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Bar, barrier.

Barbed, caparisoned in a warlike


Barful, full of impediments.

Barm, yeast.

Barn, or bairn, a child.

Barnacle, a kind of shell-fish.
Base, dishonoured.

Base, a rustic game, called pri-

Bases, a kind of dress used by

knights on horseback.
Basilisks, a species of cannon.
Basta, Spanish, 'tis enough.
Bastard, raisin wine.
Bat, a club or staff.

Bate, strife, conteution.
Bate, to flutter as a hawk.

Batlet, an instrument used by
washers of clothes.

Batten, to grow fat.
Battle, army.

Bavin, brushwood.
Bawcock, a jolly cock

Bay, the space between the main
beams of a roof.

Bay-window, bow window, one in a recess.

Bilboes, a species of fetters.
Bill, a weapon carried by watch-
men, a label, or advertisement,
articles of accusation.
Bird-bolt, a species of arrow.
Bisson, blind.

Blank, the white mark at which

an arrow is shot.
Blast, burst.
Blear, to deceive.
Blench, to start off.
Blent, blended, mixed.
Blind-worm, the slow-worm.
Blistered, puffed out like blisters.
Blood, ancestry, high spirits, true
metal, passions, natural pro-


daubed with

Blown, puffed or swollen.
Blows, swells.

Blunt, stupid, insensible.
Board, to accost, to address.
Bobb, to trick, to make a fool

Bodged, boggled, made bungling

Bodkin, a small dagger.

Beak, the forecastle, or the bolt- Bold, confident, to embolden.


Beard, to oppose in a hostile
manner, to set at defiance.
Bearing, carriage, demeanour.
Bearing-cloth, a mantle used at

Beat, in falconry, to flutter.
Beating, hammering, dwelling


Beaver, helmet in general.

Boldness, confidence.
Bolted, sifted, refined.

[blocks in formation]

Bugs, bugbears, terrors.
Bulk, the body.

Bumbard. See Bombard.
Bunting, a bird outwardly like a

Burgonet, a kind of helmet.

Bury, to conceal, to keep sc


Bolting-hutch, the receptacle in Burst, broken.
which the meal is bolted.
Bombard, or bumbard, a barrel.
Bombast, the stuffing of clothes.
Bona-robas, strumpets.
Bond, bounden duty.
Bony, or bonny, handsome, good-

Beck, a salutation made with the Book, paper of conditions.


Becomed, becoming.

Beetle, to hang over the base
Being, abode.

Belongings, endowments.
Be-mete, be-measure.

Be-moiled, be-draggled, be-mir

Boot, profit, advantage, some-
thing over and above.

Bore, demeaned.

Bore, the caliber of a gun the

capacity of the barrel. Bores, stabs or wounds. Bosky, woody.

[blocks in formation]


Bending, unequal to the weight.
Benefit, beneficiary.

Bent, the utmost degree of any

Benumbed, inflexible, immove-

Beshrew, ill befall.
Best, bravest.

Bestowed, left, stowed, or lodged.
Bestraught, distraught or dis-


Beteem, to give, to pour out, to
permit or suffer.
Bewray, betray, discover.
Bezonian, a term of reproach.
Bid, to invite, to pray.

Biding, place, abiding.
Bigging, a kind of cap.
Bilberry, the whortleberry.

Bilbo, a Spanish blade of pecu-
liar excellence.

Bosom, wish, heart's desire
Bots, worms in the stomach of a

Bourn, boundary, rivulet.
Bow, yoke.

Brace, armour for the arm, state
of defence.

Brach, a species of hound.
Braid, crafty or deceitful.
Brake, a thicket, furze-bush.
Brave, to make fine or splendid.
Bravery, showy dress.
Brawl, a kind of dance.

Caddis, a narrow worsted ga!.
Cade, a barrel.

Cadent, falling.
Cage, a prison.

Cain-coloured, yellow.

Caitiff, a prisoner, a slave, a scoundrel.

Calculate, to foretell or prophesy. | Caliver, a species of musket. Call, to visit.

Callet, a lewd woman

Breach, of the sea, breaking of Calling, appellation.

the sea.

Breast, voice, surface.

Breath, breathing, voice.
Breathe, to utter.

Breathed, inured by constant

Breathing, complimentary
Breeched, sheathed.

Calm, qualm.

Canary,a sprightly nimble dance
Candle-waisters, those who sit
up all night to drink.

Canker, the dog-rose.
Canstick, candlestick.

Cantel, or Cantle, a corner or
piece of any thing.

Cantons, cantos.
Canvas, to sift.
Canvas-climber, a sailor who
climbs to adjust the sails.
Cap, the top, the principal
Cap, to salute by taking off the


Capable, perceptible, intelligent,
quick of apprehension, ample,
Capitulate, to make head.
Capon, metaphor for a letter.
Capricious, lascivious.
Captious, capacious or recipient.
Carack, a ship of great bulk.
Carbonadoed, scotched like meat
for the gridiron.

Card, perhaps a sea-chart.
Care, to make provision, to take


Care, inclination.

Careires, the motion of a horse.
Carkanet, necklace or chain.
Carl, clown or husbandman.
Carlot, peasant.
Carre, a critic.
Carpet-consideration, on a carpet,
a festivity.
Carriage, import.

Carried, conducted or managed.
Carry, to prevail over.
Cart, a chariot.

Case, contemptuously for skin,
Case, to strip naked.
Casques, helmets.

Cassock, a horseman's great-coat.
Cast, to empty, as a pond, to dis-
miss or reject.
Cast, cast up, reckoned.
Castilian, an opprobrious term.
Castiliano vulgo, a cant term of

Cataian, some kind of sharper. Catling, a small lute-string made

of catgut.

[blocks in formation]

Changeling, a child changed.
Channel, a kennel.
Character, description, hand-

Charácter, to write, to infix strongly.

Charactery, the matter with which letters are made.

Chares, task-work.

Charge, to put to expense. Charge, commission, employ


Charge-house, the free-school.
Chariest, most cautious.
Chariness, caution.
Charitable, dear, endearing.
Charles's-wain, the constellation
called the Bear.

Churneco, a sort of sweet wine.
Charter, a privilege.
Chaudron, entrails.
Cheater, escheator, an officer in
the exchequer; a gamester.
Check, command, control.
Check, to object to, to rebuke.
Checks, probably for ethics.
Cheer, countenance.

Cherry-pit, a play with cherry


Cheveril, soft or kid leather.
Chew, to ruminate, consider.
Chewet, a noisy chattering bird.
Chide, to resound, to echo, to
scold, to be clamorous.
Chiding, sound.
Chiding, noisy.

Child, a female infant.
Childing, unseasonably pregnant.
Chopin, a high shoe or clog.
Chough, a bird of the daw kind.
Christom, the white cloth put on
a new baptized child.
Chrystals, eyes.

Chuck, chicken, a term of endearment.

Chuff, rich, avaricious.
Cicatrice, the scar of a wound.
Circumstance, detail of an argu-
ment, a circumlocution.
Cital, recital.

Cile, to incite, to show, to prove.
Civil, grave or solemn.

Civil, human creature, any thing human.

Clack-dish, a beggar's-dish.
Claw, to flatter.

Clear, pure, blameless, innocent,
quite, fully, perfectly.
Clearest, purest, freest from

Clear-story, a species of windows in a church.

Cleave, to unite with closely.

Chamber, ancient name for Lon- Clerkly, like a scholar.


Chamber, a species of great gun. Chamberers, men of intrigue. Champian, an open country. Chance, fortune.

Cliff, a key in music.
Cling, to shrink or shrivel up.
Clinquant, glittering, shining.
Clip, to embrace, to infold.
Closely, secretly, privately.

Clout, the white mark at which archers take aim.

Clown, a licensed jester in families.

Clubs, a popular cry on a streetquarrel.

Clutched, grasped.

Coach-fellow, one who draws with a confederate.

Coasting, conciliatory, inviting.
Cobloaf, a crusty, uneven loaf.
Cock, cock-boat.
Cockle, a weed.

Cockled, inshelled like a cockle
Cock-shut-time, twilight.

Codling, anciently an immature apple.

Coffin, the cavity of a raised pic.
Cog, to falsify, to lie, to defraud.
Cognizance, the badge or token.
Coigne, corner.
Coil, bustle, stir.
Cold, naked.

Collect, to assemble by observa-


corollary, onse

Collied, black, smutted with coa!
Collier, formerly a term o the
highest reproach.
Colour, pretence.
Colourable, specious.

Colours, appearances, deceits.
Colt, to fool, to trick.
Co-mart, a joint bargain.
Combinate, betrothed.
Combine, to bind

Combined, bound by agreement
Comforting, aiding.

Commence, to give a beginning. Commended, committed. Commission, authority, power. Commodity, interest, profit.

Commonty, a comedy.

Compact, made up of.
Companion, fellow.
Company, companion.

Comparative, a dealer in comparisons.

Compare, comparison.
Compassed, round
Compassionate, plaintive.
Competitors, confederates or as-

Complements, accomplishments.
Complexion, humour.
Comply, to compliment.
Compose, to come to a composi-

Composition contract or bargain,

consistency, concordancy. Composture, composition, compost.

Comptible, submissive.
Con, to know.

Conceit, fanciful conception thought.

Concent, connected harmony in general.

Conclusion, determination, resolution.

Conclusions, experiments. Concupy, concupiscence. Condition, temper, character, qualities, vocations or inclinations.

Condolement, sorrow.

Conduct, conductor.
Coney-catched, deceived, cheated.
Coney-catcher,a cheat,or sharper.
Confession, profession.
Conject, conjecture.
Conjecture, suspicion.

Confound, to destroy, to expend,

to consume.

Confounded, worn or wasted.
Consent, to agree.

Consent, conspiracy, will, assent, united voice.

Consigned, sealed.

Consist, to stand upon.
Consort, company.

Consort, to keep company with.
Constancy, consistency, stability.
Constant, firm, determined.
Constantly, certainly, without

Contemptible, contemptuous. Continent, the thing which contains.

Continents, banks of rivers. Continuate, uninterrupted. Contraction, marriage contract. Contrarious, different.

Contrive, to spend and wear out.
Control, to confute.

Convent, to serve or agree.
Convented, cited, summoned.
Conversation, familiar


course, conduct, behaviour. Converse, interchange. Conversion, change of condition. Convertite, convert. Convey, to perform slight of hand, to manage artfully. Conveyance, theft, fraud. Convince, to overpower, subdue, convict.

Convicted, overpowered, baffled.
Convive, to feast.

Cope, to encounter, to engage.
Cope, covering.
Copped, rising to a cop, or head.
Copy, theme.

Coragio, an exclamation of en-
Corinthian, a wencher.

Corky, dry, withered, husky.
Corners, by-places.

Corollary, surplus.

Coronet, a crown.

Corrigible, corrected.

Costard, the head.


Cotsale, Cotswood in Gloucester | Cursed, under the influence


Curst, petulant, crabbed, shrewG ish or mischievous, severe, harsh, vehemently angry. Curstness, ill-humour. Curtail, a cur of little value. Curtal, a docked horse. Curtle-ax, or cutlace, a broadsword.

Custard-coffin, the crust of a custard or pie.

Customer, a common woman
Cut, a horse.

Cyprus, a transparent stuff.


Crack, a boy or child, a boy- Danskers, natives of Denmark.

Coster-monger, meanly, merce- Curiosity, finical delicacy, scru

[merged small][ocr errors]


Covered, hollow.

Count, to make account, to rec

kon upon.

Count Confect, a specious noble


Countenance, false appearance, hypocrisy.

Counterfeit, a likeness, a por-

Counterpoints, counterpanes.
County, count earl.

Cower, to sink by bending the

Cowl-staff, a staff for carrying a
large tub.

Coy, to soothe or stroke.
Coyed, condescended



Coystril, a coward cock, a mean

or drunken fellow.

Cozier, a tailor or botcher.

Crab, a wild apple.
Crack, dissolution.

Daff or doff, to do off, to put

Dally, to play or trifle

Damn, condemn.

Danger, reach or control.
Dank, wet, rotten.


Cranks, windings.
Crants, chants.

Crare, a small trading vessel.
Craven, a degenerate, dispirited


Craven, mean, cowardly, to make cowardly.

Create, compounded, or made


Credent, creditable, credible. Credit, account, information, credulity.

Credit, a great light set upon a

Cressive, increasing.
Crest, the top, the height.
Crestless, those who have no right

to arms.

Crisp, curling, winding, curled,
bent, hollow.
Critic, cynic.

Critical, censorious.

Crone, an old worn-out woman.
Crosses, money stamped with a


Crow, to exult over.
Crow-keeper, a scarecrow.
Crown, to conclude.
Crowned, dignified, adorned.
Crownet, last purpose.
Cry, a troop or pack.
Cue, in stage cant, the last words
of the preceding speech.
Cuisses, armour for the thighs.
Cullion, a despicable fellow.
Cunning, sagacity, knowledge.
Curb, to bend or truckle.

pulousness or captiousness.

Curious, scrupulous.

Curled, ostentatiously dressed.
Currents, occurrences.

Dare, to challenge or incite.
Dark-house,a house made gloomy
by discontent.

·Darkling, in the dark.
Darraign, to arrange, put in or-

Daub, to disguise.

Daubery, falsehood and impost-

Day-bed, a couch.
Day-light, broad-day.
Day-woman, dairy-maid.
Dear, best, important, dire.
Dearn, lonely, solitary.
Death-tokens, spots appearing on
those infected by the plague.
Deboshed, debauched.
Decay, misfortunes.
Deceivable, deceptious.
Deck, to cover, a pack.

Decline, to run through from first
to last.

Declined, the fallen.

Deem, opinion, surmise.
Defeat, destruction.

Defeatures, features, change of

features for the worse.
Defence, art of fencing.
Defend, to forbid.

Defensible, furnishing the means
of defence.
Defiance, refusal.

Deformed, deforming.

Deftly, dexterously, with adroit


Defy, to refuse, to disdain.
Degrees, steps.
Delay, to let slip.
Demerits, merits.

Demise, to grant.

Demurely, solemnly

Denay, denial.

Denied,disbelieved orcontemned

Denier, the twelfth part of a

French sou.

Denotements, indications or dis

Deny, to refuse.
Depart, to part.
Departing, separation.
Depend, to be in service.
Deprive, to disinherit.

Deracinate, to force up by the


Derogate, degraded, blasted
Descant, a term in music.
Desert, merit.

Deserred, deserving.

Design, to mark out.
Despatched, bereft.

Desperate, bold, adventurous.
Detected, charged or guilty.
Determined, ended.

Dibble, an instrument used by gardeners.

Dich, dit or do it.

Dickon, familiarly for Richard. Die, gaming.

Diet, regimen.

Diet, to oblige to fast

Diffused, extravagant, irregular.
Digress, to deviate from the right.
Digression, transgression.
Dint, impression.

Direction, judgment, skill.
Disable, to undervalue.
Disappointed, unprepared.
Disclose, to hatch.

Discontenting, discontented
Discontents, malcontents.
Discourse, reason.
Disdained, disdainful.

Disease, uneasiness, discontent.
Diseases, sayings.

Disgrace, hardship, injury. Dislimns, unpaints, obliterates. Dispark, to destroy a park. Disponge, discharge as a sponge Dispose, to make terms, to settle


Disposition, frame.
Disputable, disputatious.
Dispute, to talk over.
Dissemble, to gloss over.
Dissembling, putting dissimilar
things together.
Distaste, to corrupt, to change to

a worse state.

Distemper, intoxication. Distemperature, perturbation. Distempered, ruffled, out of hu


[ocr errors]

Doff, see Daff.

Dole, lot, allowance.
Dolphin, the Dauphin of France.
Don, to do on, to put on.
Done, expended, consumed.
Dotant, dotard.
Double, full of duplicity.
Doubt, to fear.

Dout, to do out, extinguish
Dowle, a feather.

Down-gyved, hanging down like
what confines the fetters round
the ancles.
Drab, whoring.
Draught, the jakes.
Drawn, embowelled.exenterated.
Dread, epithet applied to kings.
Drew, assembled.

Dribbling, a term of contempt.
Drive, to fly with impetuosity.
Drollery, a show performed by
Drugs, drudges,

Drumble, to act lazily and stu-
Dry, thirsty.

Ducdame, duc ad me, bring him

to me.

Dudgeon, the handle of a dagger. Due, to endue, to deck, to grace. Dull, melancholy, gentle, sooth


Dull, to render callous, insensible.

Dullard, a person stupidly unconcerned.

Dump, a mournful elegy.
Dup, to do up, to lift up.


Distractions, detachments, sepa- Empery, dominion, sovereign

[ocr errors]

Eager, sour, sharp, harsh.
Eanlings, lambs just dropt.
Ear, to plough.

Easy, slight, inconsiderable.
Eche, to eke out.

Ecstacy, alienation of mind, mad


Effects, affects, or affections, ac

tions, deeds effect ed.

Eftest, deftest, readiest.
Egypt, a gipsy.

Eld, old time, or persons.
Element, initiation, previous

Embossed, inclosed, swollen, puffy
Embowelled, exhausted.
Embraced, indulged in.
Eminence, high honours.

rate bodies.

Distraught, distracted.

Diverted, turned out of the course

of nature.

Dividable, divided.


Emulation, rivalry, envy, facti-
ous contention.

Emulous, jealous of higher au-

Division, the pauses or parts of Encave, to hide.

musical composition

Divulged, spoker of

Doctrine, skill.

Enfeoff, to invest with possession.
Engine, instrument of war, mili-
tary machine, the rack.

Engross, to fatten, to pamper.
Engrossments, accumulations.
Enkindle, to stimulate
Enmew, to coop up.

Ensconce, to protect as with a

Enseamed, greasy.

Enshield, shielded.

Entertain, to retain in service.
Entertainment, the pay of an
army, admission to office.
Entreatments, the objects of en-

Envy, hatred or malice.
Ephesian, a cant term for a toper.
Equipage, stolen goods.
Erewhile, just now.
Erring, wandering.
Escoted, paid.

Esil, a river so called, or vinegar.
Esperance, the motto of the
Percy family.
Espials, spies.

Essential, existent, real.
Estimate, price.

Estimation, conjecture.

Eterne, eternal.

Even, calm, equable, temperate equal, fellow.

Even, to act up to.

Examined, questioned, doubted
Excrement, the beard.

Excrements, the hair, nails, fea-
thers of birds, &c.

Execute, to employ, to put to use
Execution, employment or exer-

Executors, executioners.
Exempt, excluded.

Exercise, exhortation, lecture, or

Exhale, hale or lug out.
Exhibition, allowance.

Exigent, end.

Exorcist, a person who can raise

Expect, expectation.
Expedient, expeditious.
Expiate, fully completed.

Expostulate, to inquire or discuss
Exposture, exposure.
Express, to reveal.
Expulsed, expelled.

Exsufficate, contemptible, abo

Extend, to seize.

Extent, in law, violence in gene


Extern, outward.

Extirped, rooted out.

Extracting, that which araws
away from every thing but its
own object.

Extravagant, wandering.
Extremes, extravagance of con-
duct, extremities.
Eyases, young nestlings.
Eyas musket, infant lilliputian
Eye, a small shade of colour

Eyliads, glances, looks. Qeiliads.

Eyne, eyes.


See Feodary, an accomplice, a con

For, for that, since, because.
Forbid, under interdiction.
Force, power.

Force, to enforce, to urge.

Festival terms, splendid phraseo- Force, to stuff.

Face, to carry a foolish appear


Faced, turned up with facings
Facinorous, wicked.
Fact, guilt.

Factious, active.

Faculties, medicinal virtues, of

fice, exercise of power. Falge, to suit or fit.

Fading, the burthen of a song.
Fain, fond.

Fair, beauty, complexion, fair


Fair betrothed, fairly contracted,
honourably affianced
Faith, fidelity.
Faithful, not an infidel.
Faithfully, fervently.
Faitors, traitors, rascals.
Fall, to let fall, to drop.
Fall, an ebb.

False, to make false.


Fester, to corrupt.

Festinately, has ily.


Fet, fetched.

Few, in short, in few words.
Fico, a fig.

Fielded, in the field of battle.
Fierce, proud, hasty, vehement,

Fig, to insult.

Fights, clothes hung round a ship to conceal the men from the


File, a list.
Filed, defiled.

Fills, the shafts.
Filed, gone an equal pace with.

Filths, common sewers.
Fine, the conclusion.

Fine, full of finesse, artful.
Fine, to make showy, or specious.
Fineless, boundless, endless.
Firago for Virago.

Fire-drake, will-o'-the-wisp, or a

Falsely, dishonestly, treacher- Fire-new, bren-new, new from


Falsing, falsifying.

Familiar, a demon.

Fancy, love.

Fancy-free, exempt from the
power of love.

Fung, to seize or gripe.
Fanged, possessed of fangs.
Fans, ancient.

Fantastical, creatures of fancy.
Fap, drunk.

Far, extensively.
Farced, stuffed.

Fashions, farcens or farcy.
Fast, determined, fixed.
Fat, dull.

Fate, an action predetermined by

Favour, countenance, features.
indulgence, pardon, appearance
Fear, the object of fear, danger.
Fear, to intimidate.
Feared, frightened.

Fearful, timorous, formidable.
Feat, ready, dexterous.
Peat, an exploit.
Feated, formed, made neat.
Feature, beauty in general, cast
and make of the face.
Federary, a confederate.
Fee grief, a peculiar sorrow.
Feeder, an eater, a servant.

Feere, or Pheere, a companion.

a husband.

Feet, footing.
Fell, skin.

Fell-feats, savage practices.
Fellow, cccpanion.

Fence, the art of, or skill in de-

the forge.

Firk, to chastise.

First noblest, most eminent.
Fit, a division of a song
Fitchew, a polecat
Fitly, exactly.

Fives, a distemper in horses.
Flap-dragon, a small inflammable
substance, which topers swal-
low in a glass of wine.
Flapjacks, pan-cakes.
Flask, a soldier's powder-horn.
Flatness, lowness, depth.
Flaw,sudden violent gust of wind.
Flayed, stripped
Fleet, to float.

Fleeting, inconstant.
Fleshment, first act of military

Flewed, having the flews or chaps

of a hound.

Flickering, fluttering like the
motion of a flame.
Flight, a sort of shooting.
Flourish, ornament.
Flote, wave.
Flush, mature, ripe.

Foeman, an enemy in war.
Foin, to thrust in fencing.
Foizon, plenty.

Folly, depravity of mind.
Fmd, foolish, or prized by folly.
Fonder, more weak or foolish.
Fondly, foolishly.

Fools' zanies, baubles with the
head of a fool.
Foot-cloth, a housing covering the
body of the horse, and almost
reaching to the ground.

Forced, false.

Fordid, destroyed.

Fordo, to undo, to destroy.
Foredone, overcome.
Forfended, prohibited, forbidden
Foreign, employed in foreig

Forepast, already had.
Fore-slow, to be dilatory, to loiter.
Forestall, to prevent by anticipa-

Forgetive, inventive,imaginative
Forked, horned.

Formal, not out of form, regular sensible, in form, in shape. Former, foremost.

Forspent, wasted, exhausted. Forspoke, contradicted, spoken against.

Forthcoming, in custody.
Forwearied, worn out.
Foul, homely, not fair.
Fox, a cant word for a sword.
Forship, mean, cunning.
Frampold, peevish, fretful, or

[blocks in formation]


Fret, the stop of a musical instrument, which regulates the vibration of the string. Friend, a lover, a term appl:cable to both sexes, a paramov. Friend, friendship.

Friend, to befriend.

Frippery, a shop where uli

clothes were sold.

Frize, a cloth made in Wales.
From, in opposition to.
Fronted, opposed.
Frontier, forehead

Frontlet, a forehead cloth.
Frush, to break or bruise.
Frustrate, frustrated.

Fulfilling, filling till there be no
room for more.
Full, complete.

Fullams, loaded dice.

Fullest, most complete and


Fumiter, fumitory.

Furnished, dressed.



Gabardine, a loose felt cloak
Gain-giving, misgiving.
Gad, a pointed instrument.
Gainsay, to unsay, deny, contra-

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