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Have I complied with the above resolution? Have I been faithful to my friends, in prosperity and adversity? or, by my unfaithfulness, have I given them reason to doubt the reality of my friendship and affection for them?

R. 77. I will pray much for my nearest relatives and connections in life, especially those, with whom I daily


Q. Have I manifested my affection for my relatives and friends by thus imploring the Divine blessing upon them?

R. 78. I will never refrain from communicating to others any thing, which I know will be for their advantage, through fear of being thought officious, and never be so blindly attached to any as to prevent my hating the sins I may discover in them.

Q. Have I constantly a disposition to be serviceable to others in making known to them what will be for their profit? When I discover sin in another, do I detest the sin, while I love the person who committed it as the workmanship of God?

R. 79. I will never, in relating any thing in conversation or otherwise, vary from strict truth for the purpose of adorning, illustrating, or rendering interesting what I

may say.

Q. Have I been guilty of breaking the above resolution? or have I at all times adhered to the truth in my conversation with mankind?

R. 80. I will receive with gratitude the kind reproofs of my friends, and when duty requires will myself administer to them rebuke with meekness and faithful


Q. Am I as willing to receive advice from my friends, as 1 am to administer it to them? When required by duty to administer reproof, have 1 always done it in a spirit of love?

R. 81. I will cultivate an acquaintance with the children of God, and seek their company and conversation.

Q. Is the society of Christians, that which I seek, and that in which my soul delights? Do I appreciate as I ought the privilege of associating with the people of God?

R. 82. I will confess my faults to those I have injured and ask their forgiveness. And if I have defrauded any in property, I will make suitable restitution.

Q. Have I been ingenuous in the discharge of this duty? If, at any time, I have oppressed or injured any man, have I acted upon the principle of Zaccheus, and made due restitution?

R. 83. I will introduce religious conversation in all places and companies, where it shall appear suitable, especially when on journies and visits to my friends.

Q. Have I remembered the above resolution, and embraced every favorable opportunity for conversation upon the best of subjects? or have I negligently suffered many precious opportunities of thus doing and getting good, to pass unimproved?

R. 84. I will never be weary in well-doing, nor be discouraged, though I see no present fruit of my labors, sensible that the most feeble attempts are sometimes blessed, after all hopes of success have been given up,

Am I easily deterred from duty, when discouragements arise? Or do I persevere, remembering, that in due season I shall reap, if I faint not?

R. 85. I will use all the influence, which God has given me over others, for the suppression of vice and the promotion of virtue, that I may thus magnify the grace of God, and be instrumental of the spiritual good of precious


Q. Do I use all my endeavors for the destruction of vicious habits, and the establishment of virtuous conduct, and thus manifest my zeal for the glory of God, and the spiritual happiness of man?

R. 86. I will strive to be armed with the whole gospel armor, that I may fight the good fight of faith, and obtain the victory over self, the world, and Satan, and secure the victor's crown of immortal life.

Q. Am I clad with the whole Gospel armor? Have I fought the battle of the Lord, and obtained the conquest over every thing, that opposes itself against God, and thus laid hold on eternal life?

R. 87. I will exert myself by my prayers, counsel, and example, to maintain the Christian religion and its ordinances, which are so openly and violently opposed in the present day by the enemies of truth and righteous.


Q. Do I value as I ought, the Christian religion and its ordinances? Have I done all in my power to maintain them? And is it my constant desire, that all opposition to them may cease?

R. 88. I will discharge what I deem to be duty in religion, and will not be hindered from any attempts to promote the cause of Christ by the reproaches, calumnies, and threatenings of the opposers of God and man.


Q. Have I a disposition to go forward in the path of duty, regardless of the frowns of the world? reproached by the enemies of religion for being faithful in these respects, can I with the apostle say, "Being reviled we bless, being persecuted we suffer it, being defamed

we entreat?”

R. 89. When in company with those, who have embraced erroneous sentiments respecting the doctrines and duties of Christianity, and who are zealous in defending them and opposing the truths of the gospel, I will endeavor in a Christian spirit faithfully to warn them of their danger, and to convince them of their errors in opinions and practice.

Q. Am I truly sensible of the necessity of the Divine influence to effect a change in the opinions, hearts and lives of mankind? and, sensible of this, am I fervent and constant in prayer, that this blessing may descend upon them? and do I exert myself, in this way and all others, to lead the erroneous to embrace the truth as it is in Jesus, and to walk in paths which are holy?

R. 90. I will regard with interest all genuine revivals of religion, believing, that they are produced by the special influences of the Holy Spirit, and that they promote the glory of God, the salvation of souls, and the enlargement of the Redeemer's kingdom; and I will ever rejoice to hear of them, and will earnestly desire, that they may be multiplied and extended until they shall spread over the whole earth.

Q. Have I, in view of this resolution, earnestly desired a revival of religion in this place? Have I used all possible exertions to effect one? Can I with the prophet say sincerely, "O Lord! revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years, make known; in wrath remember mercy,"

R. 91. I will study prudence and economy in all my expenses, that I may be enabled to relieve the wants of the destitute, and contribute towards the benevolent objects of the present day.

Q. What have I given in charity to-day? What is its annual amount? What proportion will my charity needless expenses?

bear to my

R. 92. I will avoid an avaricious spirit, as being entirely opposed to the temper of the Gospel, but yet will highly value this world's goods, because they not only promote my own personal happiness, but afford me ability to benefit my fellow creatures, and to advance the cause of the Redeemer.

Q. Is mammon my idol? Why should I eagerly lay hold on the wealth of this world, which I must soon leave behind me? Can it be employed to a nobler purpose, than to advance the virtue and happiness of man, and the kingdom of Christ?

R. 93. I will endeavor to promote the happiness and spiritual good of all, with whom I associate, to be useful in whatever situation I am placed, and to remember that all my conduct will have an influence on those around


Q. Do I daily pray for my friends, neighbors and fellow men? Do I seek, in all other possible ways, their conversion and eternal salvation? And do I reflect, that all my conduct will have a good or bad effect upon them?

R. 94. I will endeavor at all times to have a realizing sense of the omniscience of God, and to maintain a holy awe of Him, and a constant fear of offending Him.

Q. Do I think, and feel, and speak, and act, as under the omniscient eye of God? Is it my supreme desire to glorify and serve Him? Is His favor my solace and joy?

R. 95. I will endeavor to model my character and conduct, in all respects, after the Gospel.

Q. Has this been my past endeavor? and is it my aim for the future?

R. 96. I will endeavor to recommend the religion of Christ by a mild and amiable deportment.

Q. How far does religion shine forth in my conduct? and is it made to appear desirable and attractive by my example?

R. 97. I will regard, with Christian compassion and charity, the spiritual woes and wants of the great human family.

Q. Do I weep over the dying heathen? and do I most ardently desire to send them the bread and the water of life?

R. 98. I will view with pleasure the many benevolent Societies, which have been formed to promote the temporal and spiritual good of mankind, and will give them my approbation, my prayers, and my pecuniary assistance, so far as I have ability and opportunity.

Q. Have I done so the year past? Do I realize that giving in charity is only giving to the Lord His own? If the relief of human sufferings, and the spread of the Gospel depended on me and others like me, would not the. poor continue to suffer, and the heathen continue to die in ignorance and sin?

R. 99. I will call myself to a most solemn account every night before closing my eyes to sleep, for my thoughts, words, and actions during the day past, and will endeavor to rest in peace with God and myself.

Q. Do I maintain this habit of reflection and self-examination?

R. 100. I will sincerely and conscientiously endeavor to live according to the above resolutions, and will constantly look to God for His grace that I may keep them, and I will peruse them frequently and statedly, as at the close of every week, month, and year, for the purpose of examining myself in relation to them.

Q. Have I been watchful and diligent in regard to the observance of these resolutions? and do 1 feel, as I ought, the importance of persevering in my endeavors to keep them?

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