond part. 9 Lord heare the voice of my requeft, for which to thee I call: Have mercy Lord on me oppreft, and fend me help withall. (thee, 10 My heart doth knowledge unte I fue to have thy grace: Then feeke my face, faift thou to me, Lord I will feeke thy face, II In wrath rurn not thy face away, nor fuffer me to flide: Thou art my help ftill to this day, And be ftill my God and guide: (fook, 12 My parents both their fonne for and caft me of at large, then the Lord himselfe yet took of me the care and charge. Teach me, O Lord, the way to thee, and lead me on forth right: For feare of fuch as watch for me, 13 to trap me if they might. 14 Doe not betake me to the will of them that be my foes, For they furmife against me ftill, falfe witneffe to depofe. 15 My heart would faint but that in me this hope is fixed fast; The Lord Gods good grace fhall I fee, in life that ay thell laft: 16 Trust still in God whofe whole thou his will abide thou must: (art And he fhall eafe and strength thy hears if thou in him do trust. PSA L. XXVIII. T. S. Houart, O Lord, my strength and the fuccour which I crave: (ftay Negled B 2 Neglect me not left I be like to them that go to grave. 2 The voice of thy fuppliant heare, that unto thee doth cry: When I lift up my hands unto the holy Arke most high. 3 Repute me not among the fort, of wicked and pervert; That fpeak right fair unto their friends but think full ill in heart. According to their handy works, as they deferve in deed; And after their inventions, let them receive their meed. 5 For they regard nothing Gods word, his law, ne, yet his lore: Therfore will he them and their feed deftroy for evermore. To render thanks unto the Lord, 7 He is my fhield and fortitude, The health and the falvation of his elect by Christ. Thy people and thy heritage that they may never fwerve. G Ive to the Lord ye Potentates, Give ye all praife,honour and strength, within his holy throne. 4 The voyce of God is of great force and wonderous excellent, It is moft mighty in effect, and most magnificent. 7 His voyce divides the flames of fire, and thake the wilderneffe: 8 It makes the defart quake for feare, that called is Cadés. 9 It makes the hinds for feare to calve and makes the coverts plaine: Then in his temple every man his glory doth proclaime. 10 The Lord was fet above the floods ruling the raging fea : So fhall he reigne as Lord and King, for ever and for aye. (wer, 11 The Lord will give his people poin vertue to increase: The Lord will bleffe his chofen flock, with everlasting Peace. PSAL. XXX. I. H. ΑΙ Il laut and praise with heart and O Lord I give to thee: (voyce Which didft not make my foes rebut haft exalted me. (joyce. OLord my God to thee I cryed, in all my pain and griefe, Thou gavest an eare and didft provide. to eafe me with reliefe. Of thy good will thou haft calld 2 3 4 my foule from hell to fave: (back Thou didst revive when ftrength did. end keptft me from ŷ grave (lack Sing praife ye Saints that prove and the goodneffe of the Lord: (fee memory of his majestie rejoyce with one accord. 5 For why? his auger but a space doth laft and flack againe: Butin his favour and his grace In alwayes doth life remaine. (fore Though gripes of grief and paines full fhall lodge with me all night; The Lord to joy shall us restore before the day be light. 6 When I enjoyd the world at will, thus would I boaft and fay; Tufh, I am fure to feele none ilí, this wealth fhall not decay. For thou, O Lord, ofthy good grace, hath fent me ftrength and aid, But when thou turnft away thy face, my mind was fore difmaid. 8 Wherefore againe yet did I cry to teee, O Lord of might. s The voice of God doth rend & break My God with plaintes I did apply, the cedar-trees fo long; The Cedar-trees of Lebanon which are most high and strong. And makes them leap like to a calfe or elfe an Unicorne ; Not onely trees, but mountains great, whereon the trees are borne. ond prayed both day and night. 9 What gaine is in my blood, faid I, if death deftroy my dayes? Doeth death declare thy Majeftie, or yet thy truth doth praise? Wherefore my God fome pity take, O Lord I thee defire; Doe Doe not this fimple foule forfake, of helpe I thee require. Then didft thou turn my grief and into a chearefull voyce, (wo The mourning weed thou took'it me and mad❜ft me to rejoyce. (fro, 12 Wherefore my foule unceffantly, fhall fing unto thy praife. My Lord, my God, to thee will I, give laud and thanks alwayes. PSA L. XXXI. I. H. O Lord, I put my trust in thee, let nothing work me shame: As thou art just deliver me, and fet me quite from blame. 2 Hear me, O God, and that anon, to helpe me make good speed: Bethou my rock and house of stone, my fence in time of need. (tride, 3 For why as ftones thy ftrength is thon art my fort and tower, For thy names fake be thou my guide, and lead me in thy power. 4 Pluck thou my feet out of ŷ fnare, which they for me have laid: Thou art my ftrength and all my care, is for thy might and aide. s Into thy hands LORDI commit my fpirit which is they due: For why? thou haft redeemed it, OLORD my GOD most true. 6 I hate fuch folk us will not part from things to be adhord: When they on trifles fet their heart, my truft is in the LORD. For I will in thy mercy joy, I fee it doth excell: (noy, Thou feeft when ought would me anand knoweft my foul full well: 8 Thou haft not left me in their hand, that would me over-charge. But thou haft fet me out of band, to walke abroad at large. The fecond part. 9Great grief, O LORD doth me affaile, fome pity on me take: Mine eyes wax dim,my fight doth faile my womb for woe doth ake: To My life is worne with grief & paine my years in woe are paft: (daine My ftrength is gone, and through difmy bones corrupt and waste. 11 Among my foes I am a fcorne, my friends are all difmayed: My neighbours & my kinfmen borne, to fee mee are afraid. 12 As men once dead are out of mind, fo am I now forgot: As fmall effect in me they find, as in a broken pot; 13 I heard the brags ofall the rout, their threats my mind did fray, How they confpir'd, and went about to take my life away. 14 But LORD I trust in thee for aid, not to be overtrod: For I confeffe, and still have faid, thou art my LORD and GOD. 15 The length of all my life and age, O LORD is in thy hand: Defend me from the wrath and rage, of them that me withstand. 16 To me thy fervant, LORD,expreffe, and fhew thy joyfull face: And fave me LORD for thy goodneffe thy mercy and thy grace. The third part. 17 LORD let me not be put to blame, for that on thee I call, But let the wicked bear their fhame, and into their grave fall. 18 O Lord make dumb their lips out which are adict to lies: (right, And cruelly with pride and fpight, against the just devife. 19 O how great good haft thou in store, laid up full fafe for them: That feare and truft in thee therefore before the fons of men. (guide, 20 Thy prefence fhall them fence and from all proud brags and wrongs: Within thy place thou fhalt them hide, from all the ftrifes of tongues. 21 Thanks to the Lord hath declar'd on me his grace fo farre, Me to defend with watch and ward, as in a towne of warre. 22 Thus did I fay both day and night, when I was fore oppreft: Lo I was cleane caft out of fight, yet heaudit thou my request. 23 Ye Saints love ye the Lord, I fay, the faithfull he doth guide: And to the proud he doth repay, according to their pride. 24 Be ftrong and God will ftay your be bold and have a luft: (hearts. For fure the Lord will take your part. fith ye in him do trust. PSA L. XXXII T. S. He man is bleft whofe wickedneffe, the Lord hath cleane remitted And he whofe fin and wretchedneffe is hid and alfo covered. THe 2 And bleft is he to whom the Lord, imputeth not his fin; Which in his heart hath hid no guile,. nor fraud is found therein. 3 For whift that I kept back my in filence and constraint, fine My bones did weare and waft away with dadly monne and plaint. 4 For night and day thy hand on me, fo grivous was and smart; That all my blood and humors moist to drineffe did convert. 5 I did therefore confeffe my faults, and all my fins difcover: Then thou,O LORD didft me forgive and all my fins paffe over. 6 The humble man fhall pray therefore and feeke me in due time: So that the floods of waters great fhall have no power no him. 7 When trouble and adverfity, doe compaffe me about: Thou art my refuge and my joy, and thou doft rid me out. 8 Come hither and I will the teach, how thou shalt walke aright: I will thee guide as I my felf have learnd by proofe and fight. Be not fo rude and ignorant, as is the horse and mule: Who fe mouth without a rein or bit, from harm thou canst not rule. 10 The wicked men fhall manifold forrowes and griefs fuftaiue: But unto him that trufte in God, his goodneffe fhall remaine. 11 Be merry therefore in the LORD, ye juft lift up jour voyce: And ye of pure and perfect heart, be glad and cke rejoyce. PSAL. XXXIII. I. H. YE righteous in the LORD rejoyce it is a feemly fight, That upright men with thankful voyce fhould praife the LORD of might. 2 Praife ye theLORDwith harp & fong in Pfalmes and pleasant things, With lute and inftruments among that foundeth with ten ftrings. 3 Sing to the LORD a fong inott new, with courage give him praife. For why? his word is ever true, his works and all his wayes. To judgement, equity, and right he hath a great good will: And with his gifts he doeth delight the earth thronghout to fill. 6 For by the word of God alone, the heavens all were wrought: Thier hoafts and powers every one, his breath to paffe hath brought. 7 The waters great gathered hath he on heaps within the shore, And hid them in the depth to be, as in a houfe of store. 8All men on earth both leaft and molt feare GOD and keepe his law: Ye that inhabit in each coaft, 9 dread him and stand in awe. What he commanded wrought it wa at once with pre fent speed: What he doth will, is brought to palle with full effect indeed. 10 The counfels of the nations rude the LORD hath brought to nought, He doeth defeat the multitude, of their devife and thought. II But his decrees continue still, they never flacke nor fwage: The motions of his minde and will, take place in every age. The Second part. (LORD 12 And bleft are they to whom the as God and guide is knowne: Whom he doeth chufe of meere accord to take them as his own. (fight 13 The LORD from heaven caft his on men mortall by birth: 14 Confidering from the feat of might the dwellers on the earth. 15 The LOKD I fay, whofe hand hath wrought mans heart, and doth it frame: For he alone doth know the thought, and working of the fame. 16 A king that ruleth in his hoaft, fhall not prevail at length: The man that of his might doeth boaft, fhall fall for all his ftrength. (faill, 17 The troupes of horfemen eke fhall thier furdy fteeds fhall fterve: ftrength of horse fhall not prevaile, the rider to preserve. 18 But loe the eyes of God attend, end watch to aid the juft: With fuch as fear him to offend, The and on his goodnesse trust. 19 That he of death and great diftreffe, may fet their foules from dread: And if that dearth their land oppreffe, in hunger them to feed. (depend 20 Wherefore our foule doeth whole on God our strength and stay: He is onr fhield us to defend, and drive all darts away. 21 Our foule inGod hath jou and games rejoycing in his might: For why? in his most holy Name, we hope and wuch delight. 22 Therefore let thy goodneffe, O LORD, ftill prefent with us be: As we alfo with one accord, do onely truft in thee. PSA |