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tion of international law, report; submitted by Mr. Porter, July 3, 1926. Pt. 2: Minority views on House joint resolution 221, minority views submitted by Mr. Linthieum. July 3, 1926. Washington: Govt. Ptg. Off., 1926.

Foreign service of United States, diplomatic and consular; corrected to Oct. 1, 1926. Washington, 1926.

Debts. French and Yugoslavian debt settlements, hearings, 69th Cong., 1st sess.... authorizing settlement of indebtedness of French Republic and Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes to United States .... Washington: Govt. Ptg. Off., 1926.

Idem. Settlement of indebtedness of French Republic to United States, report to accompany H. R. 11848; submitted by Mr. Green of Iowa. (Includes minority views of Mr. Rainey). Washington: Govt. Ptg. Off., 1926. Immigration and naturalisation Committee. Recent decisions of courts affecting enforcement of immigration laws; with letter from Assistant Secretary, Department of Labor. Washington: Govt. Ptg. Off., 1926.

Lake of the Woods. Hearings of International joint commission on reference by United States and Canada in re levels of Rainy Lake and other upper waters of Lake of the Woods watershed and their future regulation and control, being public hearings at International Falls. Minn., Sept. 28-30, 1925. Washington, 1926.

Mexico. American property rights in Mexico, further correspondence between Governments of United States and Mexico in relation to so-called land and petroleum laws of Mexico, supplementing correspondence heretofore published as Senate document 96, 69th Congress, 1st session. 1926. Treaty Series, no. 748, v. p. 406, États-Unis d'Amérique-Hongrie. no. 749, v. p. 402, Espagne-États-Unis d'Amérique.

no. 750, v. p. 400, Cuba-États Unis d'Amérique.

no. 751-754, v. p. 394, Argentine-Brésil-Chili, etc.

Grande-Bretagne. Aliens Order, 1926. A return of alien passengers, excluding transmigrants, landed, embarked and refused leave to land, in the United Kingdom during the three months ending September 30, 1926. Cmd. 2671ii.

China. Delegation to the League of Nations. Revision of unequal treaties: China appeals to the League of Nations. Official text of the speeches of Mr. Chao-Hsin Chu and press comment thereon. London, 1926.

Imperial Conference, 1926. Summary of proceedings. Cmd. 2768. International Labour Conference. Draft conventions and recommandations adopted by the Conference at its 8th and 9th Sessions (May 26—June 5, 1926, June 7-24, 1926). London, 1926. Cmd. 2745.

International Labour Conference. 8th Session. Geneva, May 26 to June 5, 1926. Report by the British Government Delegates to the Minister of Labour. Cmd. 2749.

International Labour Conference. 9th session. Geneva, June 7—24, 1926. Report by the British Governement Delegates to the Minister of Labour. Cmd. 2750.

Irish Free State. Heads of the ultimate financial settlement between the British Government and the Government of the Irish Free State. Cmd. 2757. League of Nations. Permanent Mandates Commission. Papers respecting the work of. Misc. no. 10, 1926. Cmd. 2767.

League of Nations. 41st and 42st Sessions of the Council. Report by the Right Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, K. G., M. P., British Representative. Misc. no. 9, 1926. Cmd. 2761.

Treaty Series, 1926, no. 27, v. p. 403, Espagne-Grande-Bretagne.

no. 28, v. p. 390, Allemagne-Belgique-France-Grande-BretagneItalie.

no. 29, v. p. 418, Portugal-Union sud-africaine.

no. 30, v. p. 418, idem.

no. 31, v. p. 412, Grande-Bretagne-Tchécoslovaquie.

United States. Correspondence between the United Kingdom and —, respecting Proposed Reduction of Passport Fees. (United States, no. 2). London, 1926. Cmd. 2746.

Japon. Annual report to the League of Nations on the administration of the South Sea Islands under Japanese Mandate for the Year 1925. Prepared by the Japanese Government.

Mexique. Comisión especial de reclamaciones Mexico y los Estados Unidos.,,Casos de Santa Isabel". Los Estados Unidos de America en nombre de Cornelia J. Pringle y otros reclamantes contra Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Repuesta dada por el comisionado de Mexico al interrogatoria formulado por el presidente de la comision para servir de base a la sentencia en los casos llamados de Santa Isabel (no. 449). Mexico, 1926.

Idem. Sentencia en los casos de Santa Isabel. Cornelia J. Pringle et al y otros reclamantes v. los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. (no. 449). 26 de Abril de 1926. Mexico, 1926.

Correspondencia oficial cambiada entre los gobiernos de Méjico y Estados Unidos, con motivo de las dos leyes regalamentarias de la fracción primera del artículo 27 de la Constitución mejicana. Mexico, 1926.

Memoria de labores realizadas por la secretaria de relaciones exteriores de Agosto de 1925 a Julio de 1926, presentada al H. Congreso de la Union. Mexico, 1926.

Secretaría de relaciones exteriores. Archivo historico diplomático Mexicano, no. 18. El baron Alleye de Cyprey y el bano de las Delicias. Mexico, 1926. Pays-Bas. Verslag van de zevende zitting van de Vergadering van den Volkenbond te Genève, 6—25 September 1926. Overgelegd door den Minister van Buitenlandsche Zaken aan de beide kamers der Staten-Generaal. December 1926. [Rapport de la septième session de l'Assemblée de la Société des Nations, à Genève, 6—25 septembre 1926. Soumis par le ministre des affaires étrangères aux deux chambres des États-Généraux]. La Haye, 1926.

Verslag van de drie en veertigste zitting van den Raad van den Volkenbond te Genève, 6-11 December 1926. Overgelegd door den Minister van Buitenlandsche Zaken aan de beide Kamers van de Staten-Generaal. Februari, 1927. [Rapport de la XLIIIe session du Conseil de la Société des Nations, tenue à Genève, du 6 au 11.12.'26. Soumis par le ministre des affaires étrangères aux deux chambres des États-Généraux]. La Haye, 1927.

U. R. S. S. Abrégé des données statistiques de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Rédigé pour les membres de la XVIe session de l'Institut International de statistique, par l'administration centrale de statistique de l'U.R.S.S. Moscou, 1925.

Règlement consulaire. Publication du ministère des affaires étrangères. Moscou, 1926. (Texte russe).

b. Société des Nations et divers.

SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS. Commission consultative pour la protection de l'enfance et de la jeunesse. Comité de la traite des femmes et des enfants. Rapport sur les travaux de la cinquième session. Genève, 1926.

Committee on the Composition of the Council. Documents relating to the Question. (1926. V. 17).

Documents of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference entrusted with the Preparation for the Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments. Series II. (1926. IX. 7).

Idem. Report to the Council of the Work of the First Session of the Commission, held at Geneva from May 18th to 26th, 1926. (1926. IX. 5).

Election of the Nine Non-permanent Members of the Council. Draft Resolution proposed by the First Committee. (1926. V. 18). Idem. Rules dealing

with the Election of the Nine Non-Permanent Members of the Council. Resolution adopted by the Assembly. (1926. V. 18).

Enquête sur la situation du travail intellectuel. IIe série. no. 33. Pologne. Les universités, par L. Sperl. 1925.

L'établissement des réfugiés en Grèce. Genève, 1926.

Financial Reconstruction of Austria. Termination of the Functions of the Commissioner-General. (1926. 11. 22). [The statistical tables formerly published in the Commissioner-General's monthly report, with additional matter, are continued in: Mitteilungen des Direktoriums der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank].

Mémorandum sur la production et le commerce. Soumis au comité préparatoire pour la conférence internationale économique. Genève, 1926.

Passport Conference held at Geneva, May 12th to 18th, 1926. Minutes of the Plenary Meetings of the Conference. (1926. VIII. 4).

Idem. Final Act of the Conference, signed on Tuesday, May 18th, 1926. (1926. VIII. 2).

Plan d'établissement des réfugiés bulgares. Exposé général et documents principaux. (C. 569. M. 211. 1926. II.)

Idem. Loan for the Settlement of Bulgarian Refugees. Report of the Financial Committee and Resolution adopted by the Council of the League of Nations on June 10th, 1926 (and other relevant documents and public statements). (1926. II. 20).

Idem. Scheme for an International Loan. Protocol signed at Geneva on September 8th, 1926. Reports of the Financial Committee approved by the Council on June 10th and September 7th, 1926. With Council resolutions and Public Statements. (1926. II. 34).

Preparatory Committee for the International Economic Conference. Report on the First Session of the Committee, held at Geneva, from April 26th to May 1st, 1926. (Economic and Financial, 1926. II. 13).

Records of the Special Session of the Assembly (March 1926). Plenary Meetings and Meetings of Committees, Geneva, 1926. (Official Journal, Spec. Sup., No. 42).

Bulletin XVI: 2


Report on the reform of the calendar, submitted to the advisory and technical committee for communications and transit of the League of Nations by the special committee of enquiry into the reform of the calendar. Geneva, 1926.

Statistical information on the trade in arms, ammunition and implements of war. Genève, 1926. (C. 135. M. 55. 1926. IX.)

Hungary. Termination of the Functions of the Commissioner-General. Resolution adopted by the Council of the League of Nations on June 10th, 1926, (with relevant documents and public statements). (1926. II. 23). Bureau international du Travail.

Le Bureau international du travail. Genève, 1926.

Compte rendu de la IXe session de la Conférence internationale du Travail. Genève, 1926.

Projets de conventions et de recommandations adoptés par la Conférence internationale du Travail au cours de ses neuf premières sessions 1919– 1926. Genève, 1926.

Protection (La) de la santé des marins contre les maladies vénériennes. Genève, 1926. Etudes et documents. Série P, 2.

Cour permanente de Justice internationale.

Serie D., no. 1. Actes et documents relatifs à l'organisation de la Cour. Statut de la Cour. Règlement de la Cour (texte amendé le 31 juillet 1926). Leyde, 1926.

Série D., no. 2. Actes et documents relatifs à l'organisation de la Cour. Préparation du règlement de la Cour. Procès-verbaux, avec annexes, des séances de la session préliminaire de la Cour (30 janvier-24 mars 1922). Leyde, 1922.

ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL OF INTERPRETATION, created under the provisions of annex II to the London agreement of August 9, 1924, between the Reparation commission and the German government. La Haye, 1926. (Dactylographié.) 1. Public meeting held on March 11-17, 1926, in the Palace of Peace, the Hague. Verbatim record. English text. 1926. 2. Award delivered on March 24, 1926. 1926.

Idem. Texte français. La Haye, 1926.

Idem. Texte allemand. La Haye, 1926.

PAN-AMERICAN UNION. Codification of American international law, addresses by Charles Evans Hughes, James Brown Scott, Elihu Root, and Antonio Sanchez de Bustamente y Sirven. Washington, 1926. [Editions in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish].


ACADÉMIE DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL. Recueil des cours. Volumes 6, 7 et 8. (1925, I, II, III). Paris, 1926.


AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. (SupplemenT TO THE —). Volume 20, special number, October 1926. Projects of conventions prepared at the request on January 2, 1924, of the Governing Board of the Pan American Union for the consideration of the international commission of

jurists, and submitted by the American Institute of International Law to the Governing Board of the Pan American Union, March 2, 1925. Washington D. C., 1926.

ARMINJON, P. Précis de droit international privé. Tome 1er. Notions fondamentales de droit international privé. 2e édition. Paris, 1927.

AYMAR, F. W. Problems in positive international law. New-York, 1926. BABEL, A. La Bessarabie. Étude historique, ethnographique et économique. Avec 6 cartes hors texte. Paris, 1926.



BAKER, P. J. NOEL. The League of Nations at work. London, 1926. BALL, E. E. Voir PHELPS, E. M. and

BARNES, G. N. History of the International labour office. Preface by Emile Vandervelde. London, 1926.


BAUER, F. Die rechtliche Struktur der Truste. Ein Beitrag zur Organisation der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenschlüsse in Deutschland unter vergleichender Heranziehung der Trustformen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und Russland. Mannheim, 1927.


Bergmann, A. Der Ausländer vor dem Standesamt. Ein Wegweiser für Standesbeamte bei der Eheschliessung von Ausländern. Berlin, 1926. BESANT, A. India bond or free? A world problem. London-New-York, 1926. BESCHLAGNAHME (Die), Liquidation und Freigabe deutschen Vermögens im Auslande. Dargestellt von R. Bänfer, R. Bayrhoffer, R. Fuchs. II. Berlin, 1927.


BOEGNER, M. L'influence de la réforme sur le développement du droit international. Paris, 1926. Académie de droit international. Recueil des cours, 6 (1925, I), pag. 243-324.

BOURGEOIS, E. Manuel historique de politique étrangère. Paris, 1905-1926. BROUN, A. L. Voir GIBLIN, J. V. and

BROWN, S. H. Der neutrale Charakter von Schiff und Ladung im Prisenrecht mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsstellung der Binnenstaaten. Zurich, 1926.


CACCIAPUOTI, V. L'incidente diplomatico italo-greco e l'occupazione di Corfù. Il responso dei giuristi ai quesiti posti dal Consiglio della S. d. N. Naples, 1925.




CIATO, L. Das Minoritätenproblem in Grossromänien. Aus dem Romänischen überstezt von F. Casper. Cluj, 1925.

COLLOR, L. O Brasil e a Liga das Nações, 1926. Rio de Janeiro, 1926. CONSTITUTION de la République de Pologne. Avant-propos par J. Barthélémy. Introduction historique par M. Potulicki. Traduction de H. Grappin. Paris, 1926.

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