Gan, way or steps. Gramercy, grand mercy, great thanks. Grange, the farm-house of a monastery; a lone house. Gratillity, gratuity. Gratulate, gratifying, acceptable. Grave, to entomb. Graves, or greaves, armour for the legs. Greasily, grossly. Greek, a bawd, or pander. Grief, pain, grievances. Grieve, to lament for. Grise, a step. Grossly, palpably. 1 Heat, heated. Heat, violence of resentment. Hebenon, henbane. Hell, an obscure dungeon in a prison. Helmed, steered through. Henchman, a page of honour. Hent, seized or taken possession of. Hereby, as it may happen. High-repented, repented to the utmost. Hight, called. the pit in the playhouse. Growing, accruing. Guard, defence. Guard, to fringe or lace Guards, badges of dignity. Gust, taste, rashness. H. a low. Hint, suggestion, circumstance. Hiren, a harlot. His, often used for its. Hit, to agree. Hoist, hoisted. Holla, a term of the manege. Home, completely, in full ex tent. Honest, chaste. Honey-stalks, clover flowers. Hope, to expect. Hull, to drive to and fro upon the water without sails or rudder. Humorous, chargeable, humid, moist. Hungry, steril, unprolific. Hunt-counter, base tyke, worthless dog. Hunts-up, the name of a tune, a morning song. Hurly, noise. Hurtling, merry with impetuo. sity. Husbandry, thrift, frugality I. Gamester, a frolicksome person, a wanton. Gaping, shouting or roaring. Gear, a general word for things or matters. Geck, a fool. General, generality. Generosity, high birth. Generous, most noble. Gentility, urbanity. longing to gentry. Groundlings, the frequenters of Hilding, a paltry cowardly fel Gentle, noble, high-minded, be- Guarded, ornamented. Gentry, complaisance. German, akin. Germins, seeds begun to sprout. Gest, a stage or journey. Gifts, endowments. Gilder, a coin valued at 1s 6d. or 28. Gilt, gilding, golden money Gird, a sarcasm or gibe, emotion. by the stars. Gloze, to expound, to comment Glut, to englut or swallow up. Gorbellied, fat and corpulent. Grace, acceptableness, favour. rained, furrowed, like the grain Hack, to become cheap and vul gar. Haggard, a species of hawk. Hair, complexion or character. Happy, accomplished. Harp, to touch on a passion. Hay, a term in the fencing- Head, the source, the fountain. Ice-brook, a brook of icy quali I' fecks, in faith. Ill-inhabited, ill-lodged. Ill-nurtured, ill-educated. Images,children, representatives. Heart, the most valuable or pre- Imaginary, produced by the cious part. power of imagination. Imbare, to lay open or display to view. Immanity, barbarity, savageness. Impawned. wagered and staked. Importance, importunacy. Impress, to compel to serve Incensed, incited, suggested. Inclusive, enclosed. Incony, or kony, fine, delicate. Indent, to bargain and article. Induction, entrance, beginning, preparations. Indurance,delay,procrastination. Infinite, extent or power. Ingaged, sometimes for unengaged. Ingraft, rooted, settled. Inhabitable, not habitable Inherit, to possess. Inland, civilized, not rustic. Insculped, engraven. Intenible, incapable of retaining. | Knave, servant. Knife, a sword or dagger. time. Intrenchant, that which cannot be cut. Intrinse, intrinsicate. dence. Iron, clad in armour. sions. Iteration, citation, or recitation. J Jack, a term of contempt. Jack-a-lent, a puppet thrown at in Lent. Jack guardant, a jack in office. Jaded, treated with contempt, worthless. Jar, the noise made by the pen- Jest, to play a part in a mask. the hawk is held on the fist. Jet, to strut. Jovial, belonging to Jove. Jump, to agree with, to put into agitation. Jump, hazard, to venture at. Justicer, justice, judge. K Kam, awry, crooked. Keech, a solid lump or mass. Keep, to restrain, to dwell, to reside. Keisar, Cæsar. Kernes, light-armed Irish foot. L. Inseparate, inseparable. Instances, motives. Insuit, solicitation. Intend, to pretend. Intending, regarding. Inteniment, intention or dispo Kinsman, near relative. sition. Labras, lips. Laced mutton, a woman of the town. Lackeying, moving like a lackey Lag, the meanest persons. Land-damn, to destroy in some way. Lands, landing-places. Lass-lorn, forsaken of his mis tress. Latch, to lay hold of Latched or letched, licked over. Lated, belated, benighted. Lavoltas, a kind of dances. Leaguer, the camp. Leather-coats, a species of apple- away. Leech, a physician. Leer, feature, complexion. Leet, court-leet, or court of the manor. Legerity, lightness, nimbleness. Leman, lover, mistress. L'envoy, moral, or conclusion of Let be, to desist. Lewd, ignorant, idle, wicked. Libbard, or lubbar, a leopard. Liberty, libertinism. License, an appearance of licen. Lie, to reside, to be imprisoned. Lieger, an ambassador at a fo reign court. Lifter, a thief. Light o' love, a dance tune. Lightly, commonly, in ordinary course Lightness, levity. Like, to compare. I M. Mace, a scepire. Magnificent, glorying, boasting. Magnifico, a chief man or grandee at Venice. Mailed, wrapped up, covered with. Main-top, top of the mainmast. Malkin, a scullion, a coarse wench. Mall, Mrs. alias Mary Frith, or Miching, playing truant, skulk ing about. Mien, countenance. Mince, to walk with affected de licacy Minding, calling to remem- Minnow, a small river fish. 2 mate. Misdoubt, to suspect. Miser, a miserable creature. Misprising, despising, or undervaluing. Missives, messengers. Likelihood, similitude. Liking, condition of body. Limbo, a place supposed to be in Limed, entangled or caught, as Limits, estimates, calculations. Lined, delineated. Link, a torch of pitch. List, the bound or limit. Livelihood, appearance of life. Loach, a small fish. Lob, looby, a term of contempt. Lockram, some kind of cheap linen. Lode-star, the leading or guiding star. Lodged, laid by the wind. Loggats, a game played with Loof, to bring a vessel close to Loon, or lown, a base fellow Lop, the branches. Lot, a prize. Lottery, allotment. Lover, a mistress. Lown. See Loon. Lowted, treated with contempt. Lowts, clowns. Lozel, worthless, dishonest. Lullaby, sleep in house, i e., Lunes, lunacy, frenzy. Lurch, to win. Marchpane, a species of sweet meat. Martial-hand, a careless scrawl Mate, to confound. Mated, amated, dismayed. Measure, a stately solemn dance. Medal, portrait. Meddle, to mix with. Meed, merit, desert, excellence. Meiny, people, domestics. Memorized, made memorable. Mephistophilus, the name of a Lure, a thing stuffed to tempt | Mercatanté, a merchant. the hawk. Lush, rank, luscious. Lust, inclination, will. Lustick, lusty, cheerful, pleasant Luxuriously, wantonly. Lym, a species of dog Mere, exact, entire, absolute. Messes, degrees about court. Metaphysical, supernatural. Mete-yard, measuring-yard. Mode, the form or state of things. Modern, trite, common, meanly Modesty, moderation. Mome, a dull stupid blockhead. sary. Mood, anger, resentment, man ner. Moody, melancholy. Moon-carf, an inanimate shapeless mass. Moonish, variable. Mope, to appear stupid. Morisco, Moor or Moorish, or Morris-pike, Moorish pike. Mortified, ascetic, religious. Motion, a kind of puppet-show. Motions, indignation. Motive, assistant or mover, that which contributes to motion. Mould, earth. Mouse, to mammock, to tear to pieces. Mouse, a term of endearment. Micher. a truant, a lurking thief. | Mouse-hunt, a weasel Mowe. See Moe. Moy, a piece of money or a measure of corn Much, an expression of disdain. Mulled, softened and dispirited. Murrain, a plague in cattle. Mutine, to rise in mutiny Old, frequent, more than enough. | Paritor, an apparitor, an officer Od age, ages past. Once, sometime. Oneyers, accountants, bankers. Opal, a precious stone of almost all colours. Nay-word, a watch-word or by- Open, publicly. Operant, active. Opinion, obstinacy, conceit, cha racter. Opposite, adverse, hostile, adver sary. Nephew, a grandson or any lineal Opposition, combat. descendant. Nether-stocks, stockings. Newness, innovation. Newt, the eft. Next, nearest. Nice, silly, trifling. Nick, reckoning or count. Nonce, on purpose, for the turn. into capes. Northern man, vir borealis, a clown. Note,notice, information, remark. Novum, some game at dice. Nurture, education. Nuthook, a thief. G. Or, before. of the bishop's court. Parle, parley. Parlous, perilous. Partake, to participate. Partaker, accomplice, confecie rate. Parted, shared. Parted, endowed with parts. Orbs, circles made by the fairies Parts, party. on the ground. Orchard, a garden. Orgulous, proud, disdainful. Overture, opening or discovery. Out, full, complete. Outvied, a term at the game of gleek. Outward, not in the secret of affairs. Owe, to own, possess, govern. P. Pash, a head. Obligations, bonds. Pack, to bargain with. Pack, combined, an accomplice. Observed, paid respective atten- Packing, plotting, underhand tion to contrivance. the Eucharist. Pattern, instance, example Paucas, few. Pay, to beat, to hit. Proface, much good may it de you. Irofane, love of talk, gross of language. Profession, end and purpose of coming. Progress,a royal journey of state Prone, sometimes humole. Proof, confirmed state of manhood. Propagate, to advance or improve. Propagation, getting. Proper, well-looking, handsome. Proper-false, proper or fair, and false or deceitful. Propertied, taken possession of. Properties, incidental necessaries to a theatre. Property, due performance. Property, a thing quite at disposal. Propose, to image, to imagine. state. Prorogue, to lengthen or prolong vence. Provincial, belonging to one's province. Provost, sheriff or gaoler. Puck, or hobgoblin in fairv Purchase, stolen goods. Purchased, acquired by unjust methods. Purlieu, border, enclosure. Put to know, compelled to acknowledge. Putter-on, one who instigates. Putter-out, one who places out money at interest. Putting-on, spur, incitement. Puttock, a degenerate species of hawk. Q. "eat, a word of endearment. Peer, to come out, to appear. Peize, to balance, to keep in sus- Pennons, small flags. Penthesilia, Amazon. Pomewater, a species of apple. Popularity, plebeian intercourse. Portance, carriage, behaviour. Perch, a measure of five yards Possessed, acquainted with, fully Perdurable, lasting. Perdy, par Dieu, a French oath. Perjure, a perjured person. ses. Pervert, to avert. Pheeze, to teaze or beat, to comb Pia mater, the membrane cover- Picked, nicely dressed, foppish. Piece, a word of contempt for a woman. Pield, shaven. Pight, pitched, fixed. Pilcher, a pilche, the scabbard. Pin and web, disorders of the eye. Pinnace, a small ship of burthen. Plague, to punish. informed. Possessed, afflicted with madness. Power, forces, an army. Practise, to employ unwarrant- Practisants, confederates in stra- Prank, to adorn, to dress osten tatiously, to plume. Prefer, to recommend, to ad vance. Pregnancy, readiness. Pregnant enemy, the enemy of Premised, sent before the time Presence, the presence-cham- Pretence, design, intention. Plain song, the chant, in plano Pretended, purposed or intended. cantu. Plainly, openly. Plaited, complicated, involved. Platforms, plans, schemes. Pleached, folded together. Plot, piece or portion. Prevent, to anticipate. Prime, youth, the vigour of life. Primer, more urgent, more im- Primero, a game at cards. Point, a metal hook fastened to Principality, the first or princi the hose or breeches. Point, the utmost height. possible exactness. Points, tags to the laces. Poize, weight or moment. Polled, bared, cleared. pal of women. Principals, rafters of a building. Probal, probable. Process, summons. Procure, to bring. Quail, to faint, languish. Quaked, thrown into trepidation. Pomander, a ball made of per- Prodigious, portentous, omi- Quarrel, a quarreller, the cause fumes. nous. of a quarrel |