After the Meeting we paffed to Mynhead, where we 1668, tarried that Night. And in the Night I had an Exercife upon me, from a Senfe I had of a Dark Spirit, Mynhead that was working, and ftriving to get up, and to difturb the Church of Chrift. Whereupon next Morning I was moved to write a few Lines to Friends, as a Warning thereof, as follows Dear Friends, L Ive in the Power of the Lord God, in his Seed, that is fet over all, and is over all Trials, that you may have from the dark Spirit again, which would be owned in its Actings, and thruft it felf amongst you, which is not come as yet: But in the Power of the Lord God, and his Seed keep over it, and bring it to Condemnation. For I felt a kind of dark Spirit thrufting it felf up towards you, and heaving up laft Night: But you may keep it down with the Power of God, that the Witnefs may arife to Condemn, its Actings, fo far as it hath fpread its dark Works, before it have any Admittance. So no more, but my Love in the Seed of God, which changeth not.cruiņu durow 4: G. F. The next day feveral Friends of Mynhead, accom- Devonpanied us as far as Barnftable and Appledon in Devon- Barnab hire, where we had a Meeting. Barnftable had been appled. a bloody, perfecuting Town. For there were two Men Friends of that Town, that had been a great while at Sea And coming home to vifit their Relations, (one of them having a Wife and Children) the Mayor of the Town fent for them, under pretence to difcourfe with them; and put the Oaths of Alle giance and Supremacy to them. And becaufe they could not Swear, he fent them to Exeter Jail, where Judge Archer premunired them, and kept them, till one of them died in Prifon. When I heard of this. T 1668. I was moved to write a Letter to Judge Archer, and another to that Mayor of Barnstable, laying their Appled. Wicked and Unchriftian Actions upon their Heads : and letting them know, that the Blood of that Man would be required at their bands. Cornwal. Landsend. Now after we had had a precious Meeting at Appledon among fome Faithful Friends there, we pafs'd to Stratton Stratton; and ftaid there at an Inn all Night. Next Day we rid through the Country to Humphrey Lower's; where we had a very precious Meeting: and the Truro. next Day we paffed through to Truro, and fo went on vifiting Friends, till we came to the Lands-End. Then coming up by the South-part of that County, Tregan we vifited Friends,till we came to Tregangeeves, where geeves. at Loveday Hambley's we had a General Meeting for all the County; in which the Monthly Meetings were fettled in the Lord's Power, and in the bleffed Order of the Gofpel: That all, who were faithful, might Admonish and Exhort fuch, as walked not according to the Gofpel; that fo the Houfe of God might be kept Clean, and Righteoufnefs might run down, and all Unrighteousness be swept away. And feve ral, that had run out, were brought to Condemn, what they had done amifs; and through Repentance came in again. So after we had vifited the Meetings in Cornwall, Devonsh, and were clear of that County, we came into DevonPlimouth hire, and had a Meeting amongst Friends at Plimouth. Kings Whence paffing to Richard Brown's, we came to the Widow Philips; where we had fome of Men-Friends from all the Meetings together: And there the Mens Monthly Meetings were fettled in the Heavenly Order of the Gofpel, the Power of God; which anfwered the Witnefs of God in all. There was a great Noife of a Troop of Horfe coming to difturb our Meeting (for the Man-fervant of the Houfe was a wicked en vious Man:) But the Lord's Power prevented it, and preferved us in Peace and Safety. After things were well fettled, and the Meeting done, bridge, we came to King's-bridge, and vifited Friends there aways. Membur. Ilchefter. aways. Then (leaving Friends in those Parts well 1668. fettled in the Power of God) we paft from thence through the Country to Topfham, and fo to Membury, Topham vifiting Friends, and having many Meetings in the Somer way; till we came to Ilchefter in Somerfet fhire. Here th we had a General Mens Meeting, and therein fettled the Mens Monthly Meetings for that County in the Lord's everlafting Power, the Order of the Gofpel, the Power of God, which was before the Devil was. Then after the Meetings were fettled, and Friends refreshed and comforted in the Lord's Power, and eftablished upon Chrift their Rock and Foundation, we paffed to Puddimore; where, at William Beaton's, we Puddin. had a bleffed Meeting, and all was quiet: though the Conftables had threatned before. : Shire. When we had vifited moft of the Meetings Somerfetfhire, we paffed into Dorfetfhire to one George Dorfet Harris his Houfe, where we had a large Mens Meeting and there all the Mens Monthly Meetings for that County were fettled in the Glorious Order of the Gofpel; that all in the Power of God might feek that, which was loft, and bring again, that which was driven away: and might cherish the Good, and reprove the Evil. Then, having vifited the Meetings of Friends through the Countries, we came to Southampton; where we had a large Meeting on the Firft-Day of the Week. And from thence we went to one Capt. Reeves, where the General Mens Meeting for Hamphire was appointed; to which fome of all the County came and a bleffed Meeting we had. There the Mens Monthly Meetings for that County were fettled in the Order of the Gofpel, which had brought Life and Immortality to Light in them. But there came a Rude Company, who were run into Ranterifm; and had oppofed and difturbed our Meetings much. One of them had lain with a Man; and the Man that had lain with her, declared it at the Market-Crofs, and gloried in his Wickedness: Thefe lewd People lived, a Company of them toge ther, ampton. 1668. ther, at a House hard by the place where our Meeting was. Wherefore I went to the Houfe, and told them South of their Wickedness but the Man of the Houfe faid, Why! Did I make fo ftrange of that? Another of them faid, It was to ftumble me. I told them, "Their Wickednefs thould not ftumble ine; for I was above it. And I was moved of the Lord God to tell them, That the Plagues and Fudgments of God would overtake them, and come upon them. Afterward they went up and down the Country, till at last they were caft into Winchester-Jail, where the Man, that had lain with the Woman aforefaid, ftabbed the Jailer, but not to mortally. And after they were let out of Jail, this Fellow that had ftabb'd the Jailer, hang'd himfelf: The Woman alfo had like to have Cut a Child's Throat, (as we were Informed.) Thefe People had formerly lived about London: and when the City was fired, they Prophefied, That all the reft of London should be burnt within Fourteen Days; and haftned away out of Town. Now though they were Ramters, and were great Oppofers of Friends, and Difturbers of our Meetings; yet in the Country, where they came, fome of the People of the World, that did not know them, would be apt to fay, They were Quakers. Wherefore I was moved of the Lord to write a Paper, to be difperfed amongst the Magiftrates and People of Hampshire, to Clear Friends and Truth of thefe Lewd People, and their Wicked Actions. Now, after the Mens Monthly Meetings in thofe Parts were fettled, and we had vifited Friends, and the Lord's bleffed Power was over all; we went to a Town, where we had a Meeting with Friends. And Farnham from thence we came to Farnham, where we met many Friends, it being the Market-Day: and we had many precious Meetings up and down that Country. Friends in thofe Countries had formerly been Plundered, and their Goods much Spoiled, both for Titbes, and for going to Meetings: but the Lord's Power at this time preferved both them and us, from falling into the Perfecutors Hands. We We paffed from thence, and had a General Mens 1668. Meeting at a Friend's Houfe in Surrey, who had been Plundered fo extreamly, that he had fcarce a Cow, Surry. Horfe or Swine left. The Conftables threatned to come then, and break up our Meeting; but the Lord reftrained them. At this Meeting the Mens Monthly Meetings were fettled in the Authority of the Heavenly Power. And after we had vifited Friends in that Country, and had many large and precious Meetings among them, we paffed to a Friend's Houfe in Sussex, Suffex, where the General Meeting for the Men Friends of that County was appointed to be held; and thither came feveral Friends from London to vifit us. There we had a bleffed Meeting: and the Mens Monthly Meetings for that County were then fettled in the Lord's Eternal Power, the Gospel of Salvation; that all in it might keep to the Order of the Gofpel. There were at that time great Threatnings of Difturbance, but the Meeting was quiet. And afterward we paffed from thence, and had feveral large Meetings in that County; though Friends were then in great Sufferings there, and many in Prifon. I was fent for to vifit a Friend that was Sick, and went to fee Friends, that were Prisoners; and there was danger of my being apprehended: but I went in the Faith of God's Power, and thereby the Lord preferved me in Safety. Having vifited Friends through the Country, we paffed on into Kent; where after we had been at feve- Kens ral Meetings, we had a General Meeting for the MenFriends of that County: There alfo the Mens Monthly Meetings for that County were fettled in the Power of God, and eftablifhed in the Order of the Gofpel, for all the Heirs of it to enter into their Services, and Care in the Church for the Glory of God. And Friends Rejoiced in the Order of the Gospel, and were glad of the Settlement thereof; which is not of Man, nor by Man. After this Meeting was over, I vifited Friends in their Meetings up and down in Kent: And when I had cleared my felf of the Lord's Service in that H County, |