OF SLAVERY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Boural Is there not some chosen curse COWPER. Middletown, Con.. EDWIN HUNT ENTERED according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1834, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Southern District of New-York THIS PICTURE OF AMERICAN SLAVERY IS INSCRIBED TO EVERY MEMBER OF THE Anti-Slavery Societies, AND TO ALL OTHER PHILANTHROPISTS WHO ARE OPPOSED TO MAN-STEALING, BY THEIR Faithful Coadjutor, GEORGE BOURNE. THE ENGRAVINGS. 1. TITLE PAGE. A Woman exchanged for a Ram and Sheep, 2. Selling Females by the pound, PAGE. EXORDIUM. WHERE is the charter found to sanctify O'er strength and will, by man enthroned o'er man: Nor in Creation's multifarious laws. The will of Heaven, when unrevealed by Christ, Is sought and found in the primeval light, That you are guiltless of a DAMNING CRIME? 5 |