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10. That the Reliques of all these true or re puted Saints ought to be religiously worshipped; and that whofoever holdeth the contrary, is damned.

11. That the Images of Chrift, and the bleffed Virgin, and of the other Saints, ought not only to be had and retained, but likewise to be honoured and worshipped, according to the use and practices of the Roman Church; and that this is to be believed as of neceffity to Salvation.

12. That the power and ufe of Indulgences, as they are now practiced in the Church of Rome, both for the Living and the Dead, is to be received and held of all under pain of eternal Perdition.

13. That all the Ceremonies used by the Roman Church in the Administration of the Sacrament (fuch as are Spittle and Salt in Baptifm, the five Croffes upon the Altars and Sacrament of the Eucharift, the holding of that Sacrament over the Prieft's head to be adored, the expofing of it in their Churches to be worshipped by the People, the circumgeftation and carrying of it abroad in Proceffion upon their Corpus Chrifti day and to their fick for the fame, the Oyl and Chrifm in Confirmation, the anointing of the Ears, the Eyes, and Nofes, the Hands, and Reins of thofe that are ready to dye; the giving of an empty Chalice and Paten to them that are to be ordained Priests, and many others of this nature now in ufe with them) are of neceffity to Salvation, to be approved and admitted by all other Churches.

14. That all the Ecclefiaftical Obfervations and Conftitutions of the fame Church (fuch as are their Laws of forbidding all Priests to marry; the appointing of feveral Orders of Monks, Friars, and Nuns in the Church; the Service of God in an unknown Tongue; the faying of a number


of Ave Maria's by tale upon their Chaplets; the fprinkling of themselves and the dead Bodies with Holy Water, as operative and effectual to the Remiffion of venial Sins; the diftinctions of Meats to be held for true Fafting; the religious Confecration and incenfing of Images; the baptizing of Bels; the dedicating of divers Holydays for the immaculate Conception and the bodily Affumption of the bleffed Virgin, and for Corpus Chrifti, or Tranfubftantiation of the Sacrament; the making of the Apocryphal Books to be as Canonical, as any of the reft of the holy and undoubted Scriptures; the keeping of thofe Scriptures from the free ufe and reading of the People; the approving of their own Latin Tranflation only; and divers other matters of the like nature) are to be approved, held, and believed as needful to Salvation; and that whoever approves them not, is out of the Catholick Church, and must be damned.

All which, in their feveral refpects, we hold fome to be pernicious, fome unneceffary, many falfe, and many fond, and none of them to be impofed upon any Church or any Chriftian, as the Roman Catholicks do upon all Chriftians and all Churches whatsoever, for matters needful to be approved for eternal Salvation.


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F the Roman Catholicks would make the Ef fence of their Church (as we do ours) to confift in these following points, we are at acaccord with them, in the reception and believing of:

1. All the Two and Twenty Canonical Books of the Old Teftament and the Twenty Seven of the New, as the only Foundation and perfect Rule of Our Faith.

2. All the Apoftolical and Ancient Creeds, efpecially those which are commonly called the Apoftles Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Creed of St. Athanafius, all which are clearly deduced out of the Scriptures.

3. All the Decrees of Faith and Doctrine fet forth as well in the firft four general Councils, as in all other Councils, which those first four approved and confirmed, and in the 5th and 6th Ge neral Councils befides (than which we find no more to be General) and in all the following Councils that be thereunto agreeable; and in all the Anathema's or Condemnations given out by thofe Councils against Hereticks, for the defence of the Catholick Faith.

4. The unanimous and general Confent of the Ancient Catholick Fathers, and the Univerfal Church of Chrift in the Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, and the Collection of all neceffary matters of Faith from them during the firft Six Hundred Years and downwards to our own Days.

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5. In acknowledgment of the Bishop of Rome, if he would rule and be ruled by the ancient Canons of the Church, to be the Patriarch of the West, by right of Ecclefiaftical and Imperial Conftitution, in fuch places where the Kings and Governors of thofe places had received him, and found it behooful for them to make use of his Jurifdiction, without any neceffary dependence upon him by divine Right.

6. In the reception and ufe of the two bleffed Sacraments by our Saviour; in the confirmation of thofe Perfons that are to be ftrengthned in their Chriftian Faith, by Prayer and Impofition of Hands, according to the examples of the holy Apoftles and ancient Bishops of the Catholick Church; in the publick and folemn Benediction of Perfons, that are to be joined together in holy Matrimony; in publick or private abfolution of penitent Sinners in the confecrating of Bishops, and the ordaining of Priefts and Deacons for the Service of God in his Church by a lawful Succeffion; and in vifiting the Sick, by praying for them, and adminiftring the bleffed Sacrament to them, together with a final abfolution of them from their repented Sins.

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7. In commemorating at the Eucharift the Sacrifice of Chrift's Body and Blood once truly offered for us.

8. In acknowledging his facramental, fpiritual, true, and real Prefence there to the Souls of all them, that come faithfully and devoutly to receive him according to his own Inftitution in that holy Sacrament.

9. In giving thanks to God for them, that are departed out of this Life in the true Faith of Chrift's Catholick Church, and in praying to God that they may have a joyful Refurrection and a perfet Confummation of Blifs, both in their


Bodies and Souls in his Eternal Kingdom of Glory.

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10. In the Hiftorical and Moderate Ufe of painted and true Stories, either for Memory or Ornament, where there is no danger to have them abused or worshipped with religious Honour.

11. In the Ufe of Indulgences, or abating the rigour of the Canons impofed upon Offenders according to their Repentance, and their want of ability to undergo them.

12. In the Admistration of the Two Sacraments and other Rites of the Church with Ceremonies of Decency and Order, according to the Precept of the Apostle and the free Practice of the Ancient Chriftians.

13. In obferving fuch Holy Days and Times of Fafting, as were in ufe in the firft Ages of the Church, or afterwards received upon juft Grounds by publick and lawful Authority.

14. Finally, in the reception of all Ecclefiaftical Conftitutions and Canons made for the ordering of our Church; or others, which are not repug nant either to the Word of God, or the Power of Kings, or the Laws eftablished by right Authority in any Nation.

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