2 How thou did'st build thy churches here,
And make thy gospel known; Among them did thine arm appear, Thy light and glory shone.
3 In God they boasted all the day, And in a cheerful throng Did thousands meet to praise and pray, And grace was all their song.
4 But now our souls are seiz'd with shame, Confusion fills our face;
To hear the enemy blaspheme, And fools reproach thy grace. 5 Yet have we not forgot our God, Nor falsely dealt with heav'n; Nor have our steps declin'd the road Of duty thou hast giv'n.
6 Tho' dragons all around us roar, With their destruetive breath; And thine own hand has bruis'd us sore, Hard by the gates of death.
7 We are expos'd all day to die, As martyrs for thy cause; As sheep for slaughter, bound we lie, By sharp and bloody laws. 8 Awake, arise, Almighty Lord! Why sleeps thy wonted grace ? Why should we look like men abhorr'd Or banish'd from thy face ?
9 Wilt thou forever cast us off, And still neglect our cries ? For ever hide thy heav'nly love From our afflicted eyes ?
10 Down to the dust our souls are bow'd And lie upon the ground;
se for our help, rebuke the proud, And all their pow'rs confound. edeem us from perpetual shame, Our Saviour and our God : e plead the honours of thy name, The merits of thy blood.
PSALM 45. First Part. L. M. he glory of Christ, and the power of his gospel.
OW be my heart inspir'd to sing The glories of my Saviour King, as the Lord; how heav'nly fair form! how bright his beauties are !
all the sons of human race, shines with a superior grace; e from his lips divinely flows, 1 blessings all his state compose. ss thee in arms, most mighty Lord! I on the terror of thy sword ! majesty and glory ride,
h truth and meekness at thy side.
ne anger, like a pointed dart, I pierce the foes of stubborn heart ; words of mercy, kind and sweet, - melt the rebels at thy feet. throne, O God, for ever stands; e is the sceptre in thy hands: laws and works are just and right; ce and grace are thy delight. od, thy God has richly shed bil of gladness on thy head, with his sacred Spirit blest eternal Son above the rest.
PSALM 45. Second Part. L. M. Christ and his Church.
THE King of saints how fair his face, Adorn'd with majesty and grace ! He comes with blessings from above, And wins the nations with his love.
2 At his right hand our eyes behold The queen array'd in purest gold : The world admires her heav'nly dress; Her robe of joy and righteousness.
3 He forms her beauties like his own, He calls and seats her near his throne; Fair stranger, let thy heart forget The idols of thy native state.
4 So shall the King the more rejoice. In thee, the fav'rite of his choice; Let him be lov'd, and yet ador'd : For he's thy Maker and thy Lord.
5 O happy hour! when thou shalt rise To his fair palace in the skies; And all thy sons (a numerous train) Each, like a prince, in glory reign.
6 Let endless honours crown his head; Let ev'ry age his praisės spread; While we with cheerful songs approve The condescension of his love.
PSALM 46. First Part. L. Μ.
The safety of the church.
GOD is our refuge
A present help when dangers press :
On him for safety we relied, And in his strength we will confide:
2 Tho' earth were from her centre tost, And mountains in the ocean lost ;
Or lofty hills from their abode, Torn piece-meal by the roaring flood. 3 Let angry waves together roll'd Rage on with fury uncontrol'd; We will not fear, whilst we depend On God, who is our constant friend.
4 A gentler stream, that ever flows, And joy to all around bestows, The city of the Lord shall fill, The city where he's worshipp'd still.
5 God dwells in Zion, whose strong tow'rs, Shall mock th' assault of earthly pow'rs; And his almighty aid is nigh, To those who on his strength rely.
PSALM 46. Second Part. L. M.
God creates peace. in her King rejoice,
Tho' tyrants rage, and kingdoms rise;
He utters his almighty voice,
The nations melt, the tumult dies. 2 The Lord of old for Jacob fought, And Jacob's God is still our aid: Behold the works his hand hath wrought, What desolations he hath made!
3 From sea to sea thro' all the shores, He makes the noise of battles cease ; When from on high his thunder roars, He awes the trembling world to peace. 4 He breaks the bow, he cuts the spear ; Chariots he burns with heav'nly flame : Keep silence all the earth, and hear The sound and glory of his name.
PSALM 47. С. М. Christ ascending and reigning. of sacred joy, To God the sov'reign King! Let ev'ry land their tongues employ, And hymns of triumph sing. 2 Jesus, our God, ascends on high; His heav'nly guards around Attend him rising thro' the sky, With trumpet's joyful sound. 3 While angels shout and praise their King, Let mortals learn their strains : Let all the earth his honours sing; O'er all the earth he reigns.
4 Rehearse his praise with awe profound, Let knowledge lead the song; Nor mock him with a solemn sound Upon a thoughtless tongue. 5 In Israel stood his ancient throne, He lov'd that chosen race ; But now he calls the world his own, And heathens taste his grace.
6 These western climes are all the Lord's, Here Abraham's God is known; While pow'rs and princes, shields and sword Submit before his throne.
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