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thing is done upon the "spring-heel" maxim, while the ancient landmark, set up by the Lord, "Ye must be born again," is totally removed. Come upon us as "the Papal Bull" is like a thunder-bolt, which has shaken the kingdom to its centre, from whence do we look for the remedy? Rome never retracts; she cannot err; and my old friend and Diocesan, Charles James, admits she has infringed no law in the recent appointment of her minions, though she has dared to do that which for ages she was prevented by the steady and unflinching adherency of our fathers to Protestant principles; but the laxity on the one part, anda false charity on the other, has given strength to her arm; and she has made the bold attempt to fasten her manacles upon a nation whose blood she has thirsted for from the days of the sanguinary Mary of hateful memory.

Much as the premier's letter to the Bishop of Durham is to be admired for its noble maintenance of an Englishman's birthright, even his lordship cannot but foresee the greatest evil lies within the Church herself; in and with those who have wantonly played with the unmeaning mummeries of that presuming Church; and, in his language, he hath alike censured the supineness of those Bishops who were the strenuous advocates for preaching in the surplice; to wit, London and Exeter. I transcribe the paragraph:

"There is a danger, however, which alarms me much more than any aggression of a foreign sovereign. Clergymen of our own Church, who have subscribed the Thirty-nine Articles, and acknowledged the Queen's supremacy, have been the most forward in leading their flocks, step by step, to the very verge of the precipice. The honour paid to saints, the claim of infallibility for the Church, the superstitious use of the sign of the cross, the muttering of the Liturgy so as to disguise the language in which it is written, the recommendation of auricular confession, and the administration of penance and absolution, all these things are pointed out by clergymen of the Church of England as worthy of adoption, and are now openly reprehended by the Bishop of London in his charge to the clergy of his diocese."

How strange, that the keen eye of the metropolitan suffragan could not foresee this in Margaret Street Chapel, and the semi-Popish places he has consecrated. To me it seems the most unlikely thing that the whole "Bench of Bishops," as at present found, divided in opinion as to what is the first principle of our most holy faith, "regeneration," can compete with the subtle man of the Vatican, to say nothing of the lack of spirituality which might be with some of the dignitaries of our Church. Every day lessens the means of obtaining my former information upon topics of this nature, together with the growing infirmities of years; still, the old man's zest is often called forth when any unhallowed hand would touch the "ark of God."

Through the kindness of one who feels for those disadvantages under which I labour, the charge of the Bishop of this diocese is before me; together with an address delivered by the Bishop of Oxford, at a recent confirmation; in neither of which does there appear anything in the least tending to counteract the great evil. The former adheres to the destructive dogma, which is an imp of Rome, and asserts that "baptismal regeneration" by water, and not by the Spirit of God, is a fundamental doctrine of the Protestant Church. A short quotation must suffice. In referring to the recent case of Gorham v. Exeter, repudiating the

views held by Mr. Gorham, he says they seem to him " a plain denial of that which the Church asserts, that an infant is made in and by baptism (not before or after it) a member of Christ, a child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of God.”.

From the latter service I gathered a few sentences of the most mawkish and puerile nature that ever adorned the wearer of lawn sleeves. "Let me give you two rules (says the Bishop), which, if you will indeed practice them, looking up to God, will be a help unto you. The first is, that every day of your life, from this very hour, take, if only three minutes at night-three minutes I mean by the watch-and ask yourself, What have I done wrong to-day? However tired you are, set yourself before God; it is well to kneel down before you do it, kneel down if you are tired, or drowsy, or weary by the bustle of the day, lest the devil get an advantage over you." If the inroad of Popery is ever expected to be driven back by the theory of Charles James of London, or Samuel of Oxford, with such schemes or systems as these, they will find themselves not only deceived, but also the simple who turn aside unto them. This is only one of our national sorrows and troubles, the beginning, and the next step will be the grasping our rural districts by the institution of Catholic schools, and the locations of Sisters of Mercy, the way being already paved by our clerical Jesuits, and the Romish training adopted in our parish schools. Why, we beat you folks already who are on the other side of the Channel, for we have the service of bowing taught by our old dames, and the little urchins, scarcely higher than our knee, can show with dexterity the bow to be made to gentlemen, and the one to be made at the name of Jesus Christ. Hark! the inquisition is preparing, and ere long the host will pass by the end of the corner! CRISPIN.

From my Stall, Amen Corner.


As we sit down in our cogitating chair, and take up Cardinal Wiseman's Appeal, we do not blunt the sharp edge of our feelings with any inconsistent prejudice, but we confess we feel it imperative to have the fact before us, "that let the Church of Rome speak what language she will, the spirit of that Church is unchanged, pliable, and ductile without, she is stern and unbending within," and, therefore, whatever soft and soothing language may be employed-" the Ethiopian cannot change his skin, nor the leopard his spots," and a knowledge of the soul-destructive system, as a whole, causes us to push away outside craftiness, that we may penetrate into real intentions, which brings us to join Dr. M'Neile in his remark, "that this aggression on the part of the Church of Rome, is Papal assumption, Papal interference, Papal dominion, and Papal supremacy, under the plausible pretence of spiritual jurisdiction." The first point that arrests our attention, is the statement that in petitioning the Holy See for an ecclesiastical hierarchy in England, their bishops

looked upon it not as a matter of triumph, or a measure of aggression, "but as a simple administrative provision, necessary for the government of their flocks." We bless God that Protestants view it as nothing short of a subtle artifice to undermine their peace and privileges, and they know from the pages of past experience, that let the apostate Church deck herself in the garb of universal love and charity, she still has a sinful purpose at heart, which she will not fail to execute the first favourable moment. And this is not mere speculation, for Dr. Cumming informs us, that the following is a clause in the oath of fidelity to the Apostolic see, exactly as it is taken in the consecration of a bishop-"Heretics, schismatics against the Lord the Pope, and his successors, I will persecute and attack to the utmost of my power." We do not believe, therefore, as has been intimated, that it is "a harmless domestic arrangement among Roman Catholics themselves," but that it is a bold strike of a powerful enemy, for that supremacy, which if gained, would not cease to oppress, "persecute, and attack," the real children of God. In the language of the Psalmist, "The enemies of God have lifted up their head, they have taken counsel against his people, and consulted against his hidden ones;" they have said, "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel be no more in remembrance." And this is their grand aim, so that, however smooth and plausible, elaborate and clever, may be the wording of Cardinal Wisman's vindication, his Church's purpose, pursuit, and pleasure are the same, hostility to the Church of God-conspirators against the people of God.

But to return to the document, in reading on we have been peculiarly struck with the thousand evils that have grown out of that one unfortunate deed of 1829, the passing of the Catholic Emancipation Act. By this Act, as Dr. Wiseman states, Catholics "are freed from all obligation," and upon this ground contends that they should be allowed to carry out the doctrines and discipline of the Roman Church. To our minds the holy word of God should have been England's guide, and there are but two churches spoken of in Scripture, the Church of God, and the apostate church; Christian or gospel believers are members of the Church of God, of which Christ is the head, clearly described in full length in the 4th and 5th chapters of Ephesians; and the church having upon its forehead, "Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots, and abominations of the earth;" and such a distinction should be manifested, that legal and political views we think should be kept under by the overwhelming fact, that the King of kings and the Lord of lords is dishonoured, by any movement which tends to unite that which God has commanded should be kept separate; "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Ah, sad, sad fact, ministers who ought to have been preaching "Christ, and him crucified," "have committed fornication, and lived deliciously with her." Oh! God, forgive them, lest they be consumed "in the smoke of her burning;" for verily "in one hour her great riches shall come to nought" (Rev. xviii. 9-17). How can such, in their hours of seclusion for the purpose of meditation, dare to look in the Book of the prophet Jeremiah, where every chapter condemns-"The virgin of Israel have done a very horrible thing," "they have burned incense to vanity, and they have caused them to stumble in their ways, from the ancient paths to walk in paths in a way cast up." And what is the solemn judgment of God for all this

wickedness? "I will show them the back and not the face, in the day of their calamities" (Jer. xviii. 13, 15, 17).

Without arguing the

But to return to the subject of our comments. point of the Roman Catholics' loyalty to the Queen of England, which Cardinal Wiseman labours craftily to prove, in the face of the fact that "No man can serve two masters," &c., and that the pages of Church History tell us how Catholic assumption has trenched on the prerogative of the crown, the writer goes on to observe, in connexion with his remarks upon the extent of the toleration granted to Catholics, "Suppose a man has kept possession for years of a house, which he had built for himself on my land, without my permission, and then we come to an amicable arrangement, and I give him leave, without any restriction, to have a house there, could I complain, if when his old one required rebuilding, he made it of brick or stone, and say I always meant he was only to keep up a wooden and temporary house?" What! an infallible Church want rebuilding! Our view of the matter stands thus:-Suppose a man takes a piece of land adjoining my premises, and builds a house thereon, and I get possession of the fact, that in his title-deeds he actually covenants to do me all the mischief he can for his own aggrandizement; but, in a fit of foolish benevolence, I forget this fact, and call him friend and brother, until one day he displays his true character by audaciously laying claim to my titles and property, should I not call to mind the words of his covenant, I reckon him a heretic, and I will persecute him to the utmost of my power and put forth all my energy to resist him ?"—In answer, then, to the Cardinal's question, on what ground does the attack upon us rest? We reply, BECAUSE WE BELIEVE IT IS YOUR HEARTS' INTENTION TO CARRY



But another statement is put forth, to the effect, that "the new Roman Catholic Bishops will not have occasion to cross the path of the prelate of the Anglican Establishment in their sphere of duty; they will find plenty to do, besides their official duties, in attending to the wants of their spiritual children." We have but to refer to the synod of Thurles as an example whether Catholics will attend to their own business, or whether their disposition is not rather to interfere with the education of the young men of England and Ireland for the purpose of the future supremacy of their Church. In looking, then, at this bold attempt on the part of the Church of Rome to establish an Episcopal Hierarchy in our land, we believe that not merely does it trench upon the prerogative of the Queen of England, but their power and strength is employed "to make war against the Lamb of God" (Rev. xvii. 14); and Protestants, to be faithful to their glorious standard, ought to resist this movement, otherwise they are partakers of her sins, and lend their honour and power to the beast.

But to conclude our few remarks. There are facts which stand forward with unmistakeable clearness in connexion with this aggression of the Church of Rome.

1st. That every action of that Church, every stroke of that mysterious engine, the moving power of which is the Man of Sin, and her object the crushing of the Church of God; "a system," as Dr. Cumming not at all too severely remarks, "which combines all the wickedness of the damned with all the corruption of the devil;" everything "this unchangeable Church" does heaps proof upon proof of the fact that she is the Apostate Church spoken of in the Revelation of John the divine.

2ndly. That the period is fast approaching when Babylon the Great must fall; when the smoke of her shall be seen by the people of God, and "heaven and the holy apostles (Peter included) and prophets will rejoice. over her " (Rev. xviii. 20); and then shall come forth "He who treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God, who hath on his vesture and on his thigh, a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords."

3rdly. All true believers in Jesus are safe in Him, come what will, and in the "Victory of the Lamb;" the called, and chosen, and faithful will be with Him (Rev. xvii. 14), and beholding Him whom they love, will burst forth in one loud " Allelulia! for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth."

London, Nov. 28, 1850.

G. C.



BRETHREN-beloved in Him, the Ancient of days, known unto whom are all things from the beginning-we greet you, not as a matter of form, but as fellow-heirs of the same grace, and fellow-travellers to that inheritance reserved in heaven for those who are kept by the mighty power of God; and if, upon former occasions of the like service of love to the body, which is his fulness, we have felt those emotions of soul on account of those things which were passing before us, how much more so now, when called to hear the great words which the horn speaketh, and the threatening of that wicked one against our Zion, who would rase our foundations to the ground-"who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he (in his vain presumption), as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God" (1 Thess. ii. 4).

Well is it for us to know the truth of our dear Lord's assertion, "And the Scriptures cannot be broken," neither in his judgments upon the ungodly, or in showing mercy to his children; nor can a jot or tittle of his covenant be erased, any more than they should fail as being fulfilled as his law; and, although to the discerning eye all things have been as complicated, yet well-arranged, machinery working together, and hastening on the event which now bursts upon us, it would seem the whole nation is astonished under it, and but very few seem to understand wherefore these things are come upon us.

In this my salutation, it is not my desire to occupy attention to the daring audacity of the Pope of Rome, whose bulls, like the calves of Jeroboam, are only designed to eclipse and draw away from the true God,

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