Bar, barrier. Barbed, caparisoned in a warlike manner. Barful, full of impediments. Barm, yeast. Barn, or bairn, a child. Barnacle, a kind of shell-fish. Base, a rustic game, called pri- Bases, a kind of dress used by knights on horseback. Bate, strife, conteution. Batlet, an instrument used by Batten, to grow fat. Bavin, brushwood. Bay, the space between the main Bay-window, bow window, one in a recess. Bilboes, a species of fetters. Blank, the white mark at which an arrow is shot. blood. daubed with Blown, puffed or swollen. Blunt, stupid, insensible. Bodged, boggled, made bungling Bodkin, a small dagger. Beak, the forecastle, or the bolt- Bold, confident, to embolden. sprit. Beard, to oppose in a hostile Beat, in falconry, to flutter. upon. Beaver, helmet in general. Boldness, confidence. Bugs, bugbears, terrors. Bumbard. See Bombard. Burgonet, a kind of helmet. Bury, to conceal, to keep sc cret. Bolting-hutch, the receptacle in Burst, broken. Beck, a salutation made with the Book, paper of conditions. head. Becomed, becoming. Beetle, to hang over the base Belongings, endowments. Be-moiled, be-draggled, be-mir Boot, profit, advantage, some- Bore, demeaned. Bore, the caliber of a gun the capacity of the barrel. Bores, stabs or wounds. Bosky, woody. ed. Bending, unequal to the weight. Bent, the utmost degree of any Benumbed, inflexible, immove- Beshrew, ill befall. Bestowed, left, stowed, or lodged. tracted. Beteem, to give, to pour out, to Biding, place, abiding. Bilbo, a Spanish blade of pecu- Bosom, wish, heart's desire Bourn, boundary, rivulet. Brace, armour for the arm, state Brach, a species of hound. Caddis, a narrow worsted ga!. Cadent, falling. Cain-coloured, yellow. Caitiff, a prisoner, a slave, a scoundrel. Calculate, to foretell or prophesy. | Caliver, a species of musket. Call, to visit. Callet, a lewd woman Breach, of the sea, breaking of Calling, appellation. the sea. Breast, voice, surface. Breath, breathing, voice. Breathed, inured by constant Breathing, complimentary Calm, qualm. Canary,a sprightly nimble dance Canker, the dog-rose. Cantel, or Cantle, a corner or Cantons, cantos. cap. Capable, perceptible, intelligent, Card, perhaps a sea-chart. care. Care, inclination. Careires, the motion of a horse. Carried, conducted or managed. Case, contemptuously for skin, Cassock, a horseman's great-coat. Cataian, some kind of sharper. Catling, a small lute-string made of catgut. Changeling, a child changed. Charácter, to write, to infix strongly. Charactery, the matter with which letters are made. Chares, task-work. Charge, to put to expense. Charge, commission, employ ment. Charge-house, the free-school. Churneco, a sort of sweet wine. Cherry-pit, a play with cherry stones. Cheveril, soft or kid leather. Child, a female infant. Chuck, chicken, a term of endearment. Chuff, rich, avaricious. Cile, to incite, to show, to prove. Civil, human creature, any thing human. Clack-dish, a beggar's-dish. Clear, pure, blameless, innocent, Clear-story, a species of windows in a church. Cleave, to unite with closely. Chamber, ancient name for Lon- Clerkly, like a scholar. don. Chamber, a species of great gun. Chamberers, men of intrigue. Champian, an open country. Chance, fortune. Cliff, a key in music. Clout, the white mark at which archers take aim. Clown, a licensed jester in families. Clubs, a popular cry on a streetquarrel. Clutched, grasped. Coach-fellow, one who draws with a confederate. Coasting, conciliatory, inviting. Cockled, inshelled like a cockle Codling, anciently an immature apple. Coffin, the cavity of a raised pic. Collect, to assemble by observa- quence. corollary, onse Collied, black, smutted with coa! Colours, appearances, deceits. Combined, bound by agreement Commence, to give a beginning. Commended, committed. Commission, authority, power. Commodity, interest, profit. Commonty, a comedy. Compact, made up of. Comparative, a dealer in comparisons. Compare, comparison. Complements, accomplishments. Composition contract or bargain, consistency, concordancy. Composture, composition, compost. Comptible, submissive. Conceit, fanciful conception thought. Concent, connected harmony in general. Conclusion, determination, resolution. Conclusions, experiments. Concupy, concupiscence. Condition, temper, character, qualities, vocations or inclinations. Condolement, sorrow. Conduct, conductor. Confound, to destroy, to expend, to consume. Confounded, worn or wasted. Consent, conspiracy, will, assent, united voice. Consigned, sealed. Consist, to stand upon. Consort, to keep company with. Contemptible, contemptuous. Continent, the thing which contains. Continents, banks of rivers. Continuate, uninterrupted. Contraction, marriage contract. Contrarious, different. Contrive, to spend and wear out. Convent, to serve or agree. inter course, conduct, behaviour. Converse, interchange. Conversion, change of condition. Convertite, convert. Convey, to perform slight of hand, to manage artfully. Conveyance, theft, fraud. Convince, to overpower, subdue, convict. Convicted, overpowered, baffled. Cope, to encounter, to engage. Coragio, an exclamation of en- Corky, dry, withered, husky. Corollary, surplus. Coronet, a crown. Corrigible, corrected. Costard, the head. nary. Cotsale, Cotswood in Gloucester | Cursed, under the influence malediction. Curst, petulant, crabbed, shrewG ish or mischievous, severe, harsh, vehemently angry. Curstness, ill-humour. Curtail, a cur of little value. Curtal, a docked horse. Curtle-ax, or cutlace, a broadsword. Custard-coffin, the crust of a custard or pie. Customer, a common woman Cyprus, a transparent stuff. D. Crack, a boy or child, a boy- Danskers, natives of Denmark. Coster-monger, meanly, merce- Curiosity, finical delicacy, scru shire. Covered, hollow. Count, to make account, to rec kon upon. Count Confect, a specious noble man. Countenance, false appearance, hypocrisy. Counterfeit, a likeness, a por- Counterpoints, counterpanes. Cower, to sink by bending the Cowl-staff, a staff for carrying a Coy, to soothe or stroke. lingly. unwil Coystril, a coward cock, a mean or drunken fellow. Cozier, a tailor or botcher. Crab, a wild apple. Daff or doff, to do off, to put Dally, to play or trifle Damn, condemn. Danger, reach or control. child. Cranks, windings. Crare, a small trading vessel. cock. Craven, mean, cowardly, to make cowardly. Create, compounded, or made up. Credent, creditable, credible. Credit, account, information, credulity. Credit, a great light set upon a Cressive, increasing. to arms. Crisp, curling, winding, curled, Critical, censorious. Crone, an old worn-out woman. cross. Crow, to exult over. pulousness or captiousness. Curious, scrupulous. Curled, ostentatiously dressed. Dare, to challenge or incite. ·Darkling, in the dark. Daub, to disguise. Daubery, falsehood and impost- Day-bed, a couch. Decline, to run through from first Declined, the fallen. Deem, opinion, surmise. Defeatures, features, change of features for the worse. Defensible, furnishing the means Deformed, deforming. Deftly, dexterously, with adroit ness. Defy, to refuse, to disdain. Demise, to grant. Demurely, solemnly Denay, denial. Denied,disbelieved orcontemned Denier, the twelfth part of a French sou. Denotements, indications or dis coveries. Deracinate, to force up by the roots. Derogate, degraded, blasted Deserred, deserving. Design, to mark out. Desperate, bold, adventurous. Dibble, an instrument used by gardeners. Dich, dit or do it. Dickon, familiarly for Richard. Die, gaming. Diet, regimen. Diet, to oblige to fast Diffused, extravagant, irregular. Direction, judgment, skill. Discontenting, discontented Disease, uneasiness, discontent. Disgrace, hardship, injury. Dislimns, unpaints, obliterates. Dispark, to destroy a park. Disponge, discharge as a sponge Dispose, to make terms, to settle matters. Disposition, frame. a worse state. Distemper, intoxication. Distemperature, perturbation. Distempered, ruffled, out of hu mour. Doff, see Daff. Dole, lot, allowance. Dout, to do out, extinguish Down-gyved, hanging down like Dribbling, a term of contempt. Drumble, to act lazily and stu- Ducdame, duc ad me, bring him to me. Dudgeon, the handle of a dagger. Due, to endue, to deck, to grace. Dull, melancholy, gentle, sooth ing. Dull, to render callous, insensible. Dullard, a person stupidly unconcerned. Dump, a mournful elegy. E Distractions, detachments, sepa- Empery, dominion, sovereign Eager, sour, sharp, harsh. Easy, slight, inconsiderable. Ecstacy, alienation of mind, mad ness. Effects, affects, or affections, ac tions, deeds effect ed. Eftest, deftest, readiest. Eld, old time, or persons. Embossed, inclosed, swollen, puffy rate bodies. Distraught, distracted. Diverted, turned out of the course of nature. Dividable, divided. command. Emulation, rivalry, envy, facti- Emulous, jealous of higher au- Division, the pauses or parts of Encave, to hide. musical composition Divulged, spoker of Doctrine, skill. Enfeoff, to invest with possession. Engross, to fatten, to pamper. Ensconce, to protect as with a Enseamed, greasy. Enshield, shielded. Entertain, to retain in service. Envy, hatred or malice. Esil, a river so called, or vinegar. Essential, existent, real. Estimation, conjecture. Eterne, eternal. Even, calm, equable, temperate equal, fellow. Even, to act up to. Examined, questioned, doubted Excrements, the hair, nails, fea- Execute, to employ, to put to use Executors, executioners. Exercise, exhortation, lecture, or Exhale, hale or lug out. Exigent, end. Exorcist, a person who can raise Expect, expectation. Expostulate, to inquire or discuss Exsufficate, contemptible, abo Extend, to seize. Extent, in law, violence in gene ral. Extern, outward. Extirped, rooted out. Extracting, that which araws Extravagant, wandering. Eyliads, glances, looks. Qeiliads. Eyne, eyes. F. See Feodary, an accomplice, a con For, for that, since, because. Force, to enforce, to urge. Festival terms, splendid phraseo- Force, to stuff. Face, to carry a foolish appear ance. Faced, turned up with facings Factious, active. Faculties, medicinal virtues, of fice, exercise of power. Falge, to suit or fit. Fading, the burthen of a song. Fair, beauty, complexion, fair ness. Fair betrothed, fairly contracted, False, to make false. federate. Fester, to corrupt. Festinately, has ily. logy. Fet, fetched. Few, in short, in few words. Fielded, in the field of battle. Fig, to insult. Fights, clothes hung round a ship to conceal the men from the enemy. File, a list. Fills, the shafts. Filths, common sewers. Fine, full of finesse, artful. Fire-drake, will-o'-the-wisp, or a Falsely, dishonestly, treacher- Fire-new, bren-new, new from ously. Falsing, falsifying. Familiar, a demon. Fancy, love. Fancy-free, exempt from the Fung, to seize or gripe. Fantastical, creatures of fancy. Far, extensively. Fashions, farcens or farcy. Fate, an action predetermined by Favour, countenance, features. Fearful, timorous, formidable. Feere, or Pheere, a companion. a husband. Feet, footing. Fell-feats, savage practices. Fence, the art of, or skill in de- the forge. Firk, to chastise. First noblest, most eminent. Fives, a distemper in horses. Fleeting, inconstant. Flewed, having the flews or chaps of a hound. Flickering, fluttering like the Foeman, an enemy in war. Folly, depravity of mind. Fools' zanies, baubles with the Forced, false. Fordid, destroyed. Fordo, to undo, to destroy. Forepast, already had. Forgetive, inventive,imaginative Formal, not out of form, regular sensible, in form, in shape. Former, foremost. Forspent, wasted, exhausted. Forspoke, contradicted, spoken against. Forthcoming, in custody. nerous. Fret, the stop of a musical instrument, which regulates the vibration of the string. Friend, a lover, a term appl:cable to both sexes, a paramov. Friend, friendship. Friend, to befriend. Frippery, a shop where uli clothes were sold. Frize, a cloth made in Wales. Frontlet, a forehead cloth. Fulfilling, filling till there be no Fullams, loaded dice. Fullest, most complete and fect. Fumiter, fumitory. Furnished, dressed. G per. Gabardine, a loose felt cloak |