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1686. And God called his People out of Egypt, after he w‘had poured out his ten Plagues upon the Egyptians; Kingston. when he had deftroyed the First Birth of Egypt, then

'the Lord brought his People out of Egypt. And after the Lord had clearly brought his People out of Egypt, 'then the Lord deftroyed Pharaoh, and all his Hofts ' and Chariots.

And John faith, that he heard a Voice, faying; Come out of her my People, (to wit, out of Babylon, 'the falfe Church) that ye be not Partakers of her fins, and that ye receive not of her plagues: for her fins have reached to Heaven, and God hath remembred her Iniquities, Rev. 18.4, 5. Here ye may fee, that God 'did call his People out of Spiritual Babylon, before the Lord deftroyed her, and caft her down, to be utterly burnt with Fire, ver. 8, 9. and 21.

"Was not Nebuchadnezzar's Empire thrown down and ended by Cyrus and Darius, who were of the Seed of the Medes, before Cyrus and Darius gave forth 'their Proclamation for all the Jews to go into their 'own Land, out of Babylon's Captivity? And was there not a Prophecy of Cyrus, That he should fubdue Nations, and that the Lord would loofe the Loins of Kings before him, and break in pieces the Gates of Brafs, and cut in funder the Bars of Iron, and open the two-leav'd Gates; and that the Gates should not be Shut? And the Lord faid; This is for Jacob, my Servant's fake, and for Ifrael mine Elect, Ifa. 45.

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was not this fulfilled in Cyrus's and Darius's time? For did not then the Jews go out of Captivity into 'their own Land, Ezra 1. 2, 3, 4. and ch. 6.1. and 12. and Ifa. 44. 28. and 45. 13. And was not this Prophecy of Ifaiah fulfilled, when the Children of Ifrael came out of Babylon? And were not the Affyrians, that carried away the Ten Tribes, fubdued? and the Babylonians, that carried away the Two Tribes, were they not fubdued in the days of Cyrus and Darius, in 'whofe days the Loins of Kings were loofed, and the two"leav'd Gates of Brafs and Iron were opened? and fo had




'not Ifrael and Jacob their Liberty by them in their 1686. days, to go into their own Land?


And here in England, was it not observed, that Kingston. 'moft of the honeft and fober People were turned out of the Army, and their Commiffions, Offices and Places taken from them, because they could not join 'with others in their Cruelty and Perfecuting? And ' others laid down their Commiflions themfelves, and came out from amongst thofe Perfecutors, before they were overthrown, and brought to Confufion. All that are wife, fee thefe things, and learn by fuch Examples and Way-marks, to fhun fuch Bogs. And 'the Righteous are fafe, that, do keep in Chrift, their everlafting Sanctuary, that changes not; in whom they have Reft and Peace with God, Amen. Kington, the 29th of the

12th Month, 168.

G. F.

While I was at Kingflon, one day, as I was meditating on the Things of God, fome particular Obfervations arofe in my Mind concerning the first, and the "Second or laft Adam. As that-

'The firft Man Adam was made on the Sixth Day of 'the Week; and Chrift, the fecond Adam, was cruci'fied on the Sixth Day of the Week.

The firft Adam was betrayed by the Serpent in the Garden of Eden: And Chrift our Saviour, the fe'cond Adam, was betrayed by Judas in a Garden near, Jerufalem.

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'Chrift arofe from the Dead on the Firft-day of the 'Week; and they that do believe on him, are entred ' into Chrift, their Reft: The Chriftians do meet together to worship God on the Firft-day of the Week'; and on the Firft-day of the Week it was, that God faid, Let there be Light, and there was Light. The Jews Reft was on the Seventh-day of the Week, which was given to the Jews, as a Sign of the Eternal Reft of the Lord, fanctifying them, after they came out of the Land of Egypt: for before that time the Lord had not given to Man and Woman his outward Sabbath-day to keep, neither in the Old World, nor af


1686. ter in Abraham's time, nor in Ifaac's, nor in Jacob's time; until the Jews came out of Egypt to Mount Kingston. Sinai in the Wildernefs. And then, there the Lord gave the Law, and his Sabbath, as a Sign in the Old Covenant, of Chrift the Eternal Reft in the New Covenant: and they that believe, do enter into Christ, their Reft.

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'Adam the first Man, is the Root, from whence we all fpring naturally: And Chrift is called the last, or fecond Adam, because he is the Beginning and Root of all them that are Spiritual.

"The firft Adam was made a living Soul: And Christ, the laft Adam, was made a quickening Spirit.

'Chrift by the Grace of God tafted Death for every Man, that they might all come into favour with God; and that every Tongue fhould confefs, that Jefus Chrift is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father.

I writ alfo a Paper there, concerning the Two Seeds, diftinguishing the Seed wherein the Bleffing is received, from the Seed which the Curfe remains upon. Of that Paper the following is a Copy:

The Lord faid to Abraham, In thy Seed fhall all the Nations of the Earth be bleffed, Gen. 22. 18. And thy Seed fhall be as the Stars of Heaven, and as the Sand, which is upon the Sea-fhore, and as the Duft of the Earth, that cannot be numbred, Chap. 13. 16. and 15.5. and 22. 17. Now, in this Seed all Nations and Families of the Earth are bleffed; but not in the Seed of Evil-doers and of Falfhood, nor in the Seed of the Adultery and the Whore, Ifa. 1. 4. and 57. 3. 4. for the Seed of the Wicked Shall be cut off, faith the Lord, Pfal. 37. 28. The Lord faid to David, That bis Seed Should endure for ever, Pfal. 89. 36. And again it is faid, Pfal. 102. 28. The Children of thy Servants fhall continue, and their Seed shall be establish ed before thee. Now ye may fee, that here is a Diftinction betwixt the Two Seeds: for the Seed of Evil-doers, and of the Adulterer and Whore, and "of the Wicked fhall be cut off; and fo it is not blef fed. But Chrift bruifes the Head of the Serpent and

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his Seed, which he foweth in them, that do difobey 1687and tranfgrefs God's Command, and rebel against God's good Spirit. This wicked Seed of the Serpent Kington is curft, and is an Enemy to the Seed, in whom all are bleffed: But Chrift bruifes the Head of this curfed Seed of Enmity, and deftroys the Devil and his 'Works; and in his Seed are all bleffed, and all are in Unity in this Seed. And all the Children of the Seed are the Children of the Kingdom of God, and of Chrift, and are bleffed with faithful Abraham: and who are of the faving, diviné, precious Faith, are of Abraham, and walk in the fteps of the Seed and Faith of Abraham, and are bleffed with him, yea, all "Nations, and all the Families of the Earth.

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"And the Lord faid to Abraham, Thy Seed fhall be a Stranger in a Land, that is not theirs, and fhall ferve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years: and that Nation, whom they shall ferve, will I judge; and afterwards fhall they (to wit, God's Seed) come out with great Subftance, Gen. 15. 13, 14. Here ye may fee, That which afflicts God's Seed, he will judge, and did judge; for he did deftroy the Firft-birth of Pharach, and overthrew him and his Hoft.

And an holy Man faid; Except the Lord of Sabaoth bad left us a Seed or Remnant,we had been as Sodom,&c. 'that is, deftroyed and burnt. But in the Seed, which destroys the Devil and his Works, and bruifes the Head of the Serpent and his Seed, are all Nations and Families of the Earth bleffed.

'Chrift, according to the Flesh, was of Abraham, and of David: for he took not on him the Nature of Angels, but the Seed of Abraham; in which Seed all "Nations and Families of the Earth are bleffed. And fo they, that are of his Seed, are of the Generation of Chrift; and fo are Flesh of his Flesh, and Bone of bis Bone. Now, all Nations and Families of the Earth must be in this holy Seed, if they have the Bleffings, and are bleffed. And out of the Mouth of this Seed's Seed fhall not God's Word depart; but fhall remain and abide in the Mouth of this Seed's Seed, in

1687. which they are bleffed, Ifa. 59. 21.

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So it is not the Firft-birth's talking of the Words of Chrift, the Seed, whofe Mouth the Word of God doth not abide, that makes an outward Profeffion, like the Jews, that did Kill and Perfecute the Prophets, and crucified Chrift the Seed and Subftance of the Law and Prophets, which the Jews profeffed in Words, but they denied Chrift, the Seed and Life. And all the Chriftians (fo called) that do profefs the Scriptures in Words, and are not in the Seed Chrift, they are in the Confufion, and are like the Jews: And so, neither Jews nor Chriftians are bleffed, except they be in Chrift, the Seed of Life.

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'But though Chrift is faid to be of the Seed of Divid, and of Abraham, as his Generation is declared by Matthew and Luke; yet Chrift was not born of 'the Will of the Fleth, nor of the Will of Man, but of God. For he was Conceived by the Holy Ghoft; and not by the Will of Man, but by the Will of 'God, born of the Virgin, and fuppofed to be the Son of Jofeph, but was the Son of God: and his "Name was called Fefus, because he fhould fave his People from their Sins; and Emanuel, God with us. And Chrift took not upon him the Nature of Angels, but the Seed of Abraham (as I faid before) and fo was made of the Seed of David according to the Flefh; and declared to be the Son of God with Power, according to the Spirit of Holiness, by the RefurreEtion from the dead, Rom. 1. 4. So the Generation of Chrift is a Myftery. And Chrift faw his Seed or Word to grow up in his Difciples; And Christ in you, the hope of Glory, the Apoftle calls The Myfiery, which hath been hid from Ages and Generations, but now is made manifeft to the Saints, or fan&tified Ones, Col. 1. 26, 27. Whom we preach; warning every Man, and teaching every Man in all Wisdom, that we may prefent every Man perfect in Chrift Fefus, v. 28. For in Chrift, the fecond Adam, all are made perfect and compleat; and in Adam in the Fall, all are deformed and made Imperfect: So out of Christ

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