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The PSALMS AND HYMNS has been compiled and edited by a Committee of The General Assembly, consisting of: -

Rev. J. W. WALDEN, D.D., Chairman.

Rev. R. C. REED, D.D.


Rev. A. W. MILSTER, D.D.

Rev. S. L. MORRIS, D.D.

Rev. T. H. RICE, D.D.

Major JOHN C. WHITNER, Secretary.





THE General Assembly of 1861 appointed a Committee (of which Rev. B. M. Palmer, D.D., LL.D., was made chairman) "to revise and prepare for use of our Church a suitable Hymn-Book." The work of this Committee, as finally reported, was approved by the General Assembly of 1866, and published as the "Psalms and Hymns."

Subsequent General Assemblies commended to the Church, for their use, two other compilations, in musical editions, viz.: "Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs" and "Hymns of the Ages."

Owing to the inadequacy of the "Psalms and Hymns" (of 1866), the only official book of praise, largely because not published in a musical edition adapted to general use, and in order that the Church might have a book of her own, and suited to her needs, in answer to overtures from at least one-third of the presbyteries, the General Assembly of 1898 took the following action:

"I. The Assembly hereby determines to undertake the preparation of a hymn-book that will meet the demands of our Church, the product of her own life and effort.

"2. To carry out this purpose, the following permanent committee is appointed: Rev. J. W. Walden, D.D., Chairman, Rev. E. H. Barnett, D.D., Rev. R. C. Reed, D.D., Rev. W. S. Lacy, D.D., Rev. A. W. Milster, D.D., Rev. W. L. Lowrance, D.D., Major John C. Whitner. This Committee is empowered to go forward in the work at once, with the purpose of having the book ready for use by 1903, when all arrangements for sale of other hymn-books shall have expired."

Before the work of the Committee was well under way, two valuable members died, viz. Rev. E. H. Barnett, D.D., and Rev. W. S. Lacy, D.D. Their places were filled by Rev. S. L. Morris, D.D., and Rev. T. H. Rice, D.D.

By reason of business arrangement, made by the Executive Committee of Publication, as authorized by the General Assembly, the hindrances to early publication were removed. The Permanent Committee, therefore, proceeded diligently, so as to report their work as early as possible. A full report was made to the General Assembly of 1900, which was substantially approved, and the publication of the book was ordered; but to secure the best results in every way publication was delayed, and a final report of being ready for the press was made to the General Assembly of 1901. This Assembly took the following action : "We express gratification that this work is now complete, and we earnestly commend it to all of our churches for use."

The Committee was exceedingly fortunate in securing the services of Prof. Joseph Maclean and Prof. John P. Campbell, Ph.D., as Musical Editors. Sincere thanks are expressed, in this public way, for the invaluable and self-denying labor of these gentlemen, wrought in love for the Church and the praise of God.

In the whole work of selecting hymns and tunes, and in their adaptation to each other, the Church was largely consulted, both in the original compilation as reported to the Assembly, and in the subsequent changes made in deference to criticisms and suggestions.

As to the hymns, a sincere effort was made to retain all those belonging to the older body of hymnology, that seemed to be endeared by use to the Church at large, and to select the very best of those that may be classed as new. Under the limitation not to make too large a book, it is apparent that, in both classes of hymns, some had to be omitted which many persons might have selected.

A large number of the versions of Psalms has been distributed through the book, under appropriate classification. An index of these, at the beginning of the book, puts them within as easy reach as if arranged separately, after the old way.

In editing the text of the hymns, the Committee endeavored, as far as possible, to present them as originally written, unless there was good reason for the contrary. In the case of some very familiar hymns it seemed better to retain an altered text, which had endeared itself to the Church by use. In this work, lasting thanks are due to Rev. Louis F. Benson, D.D., Editor of "THE HYMNAL," for the free use that has been allowed of that excellent book of praise, as also for his personal assistance in verifying the texts of hymns not found in that collection, and in settling many points of authorship and date.

In the selection of tunes, the Committee endeavored to retain every one that is in general use throughout the Church, and many are used because of association rather than musical merit. The greatest care has been taken to keep in mind the varying degrees of musical knowledge and culture likely to exist through the church. In adapting tunes to hymns, old associations have invariably been regarded, wherever they seemed to exist. In many cases where it seemed desirable an alternative tune has been used. By grouping hymns of the same meter, a further choice of tunes on the same page is often given, and in addition there are frequent cross references to tunes in other parts of the book. In looking over the older tunes especially, they are found, in various books, to show considerable variations in harmony. The attempt was here made not so much to get the original version as to get the best one that could be found.


The names given to the tunes are those given by the composers, except in cases where there seemed to be good reason for change. In every case the attempt was made to find for each hymn a tune that brings out its meaning. this end the tune must not only agree with the hymn in having its accents fall upon the important words, where possible, but the sentiments of both must be in perfect accord. Every care has been taken to exclude tunes that are light,

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