THE INCLOSED PAPER. N the Confeffion of the Faith of the Greek Church by thi at Fafs in Moldavia, and confirm'd by another at Constantinople in the prefence of all the four Patriarchs, we have these words, in answer to this Question, "What " is secondly implied by our professing to believe " in the Holy Catholick Church? Ὅλι παρ ἐδενὸς τόπο ἡ καθολικὴ ἐκκλησία εἴληφε τὄνομα. Αι γδ' τοπικαὶ μερικαὶ εἰσιν, διξ ἡ ἐν Ἐφέσῳ, ἡ ἐν Αντιωχείᾳ, ἡ ἐν Ἱεροσολύμοις, ἡ ἐν Ρώμη, ἡ ἐν ̓Αλιξανοδιρεία, κὶ αἱλοιπαὶ, &c. • Vide ὀρθόδοξον ὁμολογίαν, printed in Valachia, Anno 1699.p. 109. Against the Primacy and Supremacy of the Pope, there are various Tracts in my Collection of this Sort. But for a Specimen of their Opinions in this matter, take the following words of the present Patriarch of Jerusalem, in his Preface to his Edition of the Τόμ ἀγάπης. Μήτε ὁ Κωνταντινοπόλεως, μήτε οἱ λοιπὸι πατριάρχαι, μήτε ἄλλα τις ὀρθόδοξα ἐφρόνησε ποτὲ τὶ ἔχῃ ἡ ἐκκλησία Κωνσαντινεπόλεως ἐν τῇ καθόλε ἐκε κλησίᾳ μοναρχικὸν, ἡ αὐτοκρατορικὸν, ἡ γενικὸν ἀξίωμα, ἀλλ ̓ ἔςι κεφαλή προλάύσσα και μόνω τ τάξιν, ἅτσερ κὶ αὐτὸ μέγα τι ἐςὶν ἐν τῇ ἐκκλησία. Είπα φρανείτως οἱ παπιςαὶ, ὅτι ὁν τρόπον ἡ ἀνατολικὴ ἐκκλησία λέγα + Κωνςαντινεπόλεως πρῶτον κὰ κεφαλιώ τ' ἐκκλησίας, κ7' τ τρόπον τῶτον, ὅτι κι ὁ ἐπί σκοπα Ρώμης πρώτα κ κεφαλὴ τ ἐκκλησίας, κ δεχόμθα τ Ρώμης πρῶτον ἐii) κ' κεφαλιωὶ ἐν τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ. C4 κλησία. ̓Αλλ ̓ ὁ πραδέχον) τῦτο : ἄρα κὶ ἡμεῖς ἐ παραδεχόμθα τ Ρώμης ὅτε πρώτον, ὅτε κεφαλιώ, ὔτε μὲ διόλε ἐπίσκοπον ἐν τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ. In another Tome published by the fame Patriarch, under the Title of Toμ και Μαγῆς these are the Summaries of particular Chapters. Ὅτι ὁ μόνον ὁ ἡ πρεσβυθέρας Ρώμης θρόνα αποτολικός καλεῖ), αλλα κ ̓ ἕκας Ο ἢ ἄλλων Παλριαρχικῶν θρόνων. Ὅτι μία καθολική κι ὅποςολικὴ ἐκκλησία, ἐχή τ πρεσβυθέρας Ρώμης λέξε, ἀλλ ̓ ἡ τ οἰκεμλύης πάσης * ὀρθοδόξων. The
THE Dr. Hickes"s Answer to the Query, p. 2. The Missioner's Reply to the Doctor's Answer, p. 14. The other pretended mistake, of INFALLIBILITY A Church may be a True Catholick Apoftolick the fame Faith or Religion, which the whole Catholick Church (that of Rome not excepted) professed a thousand Years ago, prov'd from Coun- The Lord's Prayer a Rule for Prayer, and the Apostles Creed a Rule of Faith to be learned by Catechumens in the vulgar Tongue, The fame Faith or Religion pure and entire without The first Confeffion of Faith with new additions in ibid. - And by a Synod at Paris, Anno 825, p. 67 How the Church of England agreed then with the German and Gallican Churches, ibid. The Church of England the same now as then, p. 68 The distinction of Veneratio, from Cultus and In vocatio, p. 69 The Faith or Religion which the Church of England now professeth, agrees with Pope Gregory the Great's Confeffions, both before and after bis Confecration. p. 70, 71, 72, &c. CHAP. IV. What is there meant by the word PERISH, P. 75, 76 The diftinction between a True or Real, and a Sound Church, 79 In what fenfe a Church may properly be faid to PERISH, CHAP. V. faid to p. 83 The word CHURCH used in Scripture in a larger and a narrower fenfe, it sometimes signifies the whole, Sometimes part of the Catbolick Church, p. 85 Used in the fame Senfe by Old Ecclefiaftical Wri ters, p. 86 The Roman Church but a part of the Catholick Church, p. 98 The acceptation of the word CHURCH in the larger general Sense for the Church of Rome only, abifurd and contrary to that Article, I believe the Holy Catholick Church, p. 99 The Church of Rome taken only for a particular Church both by the Ancient Greek and Latin Writers, p.102 CHAP. |