A CATECHISM OF SCRIPTURE HISTORY, COMPILED BY THE SISTERS OF MERCY, FOR THE USE OF THE CHILDREN ATTENDING THEIR SCHOOLS. REVISED BY REV. DR. O'REILLY, R. C. COLLEGE, MAYNOOTH. "We have found Him of whom Moses in the law and prophets LONDON: CHARLES DOLMAN, 61, NEW BOND STREET, SOLD BY ALL CATHOLIC BOOKSELLERS. 1852. 101. d. 472. Preface. THE "Catechism of Scripture History" has been some years used in Manuscript in the Schools of the Sisters of Mercy, Limerick, having been compiled by them for the more easy instruction of their pupils. It was commenced in rather a limited form, and was gradually added to as the children advanced. It is now deemed advisable to print it, both to prevent the inaccuracies likely to arise from frequent transcripts, and to meet the wishes of those who desired to procure copies. The work is divided into seven parts, the six first comprise the history of the Old Testament, and are arranged according to the computations specified in the annexed Chronological Table. The table and the historical narrative have been copied from the sacred text, and it is only where it became necessary to supply the connecting links in either that any other authority has been consulted. The authors referred to are Josephus, Bossuet, and Petavius. The object in view in compiling this Catechism was to give the children not only an accurate knowledge of the principal events recorded in holy Scripture, and a clear idea of the time in which each of these occurred, but also to familiarize them with the prophecies relating to our Divine Lord, and thus to lead them to regard the Old Testament as a figure and a foreshadowing of the New. The connexion between both has been developed as clearly as the limits of a school book would allow. The Catechism form is adopted to render it less difficult to commit the facts to memory. Two or three histories have, however, been introduced, partly as exercises in reading, and partly to accustom the pupil to relate events in detail. The work has been revised by REV. DR. O'REILly, R. C. College, Maynooth, and is published with the approbation of RIGHT REV. DR. RYAN, Limerick. Chronological Cable. AGE. 1st. From the Creation to the Deluge includes a space 1656 years 1656 2344 Deluge to the vocation of Abraham, 367 Delivery out of Egypt to the foun- Foundation of the Temple to the return from Babylonian Captivity, 1st year of the reign of Cyrus 1st Return from Babylonian Captivity, 2023 1977 430 519 482 THE YEARS. Adam was Seth was 1st. From the Creation to the Deluge, are com puted as follows: 130 years old when his son 105 years old when Enos was born REFERENCE. Genesis v. V. 6 Enos was 90 years old when Cainan was born V. 9 Cainan was 70 years old when Ma- v. 12 Malaleel was 65 years old when Jared Jared was Enoch was was born 162 years old when Enoch was born 65 years old when Ma- Mathusalem was 187 years old when La mech was born Lamech was 182 years old when Noah was born Noah was .. v. 28 500 years old when Sem was born v. 31 Sem was 100 years old at the time of V. 6 1656 |