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Extracts from Reviews and Notices of the Assistant to Family


"There was evidently need of a work that should comprise the whole subject of family religion, and in a convenient form. Such a work is now before the public. The parts are entire, wanting nothing. These are proportionate and sufficiently ample, and are executed with ability and judgment. The Dissertation on Family Religion, is well planned and executed, and is a proper introduction to the other parts of the work." "The second, and much the largest and most difficult part of the work, is upon the subject of natural and revealed religion. It indicates much thinking, and careful investigation, and a pervading mind, conversant with theological studies. Rarely do we find so much, and such various religious instruction as is here contained in about two hundred pages. The mode which the author has adopted, that of question and answer, is certainly the best adapted to the purpose of instruction, and admits of the most matter within the same compass. This part of the work is rendered more valuable, by the illustrations and proofs adduced from Scripture, and placed at the bottom of each page. In this part scarcely any thing is loosely and vaguely written. The writer has a meaning, and he definitely and clearly expresses what he means. The volume before us, and especially that part of it now under consideration, will be found highly useful to preachers." "Passing to the third part, we find a hundred resolutions, with questions for self-examination annexed to each of them. We feel as if no one, and especially as if no one having a concern for his own personal religion and spiritual state, can peruse them without profit." "In the fourth part, the author has composed, for the assistance of those who need them, forms of prayers for a fam. ily, morning and evening, and for several occasions, and in a well judged variety. They are original, pertinent, comprehensive and devotional." "For the Hymns, the author is entitled to the praise of making a judicious selection from a variety of the best poetical works." "The Tunes with which the volume closes are of a variety of metres in common use in public worship. Of these we need say nothing more than this, that they are approved by the best judges of sacred music." "The author, it appears to us has ably executed his design, and done an im

portant service to the religious community, by preparing and publishing the volume before us."-Christian Magazine.

"The work commences very appropriately with a Dissertation on Family Religion, in which the duty in question is explained, its importance urged, and excuses and objections answered. In the second part of the work the great truths of religion are clearly and concisely stated and properly arranged, so that their mutual connection and dependence may be seen; and what is of more consequence, they are solidly supported at every step by quotations from the unerring word of God. Heads of families, will here learn to connect their thoughts on the subject of religion and to reduce their principles to a system; and when they are themselves sufficiently learned in this way it will be easy for them to teach their children. The truths inculcated in the third part are here closely and faithfully applied, and religion is shown to be, not mere speculation, however correct, but a concern of the heart, -a concern pending between the soul and God. The resolutions are such as every reader ought to form and fulfil; and the inquiries are such as every wise and watchful believer will be disposed often to press upon his conscience. The prayers we think uncommonly scriptural and excellent. We scarcely know of a volume which, on the whole, is better calculated to be useful. We hope it may have a continued and general circulation and that it may be a means, through the accompanying blessing of God, of reviving, improving, and perpetuating Family Religion."-Spirit of the Pilgrims.

"The theological sentiments of the Author are well known, and the public will be prepared to expect in the book now offered to them a formulary of sound doctrine drawn from the word of God. In this they will not be disappointed. It is not only a judicious and valuable publication, but exceedingly well timed."-Boston Recorder,

"The work discovers a high degree of discernment in theological science, and must have been prepared with great care and labor. It is written in the best kind of didactic style-perspicuous, and at the same time comprehensive." - New Hampshire Observer.

"The Assistant to Family Religion prefers strong claims to the attention of the religious. The work comprises a great variety of sound religious instruction, conveyed in a perspicuous and familiar style. An evangelical and serious spirit pervades the whole. We cordially commend the work to the religious community; confident that wherever it comes, it can scarcely fail to excite attention, and produce a salutary effect."-Rev. Drs. Porter, Dana, Woods, Griffin, Smith and Rice.

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Third Edition.



47, Washington Street:


180, Broadway.



Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1836,


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. PREFACE.

FAMILY RELIGION has ever been justly deemed of immense importance as it respects the spiritual welfare of individuals, families, states, and nations. This consists of prayer, praise, and religious instruction. These services are, ordinarily, to be conducted by heads of families. That they may be acceptable and profitable, much depends on their right performance. Every thing, therefore, which contributes to this is desirable, and is to be viewed as subsidiary to the cause of religion, and to the prosperity and happiness of man.

The following work is designed to promote, in this way, the interests of the Redeemer's kingdom and the good of mankind. It was thought proper, therefore, to commence it with a discussion of the subject of Family Religion. This is done in a Dissertation in which some arguments in favor of Family Religion are presented, the time for the observance of it with the duties included in it are pointed out, the manner in which it should be observed is considered, and an attempt to answer the more common excuses for the neglect of it is made.

As family instruction is an important part of Family Religion, the principal doctrines and duties of Christianity, systematically arranged, and treated in the way of Question and Answer, accompanied with Scripture proofs, are em

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