6 O, let my hand forget her skill, My tongue be silent, cold and still, This bounding heart forget to beat, If I forget the MERCY SEAT.
HYMN 112. С. М. Preparation for Prayer.
LORD, teach us how to pray arignt,
With rev'rence, and with fear, Though dust and ashes in thy sight, We may, we must draw near. 2 God of all grace, we come to thee, With broken, contrite hearts; Give what thine eyes delight to see, Truth in the inward parts.
3 Give deep humility-the sense Of godly sorrow give; A strong desiring confidence
To hear thy voice, and live :
4 Faith in the only sacrifice That can for sin atone; To cast our hopes, to fix our eyes, On Christ, on Christ alone ;-
5 Patience to watch, and wait, and weep, Though mercy long delay; Courage our fainting souls to keep, And trust thee though thou slay. 6 Give these, and then thy will be done, Thus strengthen'd with all might, We by thy Spirit, and thy Son, Shall pray, and pray aright.
HYMN 113. С. М. The nature of prayer.
PRAVR is the soul's sincere desire,
Utter'd or unexpress'd; The motion of a hidden fire,
That trembles in the breast. 2 Pray'r is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear; . The upward glancing of an eye, When none but God is near.
3 Pray'r is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try; Pray'r the sublimest strains that reach The majesty on high.
4 Pray'r is the Christian's vital breath, The Christian's native air, The watch-word at the gates of death :- He enters heav'n with pray'r.
5 Pray'r is the contrite sinner's voice, Returning from his ways; While angels in their songs rejoice, And cry, "Behold, he prays!"
6 In pray'r, on earth, the saints are one; They're one in word and mind; When with the Father and the Son, Sweet fellowship they find.
7 O thou, by whom we come to God, The life, the truth, the way, The path of pray'r thyself hast trod; Lord, teach us how to pray.
HYMN 114. L. M.
Worshipping Jesus.
NOFT be the gently breathing notes, That sing the Saviour's dying love;
Soft as the ev'ning zephyr floats, Soft as the tuneful lyres above.
2 Soft as the morning dews descend, While the sweet lark exulting soars; So soft to your Almighty Friend, Be ev'ry sigh your bosom pours. 3 Pure as the sun's enliv'ning ray, That scatters life and joy abroad; Pure as the lucid car of day, That wide proclaims its Maker, God.
4 True as the magnet to the pole, So true let your contrition be- So true let all your sorrows roll, To Him who bled upon the tree. HYMN 115. С. М.
HILST thee I seek, protecting Power!
Be my vain wishes still'd;
And may this consecrated hour
With better hopes be fill'd.
2 Thy love the pow'r of thought bestow'd, To thee my thoughts would soar : Thy mercy o'er my life has flow'd: That mercy I adore.
3 In each event of life, how clear Thy ruling hand I see ! Each blessing to my soul most dear, Because conferr'd by thee.
4 In ev'ry joy that crowns my days, In ev'ry pain I bear, My heart shall find delight in praise, Or seek relief in pray'r.
AR from the world, O Lord, I flee, From strife and tumult far; From scenes where Satan wages still His most successful war.
2 The calm retreat, the silent shade, With pray'r and praise agree: And seem by thy sweet bounty made For those who follow thee.
3 Then if thy Spirit touch the soul, And grace her mean abode, Oh, with what peace and joy and love, She there communes with God!
4 There, like the nightingale, she pours Her solitary lays; Nor asks a witness of her song,
Nor thirsts for human praise.
From ev'ry cumb'ring care, And spend the hours of setting day,
In humble, grateful pray'r.
2 I love in solitude to shed
The penitential tear,
And all His promises to plead, Where none but God can hear.
3! love to think on mercies past, And future good implore, And all my cares and sorrows cast On Him whom I adore.
4 I love by faith to take a view
Of brighter scenes in heav'n; The prospect doth my strength renew, While here by tempests driv'n.
5 Thus when life's toilsome day is o'er, May its departing ray Be calm as this impressive hour, And lead to endless day.
HYMN 119. С. М.
Evening worship.
For thou didst bless the infant train, And we are less than they.
4 O let thy grace perform its part, And let contention cease; And shed abroad in ev'ry heart Thine everlasting peace!
5 Thus chasten'd, cleans'd, entirely thine, A flock by Jesus led; The sun of holiness shall shine, In glory on our head.
6 And thou wilt turn our wand'ring feet, And thou wilt bless our way : Till worlds shall fade, and faith shall greet The dawn of lasting day.
HYMN 120. L. M. Family worship.
FATHER of all, thy care we bless, Which crowns our families with peace; From thee they spring, and by thy hand, They have been, and are still sustain'd.
2 To God, most worthy to be prais'd, Be our domestic altars rais'd;
Who, Lord of heav'n, scorns not to dwell With saints, in their obscurest cell.
3 To thee may each united house, Morning and night present its vows; Our servants there, and rising race, Be taught thy precepts and thy grace.
4 Oh, may each future age proclaim The honors of thy glorious name; While pleas'd and thankful, we remove To join the family above.
HYMN 121. P. M. 7. Saturday evening.
AFELY through another week, God has brought us on our way;
Let us now a blessing seek On th' approaching Sabbath day:
Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest.
2 Mercies multiplied each hour,
Through the week,our praise demand :
Guarded by Almighty pow'r, Fed, and guided by his hand : Though ungrateful we have been, Only made returns of sin.
3 While we pray for pard'ning grace, Through the dear Redeemer's name, Show thy reconciled face,
Shine away our sin, and shame. From our worldly care set free, May we rest this night with thee.
4 When the morn shall bid us rise, May we feel thy presence near ! May thy glory meet our eyes, When we in thy house appear. There afford us, Lord, a taste Of our everlasting feast.
5 May thy gospel's joyful sound, Conquer sinners, comfort saints; Make the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief for all complaints: Thus may all our Sabbaths prove, Till we join the church above.
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