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1.-Polyzoa and Anthozoa from the Upper Cretaceous Limestone of Need's Camp, Buffalo River.-By W. D. LANG, M.A., F.G.S., British Museum (Natural History).

Plate I.

THE rock containing the Polyzoa here described, is so full of them in places that they compose the rock nearly to the exclusion of its other components. Such pieces closely resemble in general appearance specimens of a rock composed mainly of Polyzoa from the Danian of Faxoe, in the island of Seeland, Denmark. Moreover, in both rocks the surfaces of the specimens are very ill-preserved, being rough, with the details ill-defined, as though the specimens were covered with a thin incrustation. And in both the large proportion of erect, cylindrical Polyzoa is remarkable.

The species described below range from the Neocomian to the Danian, and the majority are restricted to the Chalk. In so far as it is possible to assign a definite horizon to the deposit on the evidence of the Cyclostome Polyzoa only, it appears that its age is Senonian or Danian.

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Gregory places this genus among the Diastoporida because of its resemblance to Proboscina. He says it may be regarded as "a group of Proboscina with an erect habit"; and goes on to show how some species of Filisparsa correspond with some of Proboscina. But he also points out that Pergens placed the genus in the Idmoneidæ. The nature of the zoarium and distribution of the zoœcia are such that the genus occupies an intermediate place

* J. W. Gregory, B.M. Cat. Cret. Bryozoa, vol. i., 1899, p. 67.

E. Pergens, Rev. de Bry. du Cret. fig. par d'Orb., Bull de la Soc. Belge de Geol., iii., 1890, Mem., p. 339.

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