Page images

Gan, way or steps.
Galliard, an ancient dance.
Galliasses, a species of galleys.
Gallowglasses, heavy armed foot.
Gallow, to scare or frighten
Gallymawfry, a medley.
Game, sport, jest.

Gramercy, grand mercy, great thanks.

Grange, the farm-house of a monastery; a lone house. Gratillity, gratuity.

Gratulate, gratifying, acceptable. Grave, to entomb.

Graves, or greaves, armour for the legs.

Greasily, grossly.

Greek, a bawd, or pander.
Green, unripe, not fully formed.
Greenly, awkwardly, unskilfully.
Greets, pleases.

Grief, pain, grievances.
Griefs grievances, wrongs.
Grievances, sorrows, sorrowful

Grieve, to lament for.

Grise, a step.

Grossly, palpably.


Heat, heated.

Heat, violence of resentment.
Heavy, slow.

Hebenon, henbane.
Hefted, heaved.
Hefts, heavings.

Hell, an obscure dungeon in a


Helmed, steered through.
Hence, henceforward.

Henchman, a page of honour. Hent, seized or taken possession of.

Hereby, as it may happen.
Hermits, beadsmen.
Hest, behest, command.
High-fantastical, fantastical to the

High-repented, repented to the


Hight, called.

the pit in the playhouse.

Growing, accruing.

Guard, defence.

Guard, to fringe or lace

Guards, badges of dignity.
Guerdon, reward.
Guerdoned, rewarded.
Guiled, treacherous.
Guinea-hen, a prostitute.
Gules, red, a term in heraldry.
Gulf, the swallow, the throat.
Gun-stones, cannon-balls.
Gurnet, a fish resembling

Gust, taste, rashness.
Gyve, to catch, to shackle.
Gyves, shackles.




Hint, suggestion, circumstance. Hiren, a harlot.

His, often used for its.

Hit, to agree.

Hoist, hoisted.
Hold, to esteem.

Holla, a term of the manege.
Holy, faithful.

Home, completely, in full ex


Honest, chaste.
Honesty, liberality.

Honey-stalks, clover flowers.
Honour, acquired reputation.
Hoop, a measure.

Hope, to expect.
Horologe, clock.
Hor, to ham-string.

Hull, to drive to and fro upon the water without sails or rudder.

Humorous, chargeable, humid, moist.

Hungry, steril, unprolific. Hunt-counter, base tyke, worthless dog.

Hunts-up, the name of a tune, a morning song. Hurly, noise.

Hurtling, merry with impetuo. sity.

Husbandry, thrift, frugality
Huswife, a jilt.


Gamester, a frolicksome person,

a wanton.

Gaping, shouting or roaring.
Garboils, commotion, stir.
Garish, gaudy, showy.
Garner, to treasure up.
Gasted, frightened.
Gauly, a festival day.
Gawds, baubles, toys.
Gaze, attention.

Gear, a general word for things

or matters.

Geck, a fool.

General, generality.
General, compendious.
Generation, children.

Generosity, high birth.

Generous, most noble.

Gentility, urbanity.

longing to gentry.

Groundlings, the frequenters of Hilding, a paltry cowardly fel

Gentle, noble, high-minded, be- Guarded, ornamented.

Gentry, complaisance.

German, akin.

Germins, seeds begun to sprout.

Gest, a stage or journey.
Gib, a cat.

Gifts, endowments.
Giglot, a wanton wench

Gilder, a coin valued at 1s 6d.

or 28.

Gilt, gilding, golden money
Gimmal, a ring or engine.
Ging, a gang.

Gird, a sarcasm or gibe, emotion.
Gleek, to joke or scoff, to beguile.
Glimmering, faintly illuminated

by the stars.

Gloze, to expound, to comment

Glut, to englut or swallow up.
Gnarled, knotted.
Good-deed, indeed, in very deed.
Good-den, good evening.
Good-life, of a moral or jovial turn.
Good-jer, gougere, morbus gal-

Gorbellied, fat and corpulent.
Gossips, tattling women who at-
tend lyings-in.
Gossomer, the white cobweb-like
exhalations that fly about in
hot sunny weather.
Government, evenness of temper,
decency of manners.
Gourds, a species of dice.
Gouts, drops.

Grace, acceptableness, favour.
Grace, to bless, to make happy.
Gracious, graceful, lovely

rained, furrowed, like the grain
of wood, died in grain or in-

Hack, to become cheap and vul


Haggard, a species of hawk.
Haggard, wild.

Hair, complexion or character.
Happily, accidentally, fortu-

Happy, accomplished.
Hardiment, bravery, stoutness.
Harlocks, wild mustard.
Harlot, a cheat.

Harp, to touch on a passion.
Harrow, to conquer, to subdue.
Harry, to use roughly, to harass.
Having, estate or fortune, pro-
motion, allowance of expense.
Haviour, behaviour.
Haught, haughty.
Haughty, high, elevated.
Haunt, company.

Hay, a term in the fencing-

Head, the source, the fountain.
Head, body of forces.

Ice-brook, a brook of icy quali
ties in Spain.

I' fecks, in faith.
Ignomy, ignominy.

Ill-inhabited, ill-lodged.

Ill-nurtured, ill-educated.

Images,children, representatives.

Heart, the most valuable or pre- Imaginary, produced by the

cious part.

power of imagination.

Imbare, to lay open or display to


Immanity, barbarity, savageness.
Imme liacy, close connexion.
Imp, to supply.
Imp, progeny.
Impair, unsuitable.
Impartial, sometimes used for

Impawned. wagered and staked.
Impeach, to bring into question.
Impeachment, reproach or impu-
tation, hinderance.
Imperious, imperial.
Imperseverant, perseverant.
Impeticos, to impetticoat or im-

Importance, importunacy.
Importance, the thing imported.
Importing, implying, denoting.
Impose, injunction, command.
Impositions, commands.
Impossible, incredible or incon-

Impress, to compel to serve
Impress, a device or motto.
Impugn, to oppose, to controvert.
Incapable, unintelligent.
Incarnardine, to stain of a red

Incensed, incited, suggested.
Inclining, compliant.
Inclip, to embrace.
Incluule, to shut up, to conclude.

Inclusive, enclosed.

Incony, or kony, fine, delicate.
Incorrect, ill-regulated.
Increase, produce.

Indent, to bargain and article.
index, something preparatory.
Indifferent, sometimes for dif-
ferent, impartial.
Indite, to convict

Induction, entrance, beginning, preparations.

Indurance,delay,procrastination. Infinite, extent or power. Ingaged, sometimes for unengaged.

Ingraft, rooted, settled.

Inhabitable, not habitable

Inherit, to possess.
Inhibit, to forbid.
Inhooped, enclosed, confined
Inkhorn-mate, a book-mate.
Inkle, a kind of tape, crewell or

Inland, civilized, not rustic.
Insane, that which makes insane
Insconce, to fortify.

Insculped, engraven.

Intenible, incapable of retaining. | Knave, servant.
Intention, eagerness of desire.
Intentively, with full attention.
Interessed, interested.
Intergatories, interrogatories.
Intermission, pause, intervening

Knife, a sword or dagger.
Knots, figures planted in bo
Know, to acknowledge.
Know of, to consider.


Intrenchant, that which cannot be cut.

Intrinse, intrinsicate.
Invention, imagination.
Inwardness, intimacy, confi-


Iron, clad in armour.
Irregulous, lawless, licentious.
Issues, consequences, conclu-


Iteration, citation, or recitation.


Jack, a term of contempt. Jack-a-lent, a puppet thrown at in Lent.

Jack guardant, a jack in office. Jaded, treated with contempt, worthless.

Jar, the noise made by the pen-
dulum of a clock.
Jauncing, jaunting.
Jesses, straps of leather by which

Jest, to play a part in a mask.

the hawk is held on the fist.

Jet, to strut.

Jovial, belonging to Jove.
Journal, daily.

Jump, to agree with, to put into agitation.

Jump, hazard, to venture at.
Jump, just.

Justicer, justice, judge.
Jut, to encroach.
Jutty, to project.
Juvenal, a young man.


Kam, awry, crooked.

Keech, a solid lump or mass.
Keel, to cool.

Keep, to restrain, to dwell, to reside.

Keisar, Cæsar.

Kernes, light-armed Irish foot.
Key, the key for tuning, a tun-
Kicksy-wicksy, a wife.
Kiln-hole, a place into which
coals are put under a stove.
Kind, nature, species.
Kindless, unnatural

[blocks in formation]


Inseparate, inseparable.
Instance, example, proof.

Instances, motives.

Insuit, solicitation.

Intend, to pretend.

Intending, regarding.

Inteniment, intention or dispo Kinsman, near relative.


Labras, lips.

Laced mutton, a woman of the


Lackeying, moving like a lackey
or page.

Lag, the meanest persons.
Lances, lance-men.

Land-damn, to destroy in some


Lands, landing-places.
Lapsed, time suffered to slip.
Large, licentious

Lass-lorn, forsaken of his mis


Latch, to lay hold of

Latched or letched, licked over.
Late, lately.

Lated, belated, benighted.
Latten, thin as a lath.

Lavoltas, a kind of dances.
Laund, lawn.
Lay, a wager.

Leaguer, the camp.
Leasing, lying.

Leather-coats, a species of apple-
Leave, to part with, to give


Leech, a physician.

Leer, feature, complexion.

Leet, court-leet, or court of the


Legerity, lightness, nimbleness.
Leges, alleges.
Leiger, resident.

Leman, lover, mistress.
Lenten, short and spare.

L'envoy, moral, or conclusion of
a poem.
Let, to hinder.

Let be, to desist.
Lethe, death.

Lewd, ignorant, idle, wicked.
Lewdly, wickedly.

Libbard, or lubbar, a leopard.
Liberal, licentious or gross in

Liberty, libertinism.

License, an appearance of licen.

Lie, to reside, to be imprisoned.
Liefest, dearest.

Lieger, an ambassador at a fo

reign court.

Lifter, a thief.

Light o' love, a dance tune.

Lightly, commonly, in ordinary


Lightness, levity.

Like, to compare.



Mace, a scepire.
Mad, wild, inconstant.
Made, enriched.

Magnificent, glorying, boasting. Magnifico, a chief man or grandee at Venice.

Mailed, wrapped up, covered with.

Main-top, top of the mainmast.
Make, to bar, to shut.
Makest, dost.

Malkin, a scullion, a coarse wench.

Mall, Mrs. alias Mary Frith, or
Moll Cutpurse.
Mallecho, mischief.
Mammering, hesitating.
Mammets, puppets.
Mammock, to cut in pieces.
Man, to tame a hawk.
Manacle, a handcuff.
Manage,conduct, administration.
Mandrake, a root supposed to
have the shape of a man
Mankind, masculine.
Marches, the borders, limits, or

[ocr errors]

Miching, playing truant, skulk ing about.

Mien, countenance.

Mince, to walk with affected de licacy

Minding, calling to remem-
brance, reminding.
Mineral, a mine.

Minnow, a small river fish. 2
term of contemp.
Minstrelsy, office of minstrel.
Misconceived, misconceivers.
Miscreate, ill-begotten, illegiti-


Misdoubt, to suspect.

Miser, a miserable creature.
Misery, avarice.
Misprised, mistaken.

Misprising, despising, or undervaluing.

Missives, messengers.
Mistaken, misrepresented
Mistempered, angry.
Misthink, to think ill.
Mistress, the jack in bowling.
Mobled or mabled, veiled, grossly

Likelihood, similitude.
Likeness, specious or seeming

Liking, condition of body.
Lambeck, a vessel used in distil-

Limbo, a place supposed to be in
the neighbourhood of hell
Lime, bird-lime.
Lime, to cement.

Limed, entangled or caught, as
with bird-lime.
Limit, appointed time.
Limited, appointed, regular, or-

Limits, estimates, calculations.
Line, genealogy.

Lined, delineated.

Link, a torch of pitch.
Linstock, the staff to which the
match is fixed when ordnance
is fired.

List, the bound or limit.
Lither, flexible, yielding.
Little, miniature.

Livelihood, appearance of life.
Livery, a law phrase belonging
to the feudal tenures.
Living, estate, property.
Living, speaking, manifest, ac-

Loach, a small fish.

Lob, looby, a term of contempt. Lockram, some kind of cheap linen.

Lode-star, the leading or guiding


Lodged, laid by the wind.
Loffe, to laugh.

Loggats, a game played with
pins of wood.
Longing, longed for.
Longly, longingly.

Loof, to bring a vessel close to
the wind.

Loon, or lown, a base fellow

Lop, the branches.

Lot, a prize.

Lottery, allotment.

Lover, a mistress.

Lown. See Loon.

Lowted, treated with contempt.

Lowts, clowns.

Lozel, worthless, dishonest.
Lubbar. See Libbard.

Lullaby, sleep in house, i e.,

Lunes, lunacy, frenzy.

Lurch, to win.

Marchpane, a species of sweet


Martial-hand, a careless scrawl
Martlemas, the latter spring.
Match, an appointment, a com-

Mate, to confound.

Mated, amated, dismayed.
Meacock, a dastardly creature.
Mealed, sprinkled or mingled.
Mean, the tenor in music.
Mean, the middle.
Means, interest, pains.
Measure, the reach.

Measure, a stately solemn dance.
Measure, means.
Meazels, lepers.

Medal, portrait.

Meddle, to mix with.
Medicine, a she-physician.
Meed, reward.

Meed, merit, desert, excellence.
Meet, a match.

Meiny, people, domestics.
Memories, memorials, remem-

Memorized, made memorable.
Memory, memorial.

Mephistophilus, the name of a
spirit or familiar.

Lure, a thing stuffed to tempt | Mercatanté, a merchant.

the hawk.

Lush, rank, luscious.

Lust, inclination, will.

Lustick, lusty, cheerful, pleasant
Lusty, saucy.
Luxurious, lascivious.

Luxuriously, wantonly.
Lucury, lust.

Lym, a species of dog

Mere, exact, entire, absolute.
Mered, mere.
Mermaid, siren.

Messes, degrees about court.
Metal, temper.

Metaphysical, supernatural.

Mete-yard, measuring-yard.
Mewed, confined.

Mode, the form or state of things.
Model, image, representative,

Modern, trite, common, meanly

Modesty, moderation.
Module, model, pattern.
Moe or mowe, to make mouths.
Moiety, a portion.
Mollification, pacification, soften.

Mome, a dull stupid blockhead.
Momentany, momentary.
Month's mind, a popish anniver-


Mood, anger, resentment, man


Moody, melancholy.

Moon-carf, an inanimate shapeless mass.

Moonish, variable.

Mope, to appear stupid.
Moral, secret meaning.

Morisco, Moor or Moorish, or

Morris-pike, Moorish pike.
Mortal, murderous, fatal.
Mortal-staring, that which stares

Mortified, ascetic, religious.
Most, greatest.

Motion, a kind of puppet-show.
Motion, divinitory agitation.
Motion, desires.

Motions, indignation.

Motive, assistant or mover, that

which contributes to motion. Mould, earth.

Mouse, to mammock, to tear to pieces.

Mouse, a term of endearment.

Micher. a truant, a lurking thief. | Mouse-hunt, a weasel

Mowe. See Moe.

Moy, a piece of money or a measure of corn

Much, an expression of disdain.
Much, strange, wonderful.
Muck-water, drain of a dung-hill.
Muffler, a kind of dress for the
lower part of the face.
Muliters, muleteers.

Mulled, softened and dispirited.
Multiplied, multitudinous.
Multiplying, multiplied.
Multitudinous, full of multitudes.
Mummy, the balsamic liquor of.
Mundane, worldly.
Mure, a wall.
Murky, dark.

Murrain, a plague in cattle.
Muse, to admire, to wonder
Must, a scramble.

Mutine, to rise in mutiny
Mutines, mutineers.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Old, frequent, more than enough. | Paritor, an apparitor, an officer

Od age, ages past.

Once, sometime.

Oneyers, accountants, bankers. Opal, a precious stone of almost all colours.

Nay-word, a watch-word or by- Open, publicly.

[blocks in formation]

Operant, active.

Opinion, obstinacy, conceit, cha


Opposite, adverse, hostile, adver


Nephew, a grandson or any lineal Opposition, combat.


Nether-stocks, stockings.

Newness, innovation.

Newt, the eft.

Next, nearest.

Nice, silly, trifling.

Nick, reckoning or count.
Nick, to set a mark of folly on.
Nighted, made dark as night.
Night-rule, frolic of the night.
Nine men's morris, a game.
Nobility, distinction, eminence.
Nobless, nobleness.
Noddy, fool, a game at cards.
Noise, music.

Nonce, on purpose, for the turn.
Nock-shotten, that which shoots

into capes. Northern man, vir borealis, a clown.

Note,notice, information, remark.
Novice, a youth.

Novum, some game at dice.
Nourish, to nurse.
Nowl, a head.

Nurture, education.

Nuthook, a thief.


Or, before.

of the bishop's court. Parle, parley.

Parlous, perilous.
Parlous, keen, shrewd.
Part, to depart.

Partake, to participate.

Partaker, accomplice, confecie


Parted, shared.

Parted, endowed with parts.
Participate, participant, partic
Partizan, a pike.

Orbs, circles made by the fairies Parts, party.

on the ground.

Orchard, a garden.
Order, measures.
Ordinance, rank.

Orgulous, proud, disdainful.
Osprey, a kind of eagle.
Ostent, shew, ostentation.
Ostentation, shew, appearance.
Overblow, to drive away, to keep

Overture, opening or discovery.
Ounce, a small tiger, or tiger-cat.
Ouph, fairy, goblin.
Ousel-cock, the cock blackbird.
Out, be gone.

Out, full, complete.
Outlook, to face down.

Outvied, a term at the game of gleek.

Outward, not in the secret of affairs.

Owe, to own, possess, govern.
Ox-lip, the great cowslip.


Pash, a head.

[blocks in formation]

Obligations, bonds.

Pack, to bargain with.

Pack, combined, an accomplice.

Observed, paid respective atten- Packing, plotting, underhand

tion to


the Eucharist.

Pattern, instance, example
Pavin, a dance.

Paucas, few.

Pay, to beat, to hit.

Proface, much good may it de


Irofane, love of talk, gross of language.

Profession, end and purpose of coming.

Progress,a royal journey of state
Project, to shape or form.
Prompture, suggestion, tempta-

Prone, sometimes humole.
Prone, forward.

Proof, confirmed state of manhood.

Propagate, to advance or improve.

Propagation, getting.

Proper, well-looking, handsome. Proper-false, proper or fair, and false or deceitful. Propertied, taken possession of. Properties, incidental necessaries to a theatre.

Property, due performance. Property, a thing quite at disposal.

Propose, to image, to imagine.
Proposing, conversing.
Propriety, regular and proper


Prorogue, to lengthen or prolong
Provand, provender.
Provencial, Provençal, from Pro-


Provincial, belonging to one's province.

Provost, sheriff or gaoler.
Prune, to plume.

Puck, or hobgoblin in fairv
Pugging, thievish.
Pun, to pound.

Purchase, stolen goods. Purchased, acquired by unjust methods.

Purlieu, border, enclosure.
Pursuivants, heralds.

Put to know, compelled to acknowledge.

Putter-on, one who instigates. Putter-out, one who places out money at interest.

Putting-on, spur, incitement. Puttock, a degenerate species of hawk.


"eat, a word of endearment.
Pelascule, a pedant.

Peer, to come out, to appear.
Peevish, foolish.

Peize, to balance, to keep in sus-
pense, to weigh down.
Pelting, paltry, petty, inconsi-

Pennons, small flags.

Penthesilia, Amazon.

Pomewater, a species of apple.
Poor-john, hake dried and salted.
Popinjay, a parrot.

Popularity, plebeian intercourse.
Port, external pomp, figure.
Port, a gate.
Portable, bearable.

Portance, carriage, behaviour.
Possess, to inform, to make to

Perch, a measure of five yards Possessed, acquainted with, fully
and a half.

Perdurable, lasting.

Perdy, par Dieu, a French oath.
Perfect, certain, well informed.
Perfections, liver, brain, and

Perjure, a perjured person.
Periapts, charms sewed up and
worn about the neck.
Perspectives, certain optical glas-


Pervert, to avert.
Pew-fellow, a companion.
Pheere. See Feere.

Pheeze, to teaze or beat, to comb
or curry.

Pia mater, the membrane cover-
ing the substance of the brain.
Pick, to pitch.

Picked, nicely dressed, foppish.
Pickers, the hands.
Picking, piddling, insignificant.
Pickt-hatch, a place noted for

Piece, a word of contempt for a


Pield, shaven.

Pight, pitched, fixed.

Pilcher, a pilche, the scabbard.
Pilled, pillaged.

Pin and web, disorders of the


Pinnace, a small ship of burthen.
Pix, a small chest in which the
consecrated host was kept.
Placket, a petticoat.

Plague, to punish.


Possessed, afflicted with madness.
Potch, to push violently.
Potents, potentates.
Pouncet-box, a small box for per-

Power, forces, an army.
Practice, unlawful or insidious

Practise, to employ unwarrant-
able arts.

Practisants, confederates in stra-

Prank, to adorn, to dress osten

tatiously, to plume.
Precedent, original draft.
Precept, a justice's warrant.
Precisian, a great pretender to

Prefer, to recommend, to ad


Pregnancy, readiness.
Pregnant, ready, plain, evident,

Pregnant enemy, the enemy of

Premised, sent before the time
Prenominate, already named.
Pre-ordinance, ordinance already

Presence, the presence-cham-
ber, a public room.
Presence, dignity of mien, form,
Prest, ready.

Pretence, design, intention.
Pretend. to intend, design.

Plain song, the chant, in plano Pretended, purposed or intended.


Plainly, openly.

Plaited, complicated, involved.
Planched, made of brands.
Plant, the foot.

Platforms, plans, schemes.
Plausive, gracious, pleasing, po-

Pleached, folded together.

Plot, piece or portion.

Prevent, to anticipate.
Prick, the point on the dial.
Pricks, prickles, skewers.
Pride, haughty power.
Prig, to filch.

Prime, youth, the vigour of life.
Prime, prompt.

Primer, more urgent, more im-

Primero, a game at cards.

Point, a metal hook fastened to Principality, the first or princi

the hose or breeches.

Point, the utmost height.
Point-de-vice, with the utmost

possible exactness.

Points, tags to the laces.

Poize, weight or moment.

Polled, bared, cleared.

pal of women.

Principals, rafters of a building.
Princox, a coxcomb, or spoiled

Probal, probable.

Process, summons.

Procure, to bring.

Quail, to faint, languish.
Quaint, fantastical, graceful.
Quaint-mazes, a game running
the figure of eight

Quaked, thrown into trepidation.
Qualify, to lessen, moderate.
Quality, confederates.
Quality, profession, condition of

Pomander, a ball made of per- Prodigious, portentous, omi- Quarrel, a quarreller, the cause



of a quarrel

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