or By what undue means, and for what and vain, but fuch Alterations as were mitchievous purposes the use of the Li- tendred to us (by what perfons, under turgy (though enjoyned by the Laws of what pretences, or to what purpofe fothe land, and thofe Laws never yet re- ever lo tendred) as feemed to us in any pealed) came, during the late unhappy degree requifite or expedient, we have contufions,to be difcontinued, is too well willingly & of our own accord affented known to the world, and we are not unto: Not enforced fo to do by any willing here to remember. But when ftrength of Argument, convincing us of upon His Majefties happy Reftauration the neceffity of making the faid Alterait feemed probable, that amongit other tions: For we are fully perfwaded in things, the ufe of the Liturgy alfo would our Judgements (and we here profefs it return of courfe (the fame having never to the world) that the Book,as it flood been legally abolish'd)unlefs fome time- before eftablished by Law, doth not ly means were used to prevent it; thofe contain in it any thing contrary to the men who under the late ufurped Pow-Word of God, or to found Doctrine, or ers had made it a great part of their bu- which a godly man may not with a good finefs to render the People difaffected confcience ufe and fubmit unto, thereunto, faw themfelves in point of which is not fairly defenfible against any reputation and intereft concerned (un- that fhall oppofe the fame; if it shall be lefs they would freely acknowledge allowed fuch just and favourable conthemselves to have erred, which fuch ftruction as in Common equity ought to men are very hardly brought to do)with be allowed to all Humane Writings, etheir utmolt endeavours to hinder the fpecially fuch as are fet forth by Authoreftitution thereof. In order where-rity, and even to the very belt tranilaunto, divers Pamphlets were published tions of the holy Scripture it felf. against the Book of Common Prayer, the Our general aim therefore in this unold Objections mustered up, with the dertaking was,not to gratifie this or that addition of fome new ones more then party in any their unreasonable deformerly had been made, to make the mands; but to do that which to our belt number fwell. In fine, great importu- underltandings we conceived might moft nities were used to His Sacred Majelty, tend to the preservation of Peace and that the faid Book might be Revifed, Unity in the Church; the procuring of and fuch Alterations therein, and Addi-Reverence, and exciting of Piery and tions thereunto made, as should be thought requisite for the ease of tender Confciences: Whereunto His Majesty Out of His pious Inclination to give fatisfaction (fo far as could be reasonably expected) to all His Subjects of what perfwafion foever, did gracionfly condefcend. Devotion in the Publick Worship of God; and the cutting off occafion from them that feek occafion of cavil, or quarrel against the Liturgy of the Church. And as to the several variations from the former Book, whether by Alteration, Addition, or otherwife, it fhall fuffice to give this general account, That In which Review we have endeavour-molt of the Alterations were made, eied to obferve the like Moderation, as ther firft, for the better direction of we find to have been used in the like them that are to officiate in any part of cafe in former times. And therefore of Divine Service; which is chiefly dore the fundry Alterations propofed unto in the Kalendars and Rubricks: Or feus,we have rejected all fuch as were ei-condly, for the more proper expreffing ther of dangerous confequence (as fecretly ftriking at fome eftablithed Do&trine,or laudable Practife of the Church of England, or indeed of the whole Catholick Church of Chrift) or else of no confequence at all, but utterly frivolous of fome words or phrafes of ancient ufage, in terms more fuitable to the language of the prefent times, and the clearer explanation of fome other words and phrafes, that were either of doubtful fignification, or otherwife li able able to mifconftruction: Or thirdly,tor a more perfect rendring of fuch portions of holy Scripture as are inferted into the Liturgy which in the Epiftles and Gofpels especially, and in fundry other places are now ordered to be read according to the laft Tranflation: and that it was thought convenient, that fome Prayers and Thanksgivings, fitted to fpecial occafions, fhould be added in their due places; particularly for thofe at Sea, together with an Office for the baptifm of fuch as are of riper years; which although not fo neceffary when the former Book was compiled, yet by the growth of Anabaptifm, through the licentioufnefs of the late times crept in amongst us, is now become neceflary, and may be always ufeful for the baptizing of Natives, in our Plantations and others converted to the Faith. If any man, who thall desire a more particular account of the feveral alterations in any part of the Liturgy, thall take the pains to compare the pre fent Book with the former; we doub not but the reafon of the change may easily appear. And having thus endeavoured to dif charge our duties in this weighty Af fair, as in the fight of God, and to approve our fincerity therein (fo far as lay in us) to the confciences of all men, although we know it impoffible (in fuch variety of appprehenfions, humours,and interefts, as are in the world) to please all; nor can expect, that men of factious, peevish, and perverfe fpirits fhould be fatisfied with any thing that can be done in this kind by any other then them felves: Yet we have good hope, that what is here prefented, and hath been by the Convocations of both Provinces with great diligence exami ned and approved, will be also well accepted, and approved by all fober, peaceable, and truly confcientious fons of the Church of England. THE He Kalendar, with the Table of A Table of proper Leffons and Pfalms. Tables and Rules for the Featts and Fafts throughout the whole year. The Order how the Pfalter is appoin- The Order how the rest of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read. The Order of the Miniftration of the The Order of Baptism, both publick The Order of Baptism for those of ri- The Catechifm, with the Order for The Form of Solemnization of Matri- Vifitation of the Sick, and Communion The Order for the Burial of the Dead. Thanksgiving for Women after Child- The Collects, Epiffles and Gofpels, to be used at the miniftration of the ho- ly Communion throughout the year. ABLE of the Moveable Feafts calculated for Fourty Years. A Commination or Denouncing ofGods |