[1048] EXPOSITION OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION, IN A SERIES OF LECTURES. BY THE REV. EDWARD IRVING, A.M. = MINISTER OP THE NATIONAL SCOTCH CHURCH, REGENT SQUARE, VOLUME I. CONTAINING LECT. I. ARGUMENT OF THE WHOLE. II. THE SEER'S COMMENDATION OF THE BOOK. III. THE FIRST VISION OF CHRIST THE IV. THE EPISTLE TO THE CHURCH OF EPHESUS. V. THE EPISTLE TO THE CHURCH OF Tappan Pred, Assoc. 3-22-1933 PREFACE. I HAD intended in this Preface to take a view of the progress of Revelation, from its beginning in the Garden of Eden to its completion in the island of Patmos; and to exhibit the gradual and progressive evolution of those ideas which are in the Apocalypse wrought together into one comprehensive and complete system of truth: but I have not leisure at present for such an undertaking, and must postpone it until the completion of the whole work. These four volumes contain a minute exposition of the first six chapters, except of a few verses. The sixth and seventh seals, whereof the materials are scattered up and down the Revelation, in chapters vi. vii. xv. xvi. xix. and xx., I purpose to make the subject of the next volume, which I will publish, when it is completed, uniform with these four; and so continue from time to time, as God gives me opportunity. I feel that it would be breaking faith with the readers of these Numbers, were I to proceed further on the present plan of monthly publication, which also I found inconvenient on many accounts; and therefore it is that I propose bringing out the work volume by volume, as health and strength are afforded me. When I undertook these Lectures, my calculation was that within the compass of twelve lectures, the number which I delivered in Edinburgh, May 1829, I should have been able to embrace a popular exposition of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. And |