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en, of whom the world is not worthy, fadly diminishes that of ourselveshich, though it has all the bleffings of his life apparently on its fide to fupport t, yet can fcarce be kept alive; and if we may form a judgment from the little stock of religion which is left, fhould God ever exact the fame trials, unless we greatly alter for the better, or there fhould prove fome fecret charm in perfecution, which we know not of, it is much to be doubted, if the Son of man fhould make this proof, of this generation,-whether there would be found faith upon the earth.

As this argument may convince us, fo let it fhame us into virtue, that the admirable examples of thofe holy men may not be left us, or commemorated by us to no end;-but rather that they may answer the pious purpofe of their inftitution,-to conform our lives to theirs,-that with them we may be partakers of a glorious inhe ritance, through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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