THE ORDER How the Pfalter is appointed to be read. He Pfalter fhall be read Tthrough once every mo nech, as it is there appointed bo.h For Morning and Prayer. But in February it fhall be read only to the Twenty eighth, or Twenty ninth day of the moneth. And whereas Fanuary, March, May, July, August, October. and December have One and thirty days apiece; It is ordered, that the fame Pfalms fhall be read the last day of the faid moneths, which were read the day before: So that the Pfal e may begin again the first day of the next month enfuing. And whereas the CXIX Plalm is divided into XXII Portions, and is over long to be read at one time; It is fo ordered, that at one time fhall not be read above four or five of the faid Portions. And at the end of every Pfalm and of every fuch part of the CXIX Pfalm, shall be repeated this Hymn, Glory be 10 the Father, the Son and to the holy Ghoft; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever fhall be: world without end. Amen. Note, that the Pfalter followeth the divifion of the Hebrews and the Tranflation of the great English Bible, fet forth and ufed in the time of King Henry the eighth, and Edward the Sixth. The ORDER How the rest of Holy Scripture is appointed to be read. The Old Teftament is ap pointed for the firft Leffons at Morning and Evening Prayer; fo as the most part thereof will be read every year once, as in the Kalendar is appointed. The New Teftament is appointed for the fecond Leffons at Morning and Evening Prayer,and fhall be read over orderly every year thrice, befides the Epifties and Gofpels; except the Apocalyps, out of which there are only certain proper Leffons appointed upon divers Feafts. And to know what Leffons fhall be read every day, look for the day of the moneth in the Kalendar following, and there ye fhall find the Chapters that Thall be read for the Leffons both at Morning and Evening Prayer; Except only the Moveable Feafts, which are not in the Kalendar, and the Immoveable, where there is a blank left in the Column of Leffons; the proper Leffons for all which days are to be found in the Table of Proper Leffons. And note, that whenfoever proper Pfalms or Leffons are appointed, then the Pfalms and Leffons of ordinary courfe appointed in the Pfalter and Kalendar (if they be different )fhall be omitted for that time. Note alfo, that the Collect, Epiftle and Gofpel appointed for the Sunday, fhall ferve all the Week after, where it is not in this Book otherwife ordered. Sundays after The first Andrew. Apoftle John. I Lellon. Epiphany. S. Paul. Mattins. Evensong. Proverbs 21. Mattins. Evenfong. Act. 22.10 v.22. Acts 26. Mary. Ecclus. I.. n. z. Annunciation 3 -༡ -19. Wednesday be 4 fore Eafter. I Lesson. 2 Leffon. 9 2 Thursdaybe ngs fore Eafter. 8 I Leffon. 23 2 Leffon. John 13. 22. 6 Good Friday. 13.. 2 Leffon. 8 Eafter Even. 1 Leffon. Ge.22. to v.20. Ifa. 53. Luke 23. v. 50., Exod. 13. Heb. 4. =. Munday in 1. Eafter week. I. 1 Leffon. Exod. 16. 3 2 Exod. 17. Acts 3. 'Luk. 24. v. 44. Eph. v. 17. v. 10. Num. 11.v.16. (to v. 30 1 Cor. 14. to. V. 26. 1 Sam.19.v.18. Deut. 30. 1 Thef. 5. ver. 1 Joh. 4. to v. 12. to v. 24. 14. Ecclus. 12. Acts 15. V. 36. Ecclus. 10? Acts 14. Malach. 3. Matth. 3. 1 Leffon. Mal. 4. &c. v.7. 2. 17. Tables and Rules for the Mow able and Immoveable Fealt Together with the days of F fting and abftinence, throug the whole year. Rules to know when the Move able Feafts, and Holidays begi After-day (on which the re Edepend) is always the fir Sunday after the firft Full Moo which happens next after th one and twentieth day of Marc And if the Full Moon happen upon a Sunday, Eafter day is the Sunday after. Advent Sunday is always the nearest Sunday to the Feaft of S. Andrew whether before or after. Α Afcenfion-day TrinitySunday A TABLE of all the Feafts that are to be obferved in the CHURC of ENGLAND throughout the YEAR. Ll Sundays in the year. The Circumcifion of our Lord Jefus Chrift. Of Epiphany. Of the Converfion of St. Paul. Of the Purification of the blu fed Virgin. Ofs. Matthias the Apoffle. Of the Annunciation of the blef Virgin. Of S. Mark the Evangelift. Of S. Philip and Jacob the Apostles. the Afcenfion of our Lord Jefus Chrift. Of S. Barnabas. Of the Nativity of John Baptift. Of S. Peter the Apoftle. OfS. James the Apoftle. Of S. Barthe lomew the Apoftle. Of S. Matthew the Apottle. Of St. Michael, and all A gels. Of S. Luke the Evangelift. Ofs. Simon and S. Jude the Apoftles. Of a Saints. Of S. Andrew the Apostle. Of S. Thomas the Apoftle. Of the Nativit of our Lord. Of S. Steven the Martyr. Of S. John the Evangelift. Of the Hol Innocents. Munday and Tuesday in Eafter-week. Munday and Tuesday in whitfun-wee A Table of the Vigils, Fafts, and days of Abitinence, to be observed T in the Year. He Evens or Vigils before the Nativity of our Lord. Before the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Before the Annunciation of the Bleffed Virgin. Before Eafter day. Before Afcenfion-day. Before Pentecoft. Before S. Matthias. Before S. John Baptift Before S. Peter. Before S. James. Before S. Bartholomew. Before S. Matthew. Before S.Simon and S. Fude. Before S. Andrew. Before S. Thomas. Be fore all Saints. Note, that if any of these Feaft-days fall upon a Munday, then the Vigil or Faft-day fhall be kept upon the Saturday and not on the Sunday next be fore it. |