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Although in midst of trouble I do walk, yet shall I stand: Renewed by thee, O my Lord,

thou wilt stretch out thy hand,

Upon the wrath of all my foes, and saved shall I be:

By thy right hand, the Lord God will perform his work to me. 8 Thy mercy Lord endures for aye, Lord do me not forsake; Forfake me not that am the worke, which thine own hand did make.

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Ο thou haft me tride and

14 Thee will I praile, made fearfully, and wondrously I am;

Thy works are marvellous, right well my foul deth know the fame. IsMy bones they are not hid from thee although in secret place I have been made, and in the earth beneath I shaped was. When I was formlesse, then thine eye saw me: for in thy book Were written all, nought was before, that after fashion took. (God, 17 The thoughte therefore of thee, O how deare they are to me? And of them all, how paffing great the endlesse number be. (fumme 18 If I should count them, lo, their more then the sand I see ? whensoever I awake,


yet am I still with thee. 19 The wicked and the bloudy men, O that thou wouldest slay; Even those, O God, to whom depart, depart from me, I say. 20Even those of thee, O Lord my God, that speak full wickedly; Those that are lifted up in vain, being enemies to thee. 21 Hate I not them that hate the Lord, and that in earnest wife? Contend I not against them all, against thee that arife: 22 I hate them with unfained hate, even as my utter foes:

23 Try me (OGod)and know my heart, my thoughts proove and disclofe. 24 Confider Lord, if wickednesse

in me there any be; And inthy way, O God my guide for ever lead thou me. PSAL. CXL.



my fitting thou dost know: 2 Ar risings eke: my thoughts afarre ta chou understand'st also. 3 My paths, yea, and my lying down, thou compaffest alwayes: And by familiar custome art,

acquainted with my wayes.
4 No word is in my tongue, O Lord,
but known it is to thee:

5 Thou me behind hold'st and before,
thou lay'st thy hand on me.
6 To wonderfull above my reach,
Lord is thy cunning skill;

It is so high that I the same,
cannot attain untill.

7 From fight of thy all-feeing Spirit,
Lord, whither shall I go?
Or whither shall I flie away,

thy prefence to scape fro? 8 To heaven if I mount aloft, lo thou art present there; In hell if I lie down below,

even there thou do'st appeare. 9 Yea, let me take the Morning-wings, and let me go and hide: Even there where are the farthest parts where flowing Sea-dothslide. 10 Yea, even thither also shall

thy reaching hand me guide: And thy right hand shall hold me fast, and make me to abide.

Yea, if I say, the darknesse shall yet shroud me from thy fight 3

Lo, even also the darkest night about me shall be light.

2 Yea, darknesse hideth not from thee, but night doth seeme as day: To thee the darknesse and the night are both alike alway.

The second part., 13 For thou possessed haft my reines, and thou hast covered me: When I within my mothers womb,.. inclosed was by the da

Ord save me from the evill man, and from the cruell wight: And from all those that evill do imagine in their spirit.


2Which make on me continuall warre,
their tongues lo they have whet.
3 Like serpents: underneath their lips,
is adders poyson set.
4 Keep me (O Lord) from wicked
preserve me to abide :
Free from the cruell man, that means
to cause my steps to flide.
5 The proud have laid a snare for me,
and they have spred a net
With cords in my path way, and gins
for me eke have they set.
Therefore I faid unto the Lord,
thou art my God alone:
Hear ine, O Lord, O hear the voyce,

wherewith I pray and mone. 70 Lord my God thou onely art, the strength that saveth me:

My head in day of battell hath
been covered stillby thee.
8 Let not, O Lord, the wicked have,

the end of his defire;

Performe not his ill thoughts, with pride be set on fire.

lest he

9 Of them that compasse me about,

⚫the chiefeft of them all:

In thee is all my trust, let not
my foul forsaken be.

9 Which they have laid to aach me in,
Lord keep me from the snare;
And from the fubtill grin of them,
that wicked workers are.

so The wicked into their own nets,
together let them fall;
While I do by thy help escape,
the danger of them all.

Lord let the mischief of their lips, B Efore the Lord God with my voyce

upon themselves befall. 10 Let coals fall on them, let him cast them in confuming flame, And in deep pits, so as they may not rife out of the fame. 11 For no backbiter shall on earth, be set in stable plight: And evill to destruction still,

shall hunt the cruell wight. 12 I know the Lord th'affi Sted will, revenge and judge the poore: 13 The just shall praise thy Name and dwell with thee evermore. (shall PSAL. CXLI. Ν. Lord upon thee do I call,

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Lord hafte thee unto me; And hearken Lord unto my voyce, when I do cry to thee; 2 As incense let my prayer be directed in thine eyes; And the uplifting of my hands, as evening-facrifice. 3 My Lord for guiding of my mouth, set thou a watch before; And also of my mooving lips,

O Lord keep thou the doore. 4That I should wicked works commit, incline thou not my heart; With ill men of their delicates, Lord let me eat no part. 5 But let the righteous smite me Lord, for that is good for me; Let him reproove me, and the fame


a precious oyle shall be. Such smiting shall not break my head, the time shall shortly fall; When I shall in their misery,

I did send out my cry; And with my straitned voyce unto the Lord God prayed I. 2 My meditation in his fight, to powre I did not spare; And in the prefence of the Lord, my trouble did declare. 3 Although perplexed was my spirit, my path was known to thee; In way where I did walk, a snare they flily laid for me.

4 I look'd and view'd on my righthand but none there would me knows

All refuge failed me, and for

my foul none care did show. s Then cride I Lord, to thee, and faid, my hope thou onely art; Thou in the land of living art, my portion and my part. 6 Hearke to my cry, for I am brought full low, deliver me, From them that do me perfecute. for me too strong they be. 7 That I may praise thy Name, my foul from prison Lord bring out: When thou art good to me the just, shall praise me round about. PSAL. CXLIII. N.

LORD hear my prayer,

heark the

that I do make to thees (plains

Lord in thy native trueth, and in
thy justice answer me.
2In judgement with thy servant, Lord,
oh enter not at all:
For justified be in thy fight,
not one that liveth Thall.
3 The enemy hath pursude my foule,
my life to ground hath throne;
And laid me in the darke, like them
that dead are long agone.
4 Within me in perplexity,

make prayers for them all. 6 Then when in stony places down, their Judges shall be cast; (then Then shall they hear my words, for they have a pleasant tast.. 1 7 Our bones about the graves mouth. so scattered are they found;

As he that hewed wood, or he

that digged up the ground.

was mine accombred spirit; And in me was my troubled heart amazed and affright. 5 Yet I record time past, in all thy works I meditate.

8 But, O my Lord, my God, mine eyes, Yea in thy works I meditate,

do look up unto thee;

that thy hands have create.


To thee, O Lord my God, lo I do stretch my craving hands;

My foule defireth after thee,
as do the thirsty lands.
Heare me with speed, my spirit doth
hide not thy face me fro
Elfe shall I be like them that downe
into the pit do goe.
8 Let me thy loving kindneffein

the morning heare and know;
Forin thee is my trust, shew-me
the way where I shall go.
For I lift up my foule to thee,
O Lord deliver me
From all mine enemies: for I
have hidden me with thee.

On violl and on inftrument,
ten-stringed unto thee.
To Even he it is that onely gives,
deliverance to Kings:
Unto his servant David helpe,

from hurtfull swords he brings. It From strangers hand me fave and whose mouth talke vanity: (shield, And their right hand is a right hand, of guile and fubtilty. (plants 12 That our fonnes may be as the whom growing youth doth reare, Our daughters as carv'd corner-stones like to a palace faire.

13 Our garners full, and plenty may with fundry forts be found;

30 Teach me to doe thy will, for thou Our sheep bring thousands in our street

thou art my God, I fay; Let thy good spirit into the land

of mercy me convay. (grace IFor thy Names fake with quickning alive do thou me make: And out of trouble bring my foule, even for thy justice fake. 22 And for thy mercy slay my foes O Lord, destroy them all, That doe oppreffe my foule, for I thy fervant am, and shall.


B Lest be the Lord my strength that inftruct my hands to fight, (doth The Lord that doth my fingers frame, to battell by his might.


ten thousands mayabound. 14 Our oxen be to labour strong, that none do us invade; There be no going out, nor cries, within our ftreets be made. 15 The people biessed are that with such bleflings are so stor'd; Yea, blefsed all the people are,

whose God is God the Lord.


T Hee will I laud my God and King. and blesse thy Name for aye:

2 For

ever will I praise thy Name,

and blesse thee day by day. 3 Great is the Lords most worthy praise, his greatnesse none can reach ; a He is my goodnesse, fort and tower, 4From raceto race they shall thy works praise, and thy power preach.

deliverer and shield: In him I trust, my people hee subdues to me to yeeld. 30 Lord, what thing is man, that him thou holdest so in price? Or fonne of man, that upon him thou thinkest in such wife ?

Man is but like to vanity,

$ I of thy glorious Majesty,
the beauty will record;
And meditate upon thy works,
most wonderfull, O Lord.
6 And they shall of thy power, and of
thy fearfull acts declare;
And I to publish all abroad,


so passe his dayes to end; (Lord SAs flecting shade; Bowe downe, O7 the heavens and defcend. (smoak, 6 The mountains touch, and they shall caft forth thy lightning flame: And scatter them, thine arrowes shoot, confume them with the fame. 7 Send down thine hand even from Of O Lord deliver me: (above, Take me from waters great, from hand of strangers make me free. 8 Whose fubtill mouth of vanity. and fondneffe doth intreat; And their right hand is a right hand of falfhood and deceit.

9 A new fong will I fing, and finging will I be


thy greatneffe will not spare. And they into the mention fhall speake of thy goodnesse great: I aloud thy righteousnesse in finging shall repeat. 8 The Lord our God is gracious. and mercifull also; great abounding mercy, and to anger is he flow. 9 Yea good to all, and all his works, his mercy doth exceed. (Lord, to Lo, all thy works do praise thee and do thine honour spread. II Thy Saints do blesse thee, & they do thy kingdomes glory show; (fons 12 And blaze thy power, to cause the of men thy power to know.



the lame to limbs restore;
Lord, I say, doth love the right,
andjust man evermore.

9 He doth defend the fatherlesse,
and strangers fad in heart,
quit the widow from diftreffe,
and ill mens wayes fubvert.
10 Thy Lord, and God eternally,
Sion still shall reigne,

In time of all pofterity, for ever to remaine.


unto our God to fing, For it is pleasant and to praise it is a comely thing. 2 The Lord, his owne Jerufalem, he buildeth up alone; And the disperst of Ifrael,

The Second part. 13 And of his mighty kingdome cke, The to spread the glorious praise. Thy kingdome, Lord, a kingdomeis, that doth endure alwayes; And thy dominion through each age, endures without decay; 14 The Lord upholdeth them that fall, their fliding he doth stay.

15 The eyes of all doe wait on thee,

thou doft them all relieve,

And thou to each sufficing food,

in season due dost give,

16 Thou openest thy plenteous hand, p Raise ye the Lord for it is good,

and bounteously doft fill, All things whatsoever doe live,

with gifts of thy good will.
17 The Lord is just in all his wayes,
his works are holy all.

18 Neere all he is, that call on him
in truth that on him call.
19 He the defires, when they require
that feare him, will fulfill;
And he will heare them when they cry,
and save them all he will.
20The Lord preferves all those to him as
that beares a loving heart;
But he them all that wicked are

will utterly subvert;
ar My thankfull mouth shall gladly
the praises of the Lord; (speake
All fiesh to praise his holy Name,
for ever shall accord.


MY foule praise ye the Lord alwayes
my God I will confesse, (dayes,
2 While breath and life, prolong my
my tongue no time shall ceafe.
3 Trust not in worldly Princes then,
though they abound in wealth;

Nor in the fons of mortall men,
in whom there is no health.
For why? their breath doth soon de-
to earth anon they fall;
And then the counsells of their heart,
decay and perish all;
O happy is that man, I say,
whom Jacobs God doth aid;
And he whose hope doth not decay,
but on the Lord is stai'd..
Which made the earth & waters deep
the heavens high withall;
Which doth his word and promise keep
in truth, and ever shall.
With right, alwayes he doth proceed,
for fuch as fuffer wrong.
The poore and hungry he doth feed,
and loose the fetters strong.
The Lord doth send § blind their fight


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doth gather unto one. 3 He heals the broken in their hearts, their fores up doth he binde; He counts the number of the starres and names them in their kiade. Great is the Lord, great is his por his wifdome infinite: (throw> The Lord relieves the meeke, and to ground the wicked wight. Sing unto God the Lord with praifex unto the Lord rejoyce : And to our God upon the harpe', advance your finging voyce. 8 He covers heaven & clouds, and for the earth prepareth raine:



on the mountaines he doth make, the graffe to grow againe. 9 He gives to beasts their food, and to young ravens when they cry: 10His pleasure not in strength of horfos


nor in mans legs doth lie. II But in all those that feare the Lords the Lord hath his delight: And such as do attend upon, his mercies shining light. The second part. Praise the Lord Jerufalem, thy God, O Sion praise: 13 For he the barres hath forged ftrong wherewith thy gates he stayes. 14 Thy children he hath bleft in thee, and in thy borders he Doth fettle peace, and with the floure of wheat he filleth thee. 15. And his commandements upon the earth he fendeth out: Andeke his word with fpeedy courf doth swiftly run about. 16He giveth snow like woll, hoare-froft like ashes he doth spread:



17 Like morsels cafts his ice, thereof 12 Young men and maids,

the cold who can abide.

18 He fendeth forth his mighty word,

and melteth them againe:

His winds he makes to blow, and then.

the waters flow amaine.

19 The doctrine of his holy word


to Jacob he doth show.

His stattites and his judgements he gives Ifrael to know.

20 With every nation hath he not

so dealt, nor have they known His fecret judgements: ye therefore praife ye the Lord alone. PSAL. CXLVIII. I. H. Ive land unto the Lord, From heaven that is so high,


Praife him in deed and word
Above the starrie skie.

2 And alfo ye, His angels all: Armies royall,

Praise him with glee.
3 Praise him both Moone and Sunne
Which are so cleare end bright:
The same of you be done
Ye glifstring starres of light:
And eke no leffe

Ye heavens fair,

And clouds of the aire,
his laud expreffe.
For at his word they were

All formed as we fee;
At his voyce did appeare
All things in their degree,
Which he fet faft.

To them he made
A law and trade,

For aye to laft.
Extoll and praise Gods Name,
On earth ye Dragons fell:
All deeps doe ye the fame
For it becomes you well.
8 Him magnifie
Fire, haile, ice, fnow,
And stormes that blow
At his decree.
The hills and mountains all,
And trees that fruitfull are:
The Cedars great and tall,
His worthy praise declare.
10 Beafts and cattell,

Yea birds flying,
And wormes creeping,
that on earth dwell.
21 All Kings both more and lefie,
With all their pompous traine,
Princes and all judges,
That in the world remaine,
Exalt his Name:

Old men and babes,

do ye the fame.

13 For his Name shall we proove
To be most excellent:
Whose praife is farre above
The earth and firmament.
14 For fure he shall

Exalt with bliffe,
The horne of his,

and help themall.
15 His Saints all shall forth tell
His praise and worthinesse,
The children of Ifrael,
Each one both more and leife.
16 And also they,

as with good wil

His words fulfill

And him obey,


SIng ye unto the Lord our God
a new rejoycing fong;
And let the praise of him be heard
his holy Saints among.
2 Let Ifrael now rejoyce in him,
that made him of nothing;

And let the feed of Sion eke,

be joyfull in their King. (flute,
3 Let them found praise with voyce of
unto his holy Name;
And with the timbrel and the harp,
fing praises of the fame.
4 For why? the Lord his pleasure all
hath in his people fet;
And by deliverance he will raife
the meek to gloty great.
5 With glory and with honour now.
let all the Saints rejoyce;
And now aloud upon their beds
advance their finging voyce.
6 And in their mouths let be the acts
of God the mighty Lord;
And in their hands, eke let them beare,
a double-edged sword.
To plague the heathen, and corre&
the people withtheir hands;
18 To bind their starely kings in chaines
their Lords in yron bands.
9 To execute on them the doome,
that written is before;
This honour all his Saints shall have,
praife ye the Lord therefore.

YEeld into God the mighty Lord,
praise in his fanctuary:
And praise him in the firmament,
that sheweth his power on hie.
a Advance his Name, and praise him in
his mighty acts alwayes,


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