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To all the 1682.

they would be done unto. Another was, Several forts of profeffed Chriftians, as well Proteftants as Papifts, whofe Religion and Worship ftands in out- London, 'ward Obfervances and Ceremonies; preffing them, 'from thofe Words of the Apoftle Paul to the Galati

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ans, chap. 5. verf. 2, 3, 4. (Behold, I Paul fay unto you, that if ye be circumcifed, Chrift shall profit you nothing. For Iteftifie again to every Man, that is circumcifed, that he is a Debtor to the whole Law. Chrift is " become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are jufti'fied by the Law: ye are fallen from Grace,) to confider, Whether they, being gone back into legal Obfervations and fhadowy Ceremonies (in upholding Tithes, Offerings, Firft-fruits, Priefts-Garments, out'ward Altars, Temples, Lamps, Lights, &c. and in Obferving Days, Months, Times, Years, with many ' other things commanded by the Law) were not gone into the fame ftate, that the Galatians were running into; and fo were fallen from Grace, and become Debtors to the whole Law. Another was, 'To direct and turn all People to the Spirit of God, that they might thereby receive a right Understanding, and be able to diftinguish between Right and Wrong, Truth and "Error; that under pretence of punishing Evil-doers, they might not themfelves do Evil in perfecuting the Righteous. That Paper being fhort, is here inferted:

The Spirit of God, which he hath poured upon all, giveth an Understanding to all, that are led by it; and who do not quench the Motions of it, it doth give them Knowledge and Understanding to diftinguifh Good from Evil, and Light from Darkness, • Chrift from Antichrift, and the Old Teftament or 'Covenant from the New, and the Old Way from the New and Living Way; and the Sheep and Lambs 'from the Goats and from the Wolves; the Worship ' of God, which Chrift fet up above Sixteen hundred Years ago, from the Dragon's and Beaft's Worfhip; ' and all them that worship the Works of Mens Hands, ' and the Will Worfhippers, from them that worship God in his Spirit and in his Truth, in which God's


1682. People do worship him; which Worship is over all 'falfe Worfhips and Worshippers. And who believe London. in the Light, which is the Life in Chrift, do become 'the Children of Light, and are the Lambs of Jefus.

And the Lambs do follow the Lamb of God, that "taketh away the Sins of the World; and they will 'not follow the Hirelings, nor the Strangers, to be led into strange Ways and Doctrines, and Religions, and 'Churches: for the Lambs of Chrift follow Chrift, the 'Lamb of God, and do know his Heavenly Voice. "And they do know alfo, that they, who are without Chrift, are Dogs and Wolves, Adulterers, Idolaters, "Liars and Unbelievers, who would devour the Lambs: but they are in the Hand of the Lord, which is his 6 Power, that is over all. And fuch do Good in his Power unto all for they have the Mind of Chrift, < who would have all to come to the Knowledge of the Truth, and be faved. And they that do Good unto 'all, do Hurt unto none: for that Spirit, that doth 'Hurt unto any, is not of God; but that Spirit, which doth Good unto all, and efpecially to the Houfhold of Faith, is of God. Chrift came not to deftroy Mens 'Lives, but to fave them: And it is the Devil, that is the Deftroyer of Mens Lives about Religion, and that blinds and corrupts Men and Women, and makes them deaf and blind to the things of God, and to halt out of God's Way. They that obey the evil One, and forfake the Lord, fuch the Deftroyer doth deftroy: "But Chrift doth deftroy that Deftroyer, and in Chrift 'all have Life.

G. F.

I writ another Paper alfo concerning Meditation, Delight, Exercife and Study; fhewing from the Scriptures of Truth, what the true Chriftians ought to meditate upon, and to exercife their Minds in, and what they fhould take Delight in, and what they fhould ftudy to do. For in these things, not the prophane and loofe People only, but even the great Profeffors of Religion are very much miftaken; taking Delight in earthly, fading, perifhing things


whereas they ought to meditate on Heavenly things, 1682. and to delight in the Law of God after the inward Man, and exercise themfelves to have always a Con- London. Science void of Offence towards God, and towards Men, as the Apostle Paul did.

And inasmuch as Sufferings continued very fore and heavy upon Friends not only in the City, but in moft parts of the Nation, I drew up a Paper to be prefented to the King, fetting forth our Grievances therein, and defiring Redress from him in thofe particular Cafes, which I understood were in his Power. But not having Relief from him, it came upon me to write an Epiftle to Friends, to encourage them in their Sufferings, that they might bear with Patience the many Exercises, that were brought upon them, both from the outward Magiftrates, and by falfe Brethren and Apoftates; whofe wicked Books and filthy Slanders did grieve the upright-hearted. This Epiftle I writ at Dolton, whether I went to vifit an ancient Friend, that Dolton, lay fick.


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Friends and Brethren in Chrift Jefus, whom the Lord hath called and gathered into him, in him abide for without him (to wit, Chrift) ye can do nothing, and through him ye can do all things; who is your Strength and Support in all your Trials, Temptations, Imprisonments and Sufferings, who < for Chrift's fake are accounted as Sheep for the Slaughter and in all these things we are more than Conquerors, through Chrift, who hath loved us. And therefore, Friends, though ye do fuffer by the out"ward Powers; ye know, that the Prophets, Chrift and the Apoftles fuffered by the Unconverted. And though ye do fuffer by falfe Brethren, and falfe Apoftates for a time, and by their filthy Books and Tongues; whofe Tongues indeed are become no Slander, let them fpeak, write or print what they will: for the fober People even of the World hardly regard 'it. And it is well, they have manifefted themfelves to the World, that their Folly may proceed no far⚫ther: though to the utmost of their Power they have

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' fhewed

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1682.' fhewed their wicked Intent, to ftir up the Magiftrates, Profeffors and Prophane against us, and to speak Evil Dolton, of the Way of Truth. But God's Judgments will overtake them, and come upon them, as fure as they have come upon thofe, that are gone before them. "Let their Pretence be never fo high, mark their End: 'for they will fall, like untimely Figs; and wither like the Grafs on the top of the Houfe. Though they may feem to flourish, and make a Boaft and a "Noife for a time; yet the Seed is on the Head of fuch, which will grind them to Powder: which Seed bruifes the Serpent's Head. Therefore in this Seed, Chrift, who is your Sanctuary, Reft, Peace and quiet Habitation, who is the First and Laft, and over all, in 'him walk for the Lord taketh pleasure in his People, that are faithful, and that serve and worship him. And therefore let the Saints be joyful in Glory: ' and the God of Peace, the God of all Grace, who hath called us into his eternal Glory by Jefus Chrift, after that ye have fuffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, ftrengthen and fettle you; cafting all your Care upon the Lord: for he careth for you. And dearly Beloved, think it not ftrange concerning the fiery Trial, which is to try you, as though fome ftrange thing had hap'ned unto you: for it is better, if the Will of God be fo, that ye fuffer for Well-do⚫ing, than for Evil-doing: and rejoyce, inafmuch as ye are made Partakers of Chrift's Sufferings. Where'fore let them that fuffer according to the Will of "God, commit the keeping of their Souls to him in Well-doing, as unto a faithful Creator: for unto you is given, in the behalf of Chrift, not only to believe in him, but also to fuffer for his fake. So it is gi ven, or is a Gift from Chrift to fuffer for his Name; and therefore (as I faid before) rejoice, inafmuch as ye are made Partakers of Chrift's Sufferings. And if ye be reproached, or evil-fpoken of for the Name of Chrift, happy are ye; for the Spirit of Glory and of God refteth upon you: On their part he is evilfpoken of; but on your part he is glorified.

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⚫ therefore

therefore if any fuffer as Chriftians, let them not be 1682. afhamed; but let them glorifie God on this behalf. Though now for a feafon ye are in Sufferings, and Dolton Trials, and Temptations, that the Trial of your Faith, being much more precious than that of Gold, which perishes, though it be tried with Fire, may be 'found unto Praife, Honour and Glory, who are kept by the Power of God, through Faith unto Salvation. "Therefore Mind your Keeper, where-ever ye are, or * what Sufferings foever ye be in; and mind the Example of the Apoftle, how he fuffered trouble as an Evil-doer, unto Bonds. But the Word of God is not bound, which is Everlafting and endures for ever: 'And they, who are in that, which is not Everlast'ing, and doth not endure for ever, cannot bind the "Word. And the Apoftle faid, I endure all things for 'the Elects fake; that they may also obtain the Salva 'tion, which is in Chrift Jefus, with Eternal Glory (mark, with Eternal Glory.) And if we fuffer with "Chrift, we shall reign with Chrift, who abide faithful. Therefore strive not about Words to no profit; but 'fhun Prophane and Vain Babblings, for they will 'encrease unto more Ungodlinefs: So that ye may be Veffels of Honour, fanctified and meet for Chrift, your Mafter's ufe, and prepared unto every good work. Follow after Righteoufnefs, Godliness, Faith, Love, Patience and Meeknefs, and fight the good Fight of Faith with your heavenly Weapons; which Faith is Victory (or gives Victory) by which ye lay hold on Eternal Life, and have accefs unto God, " who will render to every man according to his Deeds: to them, who by patient continuing in well-doing, Seek for glory, and honour, and immortality; Eternal Life: but unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the Truth, but obey unrighteousness; indignation and • wrath: Tribulation and Anguish upon every foul of man, that doth evil; but glory, honour and peace to every man, that worketh good. Chrift faid to his Difciples, If the world hate you, ye know, that it hated me, before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world

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