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lay a foundation, on which others or perhaps ourselves may fome time build.

Poems on feveral Occafions. By the late Edward Lovibond, Efq. Small Evo. 35. Dodsley.


The editor informs us that the author was a gentleman of fortune, and moft refpectable character; that his poems being difperfed in the hands of different friends, his brother, at their request, communicated to him the following pieces for publi cation. The firft, intitled, The Tears of Old May-Day? written on the reformation of our calendar according to the ge neral ufage of the reit of Europe, and publifhed in the eightyfecond N. of the World, poffeffes much poetical merit, and is inferior to none in the collection. We mean not to infinuate any thing difrefpectful in regard to the others. Some are exceedingly pleafing, and none fink beneath mediocrity. His deferiptions are often truly picturefque, and his ftyle eafy and elegant. Two or three fhort poems, writtten by & Mifs G-, inferted in this publication, are entitled to the fame praise.

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The Fall of Scepticism and Infidelity. Svo.

35. Cadell.

If the verfes fail of conferring praife they will manifeft the defire; and fhould the notes want force to rectify one notion in an ingenious and enquiring reader, he must fill think they teach nothing that would (in) any wife hinder the welfare of mankind.' This declaration is modeft, and the author's defign laudable, but we cannot fpeak fo highly of the execution. Neither the verfes nor notes in general are remarkable for perfpicuity, or frength of argument; fome fenfible obfervations, however, not to accurately expreffed as we could with, are to be found in the latter.

The Pittiad, a poetico-political Hiftory of William the Second. Se cond Edition. 4to. 35. Jarvis.

No publications circulate more rapidly than thofe which expofe to ridicule illuftrious characters, on which account we are not furprised at the Pittiad's having arrived at a fecond edition, The conduct of the minifter and his adherents is here exhibited in a ludicrous light, with fome degree of humour. The wit is not very poignant; but abufe alone is fufficient to recommend a performance of this nature,

The Obfequies of Demetrius Poliorcctes: a Pocm. By Anne Francis. 15. 6d. Dodiley.

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For an account of this hero, the fair author refers us to the fifth volume of Plutarch's Lives, from whence flie has extracted a relation of the magnificent manner in which his funeral rites were celebrated, and which forms the fubject of the poem. Demetrius was the fon of Antigonus, one of Alexander's moft famous captains and fucceffors; and not altogether unlike that


great hero in his virtues and defects: addicted to pleasure, yet enterprifing and magnanimous, he experienced, to a high degree, both the fmiles and frowns of fortune. Being taken prifoner by Seleucus, he died, after three years confinement, in the caftle of Cherfonefus in Syria. The poem opens with a defcription of the fleet his fon Antigonus had prepared to convey his afhes to Corinth for interment.

The brazen prows the fwelling waves divide,
And the brifk eddies curl on ev'ry fide;
Stroke following ftroke the agile rowers ply,
From the sharp keels the deep lafh'd billows fly;
Behind the fterns the foaming furges play,
And the bright veftige marks the recent way.
Before the fleet the regal galley flew,

Her cordage gold, entwin'd with Tyrian blue;
Light danc'd her changeful ftreamers in the gales,
And lightly buo, ant play'd her filken fails.'

The account of the golden urn which contained the ashes of Demetrius, the votive garlands fent from different cities to adorn it, the approach of evening, and view of the caftle of Corinth, are next delineated, and exhibited in the fame pleas ing and picturefque manner. The inhabitants, perceiving the fleet approach,

Slow from the steep defcends the mingled throng,

Their heads with chaplets crown'd, their garments white; So pours the flock with gradual pace along,

Defcending from Olympus' airy height.

Now from the ftrand they view the neighb'ring deep,
Mark how the gallies o'er the billows Hy;
Hear dying breezes thro' the cordage creep,
And greet the dying breezes with a high.

The chofen veffel touch'd her native fhore :
Hufh'd were the winds-'twas filence all around,
Save where the waves with undulating roar
Lull'd the fad foul with melancholy found.

'Twas then Antigonus, in fable vest,

The big round tears flow ftealing from his eye, Wip'd his wan cheek, and imote his throbbing breast, In filent woe and hopeless mifery !

Behold him pointing to the royal dead!

Quick and more quick his pungent forrows flow! Each duteous fubject hangs the mournful head,

And drops the tear of fympathetic woe.'

The images in thefe lines are truly claffical, and elegantly expreffed. Xenophantus, a celebrated mufician recorded by Plutarch, is next introduced, as giving the funeral fong in praise

of the deceafed. It is written, in our opinion not improperly, in the form of an irregular ode, but bears too ftrong a refemblance to Dryden's Alexander's Feast, from whence the idea was undoubtedly taken. The molt faulty inftance is probably this Sing Demetrius young and fair, Ever fair, and ever young !'

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Dryden says,

The praife of Bacchus then the sweet musician fung Of Bacchus ever fair, and ever young.'

This expreflion, though fuitable to a god, fhould not have been. applied to a man, who died at the age of fifty-four, and whofe obiequies were then performing. We should not have difliked a diftant imitation, but where a copy is placed too near fo excellent an original, it must lofe by the comparison. The fol lowing paffage, however, the last line of which ftrikes us as particularly beautiful, makes amends for every defect.

The minstrel tries the funeral lay, /
Each vocal pow'r he tries;

The gently yielding air gives way,

And the fad notes in flow fucceffion rife;

Slow rife the mournful numbers from the main,

And each touch'd heart reverberates the strain.

The skilful rowers ftrike the founding deep,
Revive th' expiring notes;

Their well-tim'd oars refponfive measures keep,

And on the blue expanfe the trembling cadence floats.

Now foar the bolder numbers ftrong and clear,
Pour from the main, and ftrike the diftant ear:
Higher mounts the ftrain and higher!
Varying modes the audience greet;
Still tones fymphonious fill the tuneful choir,
Melodious breathing from the vocal fleet:

From ship to fhip the harmony prevails,

And lift'ning zephyrs pant upon the fails.'

The poem concludes with an account of the last rites per formed in honour of the deceafed. The extracts we have given fufficiently fhew our fentiments concerning it.


Sentimental Memoirs. By a Lady. Two Volumes. Small 8vo. 75. Hookham.

Our author tells us, that her courage would certainly fail her, were the not perfuaded that thofe gentlemen, whofe profeff on it is to make their report of every new publication, will excite their candid attention to this firft effort to entertain and inftruct her own fex.' Thefe Memoirs may indeed inftruct, for


the conduct of the perfonages is often exemplary; but we fear they will not entertain. We refpect good intentions: we would be candid, and even complaifant, if it were in our power; but as we cannot praise we will be filent.

The Favourites of Felicity. A Novel. In a Series of Letters. By John Potter, M. B. 3 Vols. 12mo. 75. 6d. ferved. Cafs.

The author tells the fair fex, to whom he dedicates his work, that he endeavours to refine their delicacy, to diftinguish be tween real and pretended virtues, and to direct their penetration ΤΟ • those defirable fources of permanent felicity, which arife from domeftic pleafure, moral improvement, and immortal truth.' We transcribe his own words, for we fear the reader might not have discovered his defign. In this work, as well as in the Virtuous Villagers, the author inftructs by precept rather than adventures; and, if there be more incident in the Favourites of Felicity than in the volumes just mentioned, there is fomewhat lefs of that luxuriance of language which we reprehended, though fome colloquial vulgarities are admitted. Our reprehenfions, we think, have had a good effect; for he often totters on the verge, and feems to check his rapid pen. This novel and the former are, however, greatly inferior to the Curate of Coventry. Why did the author leave the walk of artless adventures and peculiar characters, for that of uninterefting fentiment?

The Adventures of the Hermit betray fome ftrokes of real incident; of incidents which have made fome impreffion on the writer's heart. The account of Holland is more diftin&t and just than we have yet feen; but the greater part of it is well known. The author has an averfion to Apothecaries; and we wish he would not imitate them, in making new mixtures from different ingredients poured from old phials.

Maria. A Novel. Two Volumes. 12mo. 6s. Cadell.

The young lady, who offers us this novel, is by no means deficient in many of the requifites which fhould accompany her tafk; but she is yet diftant from fome others, which are almost indifpenfible. Her judgment is accurate, her difcernment quick, and her language ready. Her attempts at humour and ridicule frequently fucceed; but, probably from a flight acquaintance with fituations of active life, we perceive inconfiftencies which, in fome degree, deftroy the intereft of her tale. We were, however, pleafed with the work in general, and much affected with particular parts of it: the author attempts to be pathetic with fuccefs; and the horrors of the night, in the Gothic manfion, point out the intelligent fcholar of an able mafter. The incidents are within the bounds of probability; and, together, furnish fome very formidable events, We have discovered fo much to commend, that we think it worth while to hint at another fault; for, with an inferior writer, our labour

bour might be mifapplied. By connecting the ftories of Maria and Mif Hampden fo intimately, the author has raised contending interefts, which weaken the influence of each, and the catastrophe of the former's hiftory is too near that of the latter. At the lumit too of Maria's distress, her friend is relieved by a fortunate ecclairciffement; fo that the mind hangs in doubt whether it should rejoice or grieve

Mifs B. will not mifinterpret thefe hints: they are dictated rather by a defire to improve, than to depreciate her talents. She, at prefent, foars beyond many writers of this clafs; and, with a little care, may follow the firft with no little fuccefs. The Omen; or, Memoirs of Sir Henry Melville and Mifs Julia Eaft-· brook. A Novel. Two Volumes. 12mo. ts. Lowndes.

Neither the defign nor the execution of this novel is very happy. Many improbabilities occur in both; and we are not recompenfed by the brilliancy of wit, juftnefs of remark, well drawn characters, or interefting fituations. But, while we have little to praife, we have nothing very particularly to condemn : a rafh promife draws down misfortunes on her who makes it; yet, as the conclufion is happy, we are apt to forget the punishment in the fubfequent reward, and do not perceive with fufficient force the folly and impropriety of the conduct.

Areoftatic Spy; or, Excurfions with an Air Balloon. Trvo Vols. 12mo. 6s. Symonds.

This little work is fuperior to many attempts of the fame kind. It contains fome amufing adventures, juft reflections, and well drawn characters: it is not even deficient in its philofophical obfervations, if we except a fanguine partiality for aerial machines, and too great expectations of their utility. We recognile, at times, fome living characters; and vice and folly are held up to the infamy which they deferve. We do not however find any thing to grofsly perfonal, as to deserve reprehenfion.


An Efay on the Nature and Cure of the Pthifis Pulmonalis. Second Edition, enlarged. By, Thomas Reid, M. D. F. R. S. 8vo. 55. Cadell.

In the 16th page of our Fifty-fifth Volume we gave a pretty early and full account of the first edition of this work; and we have fince had more than one occafion to mention it. We shall now only remark, that it is greatly enlarged and much improved; but the foundation is nearly the fame. Dr. Reid mentions our remarks on the emetic tartar, with a flattering compliment; but we have already, in the account of his first edition, allowed that the ipecacuanha is preferable for frequent use; and, fince that period, have almost exclufively employed it, except where it failed to act as an emetic. We fhall extract what he obferves relating to myrrh, which is now firft publifhed. We



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