According to his excellency of greatneffe give him praise. 3 His praises with the princely noise of founding trumpets blow; Praise him upon the viole, and upon the Harp alfo. (flute 4. Praise him with Timbrel and with The end of the Pfalmes A Song to be sung before D Raife ye the Lord ye Gentiles all, which hath brought you into his O praise him all people mortall, (light, as it is most worthy and right. For he is full determined, on us to power out his mercies, And the Lords truth be ye afsfused, abideth perpetually. Glory be to God the Father, and unto Jesus Chrift his Son; With the Holy Ghoft in like manner, now and at every season. A Song to be sung before be BEhold now give heed, fuchas The ten Commandements of God. Organs, and Virginals, (him, s With founding Cymbals praise ye praise him with loud Cymbals. 6 What ever hath the benefit To of breathing praise the Lord, praise the Name of God the Lord agree with one accord. of David in Meeter. Make thee no gods on them to call. 2 Nor fashioned formes of any thing, In heaven or earth to worship it; For I thy God by revenging, (fmite. With grievous plagues this fin will 3 Take not in vaine his holy Name, Abuse it not after thy will; (blame, For so thou might'st soone purchafe And in his wrath he would thee fpill. (ceaft, 4 The Lord from work the feventh day And brought all things to perfect end; So thou and thine that day take reft, That to Gods hests ye may attend. 5 Unto thy parents honour give, As Gods Commandements doe intends (live, That thou long dayes and good mai'ft In earth, where God a place doth lend, 6 Beware of murder and eruell hate. 7 All filthy fornication feare. 8 See that thou steale not in any rate; 9 False witnesse against no man beare. (have, zo Thy neighbors house wish not to His Wife, or ought that he calls mine; His field, his Oxe, his Affe, his flave, Or any thing which is not thine. A Prayer. The Spirit of grace, grantus. O Lord, To keep these lawes, our heart rettore, And cause us all with one accord, To magnifie thy Name therefore. For of our selves no strength we have, To keepe these Lawes after they will; Thy might therefore, O Christ we crave That we in thee may them fulfill. Lord forthy Names sakegrant us this, Thou art our strength, Saviour Chrift Of thee to speed how should we miffe, On whom our treasure doth confift, To thee for evermore be praife, With the Father in each respect; And with the holy Spirit alwayes, The Comforter of thine elect. A Trend my people and give are, The Lords Prayer. D. Cove. Ur Father which in heaven art, To call upon thee with one heart, From all errour defend and keepe, That we may live in quietneffe, Prepare us Lord for to ferve thee, A TABLE, For the whole number of the PSALMES, and alfo in what leaf you may find every one of them. 83 D D. Oe not O God. so Ε. 117 Except ý Lord. 81 G. 25. I lift my heart. 11 130 Lord to thee. 14 140 Lord save me. 53 82 86 19 143 Lord hear my. 87 23 40 I waited long and. 23 23 MY shepheard, 13 43 Judge and revenge.25 45 My heart. 26 77 I with my voyce. 45 62 My foule to God.36 29 G Ive to 37 Grudge not to. 21 92 It is a thing both. 56 71 My Lord my God.41 48 Great is the Lord. 27100 In God the Lord. 60 103 My foule give. 61 $4 God fave me for. 32 101 I mercy willand. 60104 My foul praiseth.62 Lord. 16 Μ. 205 Give praise unto. 64 109 In speechleife. 107 Give thanks unto. 671161 love the Lord." 148 Give laud unto. 90120 In trouble and in. 69146 My foul praise, 89 Ot unto us. 77 N 79 124 72115 30 Lord Folio Pfalme. 19 The heavens. 3 23 The Lord is onely. 4 24 The earth is. 527 The Lord is both. 528 Thou art, O Lord. 832 The man is blest. 836 The wicked with. 941 The man is blest that. 21 O Lord how joyfull. 11 46 The Lord is our. 27 22 O God my God. 12 50 The mighty God, 28 31 O Lord, I put my 17 50 The God of gods. 29 44 Our cares have heard. 25 53 The foolish man. 32 SI O Lord consider my. 30 57 Take pity for thy. 34 55 O God give eare. 32 65 Thy praise alone O. 37 60 O Lord thou didst. 35 76 Toall that now. 45 63 O God my God. 36 80 Thon Herd that. 49 64 O Lord unto. 3785 Thou haft beene, 52 70 O God, to me take. 79 O Lord the Gentiles. 41 87 The city shall. 53 48 89 To fing the mercies. 53 94 O Lord thou dost. 57 90 Thon Lord haft, 55 95 O come let us. 98 O fing ye now. 58 93 The Lordas King. 5997 The Lord doth reigne. 57 59 102 O heare my 60 99 The Lord doth. 108 O God my heart. 68 100 The Lord did say. 70 117 O all ye nations. 72 112 The man is blest that. 70 118 O give ye thanks. 72 125 Those that do put. 80 123 O Lord that heaven, 80138 Thee will I praise. 85 129 Oft thy now Ifrael. 82 145 The will I laud. 88 131 O Lord, I am not. 133 O how happy a thing. 135 Opraise the Lord. 136 laud the Lord. 888 8375 83 U Nto thee God 44 84 w. 139 O Lord thou haft 141 O Lord upon thee. P. 9 With heard and. S 38 P Ut me not to rebuke. 106 Praife ye the. 136 Praise ye the Lord, 147 Praise ye the Lord. 61 R Egard, 132 R. Remember. S. $9 S End aid and. 69 Save me, O God. 96 Sing ye with praise. 125 Such as in God. 149 Sing ye unto. The man is bleft. There is no God. 22 FINI S. 10 What is the caufe, 6 65 52 Why dost thou. 311 89 ITT With heart I do. 84 74 Why art thou Lord. 44 70 114 When Ifrael by. 71 36 116 When that the Lord. 81 82 137 When as we fate in. 85 Y. 1 every Morning and Evening. Morning-Prayer. A Lmighty God and most mercifull Father forasmuch as they cannot belerve except they we do not present our felues bere before beare, nor cannot beare but by preaching, tby Majesty, trufting in our ovon merits or and none can preach except they besent worthines, but in thy manifold mercies, therefore (O Lord) raise up faithfull diftriwhich baft promised to bear our prayers and buters of thy mysteries, who fetting apart grant our requests, which we shall make to al worldly respects, may both in their life & thee in the name of thy beloved Son Jefus doctrine only seek thy glory: Continually Christ our Lord, who also hatb commanded confound Satan, Antichrist, with all hiresus to assemble our felues together in his lings & Papists, whom thou hast already name with full affurance that be will not caft off of into a reprobate fence, that they may onely be amongst us, but also be our Media- not by sects, schismes, beresies, & errours tour & Advocate towards thy Majesty, that disquiet thy little fluck. And because, O we may obtain all things whith shall feem Lord, we be fallen into the latter dayes, and expedient to thy bleffed will for our neceffi- dangerous times, wherein ignorance bath ties. Therefore we beseech thee (most merci got the upper band, and Sathan by bis mifull Father) to turn thy loving countenance nisters seek by all means to quench the light towards us, aud impute not unto us our ma- of thy Gospel: we beseech thee to maintaine nifold fins sand offences, whereby we justly thy cause against those ravening wolves, deserve thy wrath and sharp punishment: and strengthen al sby servants whom they but rather receive us to thy mercie, for Fe- keep ir prison and bondage. Let not thy fus Chrifts fake, accepting his death and long suffering be an occafion either to inpassion as a just recompence for all our of- crease their tyranny, or to discourage thy fences, in whom onely thou art pleased, and children, neither yet let our fins and wic through whom thou canst not be offended kednes be an bindrance to thy mercies: but with us. And feeing Ind Seeing that of thy great mer- with Speed (O Lord) confider their great cies we have quietly passed this night, grant misery; Fort tby people Ifrael many times by (O heavenly Father) that we may bestow their fins provoked thine anger, &thou pu this day wholy in thy service, fot that all our nishedst them by thy just judgement: yet thoughts, words, and deeds, may redound to though their sins were never so grievous, if the glory of thy Name, and good ensample they once returned from their iniquity, thous to all men, who feeing our good works, may receivedst them to mercies: we therefore most glorific thee our beavenly Father; And wretched finners bewaile our manifold fins, for.afmuch of thy meer favour and love, & earnestly repent us for cur former wicthou hast not onely created us, to thine own kednes and ungolly behaviour towards thee: fimilitude and likenes, but also bast chosen & whereas we cannot of our felves purus to be beires with thy dear Son Jesus chase thy pardon, yet we humbly befeesh Christ, of that immortall kingdome, which thee, for Jesus Christs fake, to shew thy thou prepareft for us before the beginning mercies upon us, & receive us again to thy of the world, we beseech thee to increase our favour. Grant us (dear Father) these our faith and knowledge, and to lighten our requests, & al other things neceffary for with thine holy Spirit, that we may and thy whole Church, according to thy by proin godly conversation mise in Jesus Christ our Lord. In whose and integrity of life, knowing that Idola- name we befeesh thee, as he bath taught us, ters, adulterers, covetousmen, contentious saying, Our Father which art, &c. berts in as arts with thine boly Spirit, us perfons, drunkards, gluttons, and fuch like, Evening-Prayer. And because thou baft commanded us to pray one for another:we do not onely make that we are not worthy to lift up our eyes to request, O Lord, for our selves, and for heaven, much leffe leffe to present our our selves bethem that thou hast already called to the fore thy Majefly, with confidence that thou true understanding of thine heavenly will, wilt bear our prayers, and grant ourrebut for all people and nations of the world, quests, if we confider our own defervings: who as they know by thy wonderfull works for our confciences do accuse us, and our fins that thou art God over all: so they may be do witnesse against us, and we know that inftrufted by thine boly Spirit to beleeve in thou art an upright Judge, which dost not tbee their onely Saviour & Redeemer. But justifie the finners and wicked men , but in all A godly prayer to be said at all times. Prayers. punisheth the faults of all fuch as transgress that our sleep be not exceffiue or overmuch thy commandements. Yet most mercifull after the insatiable desires of our flesb: but Father, , fince eit it hath pleased thee to com- onely to content our weak nature, that we mand us to call on thee Our troubles may be the better. adversities, promising even then to belp y conversation, to the glory of thy boly etter disposed to live in all godus, when we feele our felves (as it were name, and profit of our bretbren. So be it. fwallowed up of death and defperation) we utterly renounce all worldly confidence, and flie to thy foveraigne bounty, as our onely Stay andrefuge, fuge, beseeching thee not to call to remembrance our manifold fins and wic-Honour and praise be given unto thee, kednes, whereby we continually provoke thy O Lord God Almighty, moft dear Fawrath and indignation against us, neither ther of beaven: for all thy mercies and loour negligence and unkindnessse, which have wing kindnesses shewed untous, in that it neither worthily esteemed, nor in our lives bath pleased thy Sufficiently expreft the sweet comfort of thy and of thine own accord to gracious goodnesse, freely elect & chuse Gospel revealed unto us: but rather to ac- us to saluation beforethe beginning of the cept the obedience and death of thy Son fe- world. And even liketbanks be given unte fus Chrift, who by offering up his body in thee, creating us after thine own image, for facrifice once for a all, bath made a fufficient redeeming eming us with the most precious blood recompense for all our finnes. Have mercy of thy deare Son, when wee were utterly therefore upon us, O Lord, and forgive us loft: for sanctifying us with thy our offences. Teach us by thine boly Spirit in the revelation & knowledge of thy holy by boly Spirit, that we may rightly weigh them, and ear- word, for helping and fuccouring us in at nestly repent for the fame, and so much the our needs & neceffities, for saving us from rather, O Lord, because that the be reprobate, all dangers of body and soul, in comforting such as thou haft forsaken cannot praise tus so fatherly in all our tribulations. thee, nor call upon thy Name, but the repenting beart, the forrowfull mind, the wing us so large a time of repentance. These ations, for sparing us So long, g, and conscience oppressed, bungring and thir- benefits, O most mercifull Father, like as we fling for thy grace, shall ever set forth thy acknowledge to have received them of thine praise and glory. onely goodnesse, even so we beseech thee for And albeit we be but worms and duft, thy deare Son Jesus Christs jake, to grant us get thou artour creator, and we be the alwayes work of thine hands: yeathou art our Fa- continually grow in thy boly Spirit, whereby we may ther, & we thy children, thou art our Shep- thee, to be let into all truth, and comforted thank fulnesse toward heard, and we thy flock: thou art our Re- in all aduerfities. O Lord, ftrengthen our deemer, & wethy people whom thou hast faith, kindle it more inferventnesse, and love bought, thou art our God, and we thine in- towards thee, and our neighbours for thy beritance. Correct us not therefere in thine fake. Suffer us not most dear Father to reanger (O Lord) neither according to our ceive thy word any more in vain: but grant dejerts puniso us:but mercifully chastise us us alwayes the assistance of thy holy Spirit, with thy fatherly affection, that all the that in beart, word, and deed, we may fanworld may know, that at what time foever Etifie and do worship to thy Name: belp to perfecutions, for sand a finner doth repent bim of bis fins from amplifie and increase thy kingdome, and the bottome of bis heart, thou wilt put away whatsoever thou sendest, we may be beartily all bis wickednes out of thy remembrance, well content with thy good pleasure and as thou hast promised by thy boly Prophets. will: Les us not lack the thing (O Father) Finally, forafmuch as it bath pleased without the which we cannot serve thee:but thee to make the night for man, to rest in, blesse thou so the works of our hands, that as thou hast ordained him the day do travell we may have fufficient, and not be chargenin, grant (dear Father) that we may so take ble but rather helpfull unto other. Be merciour bodily reft, that our foules my conti- full (O Lord) to our offences, and feeing our nually watch for the time that our Lord debt is great, which thou hast forgiven Jesus Christ shall appeare for our delive- Jesus Christ, make us to love thee, & our us in of this mortalllife, and in the neighbours fo much the more. Be thou our mean season, that we be not overcome by Father, Captain, and defenderin all tempta any fantasies, dreams or other temptations, tions, bold thou us by thy mercifull hand, may fully fet our mindes upon thee, love that we may be delivered from all inconthee, fear thee, and rest in thee: furthermore veniences, & endour lives in the fancti rance out |