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previous Examination, viz. That every person, when examined, shall be required to construe some portion of each of the subjects so to be appointed; to explain the grammatical censtruction of particular passages; and to answer printed questions relating to the evidences of Christianity, and to the geographical chronology and history of the other subjects of examination.'

"And to substitute the following, viz. 'That every person, when examined, shall be required (1) to translate some portion of each of the subjects appointed as aforesaid; (2) to construe and explain passages of the same; and (3) to answer printed questions relating to the evidences of Christianity.'

"To allow an additional day for the examination; to put the examination under the superintendance of the Pro-Proctors for the time being; and to authorize the Pro-Proctors, and the four Examiners, to require the attendance at one and the same time of no greater number of the persons to be examined than can be properly accommodated in the Senate House."

It is in contemplation to erect a public room of large dimensions, to be used as an Examination Hall, and for other purposes, for which the Senate House is not adapted.

December 9.

The Rev. William Clark, M.A. Professor of Anatomy, and Fellow of Trinity College, was elected a Senior of that Society, in the room of the late Rev. Thomas Carr, M.A,

December 14.

Charles Eckersall, M.A. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, was admitted ad eundem of this University.

At a Congregation this day, the following Graces passed the Senate :

"To appoint Mr. Hughes, of Emmanuel College, an Examiner at the Classical Examination after admission ad Respondendum Quæstioni, in January next, instead of Mr. Law, of St. John's College.

"To appoint Mr. Warren, of Jesus College, and Mr. Chevallier, of Catharine Hall, (the Moderators of the preceding year), also Mr. Hughes, of St. John's College, Mr. Ramsay, of Jesus College, Mr. Fennell, of Queen's College, and Mr. Porter, of Christ College, Examiners of the Questionists in January next.

"To allow the Moderators and Examin


ers, with the approbation of the Professors of Divinity, Law, and Physic, to conduct the examination of the first six Classes in the Public Schools.

"To re-appoint the Syndicate, empowered by a Grace of November 24, 1824, to treat with the Provost and Fellows of King's College, for the purchase of the old court, the property of the said College.

"To appoint the Vice-Chancellor, the Master of Jesus, the Master of Downing, Dr.Haviland, Professor Turton, Mr. Bridge, Mr. Byam, Mr. Griffith, Mr. Peacock, Mr. Shelford, Mr. Croft, Mr. Crawley, Mr. Tasker, and Mr. King, a Syndicate, to consider of the expediency of building an Examination Hall, and to report to the Senate, before the 1st of May next, on the best site for the same, and the means of carrying the design into effect."

By the will of the late Professor Dobree, his valuable manuscripts and printed books, containing manuscript notes, are bequeathed to this University; afterwards seven of his private friends have each the choice of a set of books, as a legacy; and then 1000 volumes are left to Trinity College, by them to be chosen from the rest of his valuable library.

The following is an account of the present state of the University.

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Subject" The Building and Dedication of the Second Temple."

The Rev. John Overton, M.A. Trinity College.

Rocrisian Prize Essay.

Subject for the ensuing year-“ The Mosaic Dispensation not intended to be perpetual."

The Chancellor's English Poem. Subject for the present year" Ve



TERMS for 1826.

Lent Term begins Jan. 13, ends Mar. 17, div. Feb. 13, m. Easter Term begins April 5, ends July 7, div. May 21, m. Michael.Term begins Oct. 10, ends Dec.16, div.Nov.12, m. The commencement will be July 4.





Ami de la Religion et du Roi. 8vo. (weekly) 21. 8s. per annum.

Annalen der neusten theologischen Litteratur und Kirchengeschichte, herausgegeben von J. M. Hassenkamp, 61. 15s. Leipzig. 1789-97.

Fortsetzung oder neue Annalen von Horstig und Wachler. 11. 10s. Leipzig. 1798-99, auf 1800 bis 1825. 301. 5s. Leipzig.

Archives du Christianisme au 19eme siecle. 8vo. (monthly). 9s.

Augusti D. nähere Erklärung über das Majestätsrecht in Kirchlichen, Besonders liturgischen Dingen. 8vo. 5s. Frankfort. 1825.

Bengel, Neues Archiv für die Theologic. 8vo. Vol. 4. Part. 1. 6s. Tüb. 1825. Bergsma D. Dissertatio de Zoroastris quibusdam placitis cum doctrina Christiana comparatis. 8vo. 4s. Leyden. 1825.

Binterim A. J. Epistola Catholica Secunda de vi atque usu probationis in rebus Theologicis per Symbola et antiquos fidei libellos. Pars I. Contin, Symbola orthodoxa ante-nicæna. 8vo. 5s. Mog. 1825.

Binterim O. A. J. sie vorzüglichsten Denkwürdigkeiten der Christ. Katholischen Kirche aus den ersten, mittlern und lezten Zeiten. 1r. Band 1r. Theil, 8vo. 10s. Maintz. 1825.

Bulletin de la Société Biblique Protestante de Paris. 8vo. (monthly). 5s. per ann. Bulletin de la Société des Missions Evangéliques. 8vo. (monthly). 4s. per ann. Casual Magazin für angehende Prediger und für Solche, welche bei gehauten Amtsgeschäften sich des Nachdenken erleichtern wollen. 9 Bde. 8vo. 21. 14s.

Meissen. 1825.

Constant, Benjamin. De la Religion considérée dans sa source, ses formes et ses developements. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. 11. 1s. 1824-5.

Frayssinous, Evéque d' Hermopolis, Defense du Christianisme, ou Conferences sur la Religion. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 11. 11s. 6d. Paris. 1825.

Friedmann E. die Jesuiten und ihr Benehmen gegen geistliche und weltliche Regenten nebst einigen Zugaben. 8vo. 5s. Grimma. 1825.

Geographie Sacrée par demandes et par reponses. 18mo. 2s. 6d. Alost. 1825. Geschichte der Sogenannten Momiers, einer in einigen Schweitzer Cantonen sich ausbreitenden Secte 1s. Heft. 8vo. 4s. Basel. 1825.

Imitation de Jesus Christ, traduction nouvelle par M. l'Abbé de la Mennais. Journal de la Société de la Morale Chrétienne. 8vo. (monthly). 11. per ann. Keratry, Du Culte en général et de son état particulièrement en Frânce. 8vo. Paris. 1825.

Kochen D. christliche Vorträge nach Anleitung der aeltern Evangelischen Perikopen Ir. Bd. 8vo. 15s. Copenhagen. 1825.

Kuinoel D. C. T. Commentarius in libros N. T. historicos Vol. 3. Evangelium Johannis. 3d Edit. 8vo. 15s. Leipsig. 1825.

Magazin für Prediger, herausgegeben von Ammon. Hanover. 1815-25.

Mémorial Catholique. 8vo. (monthly). 11. 4s. per ann.

Niemeyer H. A. D. Isidori Pelusiatæ vita script. et doctrina. Commentatio hist. theol. 8vo. 4s. Haliae. 1825.

Oermont D. J. Collectanea critica in Novum Testamentum pars la. 8vo. 12s. Leyden, 1825.

Revue Protestante, publiée par Constant, Coquerel, Fontanês, Richard, Vincent, &c. 8vo. (monthly). 15s. per ann.

Supplementàl' ouvrage de Buttler et Godescart: Vies des pères, des martyrs et autres principaux Saints. 8vo. 6s. Tournay.


We beg to assure our Correspondent, whose letter was written in Sussex, that he has much mistaken our meaning, if he supposes that we had the smallest intention either of laughing at him, or of misrepresenting his arguments. Many passages might be pointed out in our review of his work, which bear testimony to a very different feeling –to personal respect, and to our full concurrence with his general views. With regard to the latter part of his remonstrance, we must candidly repeat our deliberate opinion, which we are not unprepared to defend, that he was much to blame in making use of the term to which we objected. He will, at least, do us the justice to remember, that a sound critic has been described as one—

"Who to a friend his faults can freely show,

And gladly praise the merit of a foe."

We regret that we have received the request of the Northamptonshire Clergyman too late to give him a satisfactory reply in our present Number; but shall have much pleasure in adverting to it in our next.

We are again obliged, for want of space, to postpone our notices of Single Sermons.

The report of Parliamentary Debates relative to the Church, will be continued after the opening of the Session.


N. VI.

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