3 Thy justice doom'd that he must die, Who for our sins would satisfy : His death was therefore fix'd of old, And in thy word of truth foretold. 4 A scene of wonders here we see, Worthy thy Son, and worthy thee; And while this theme employs our tongues, All heav'n unites its sweetest songs.
HYMN 16. Second Part. L. М. Behold the Lamb of God.
EHOLD the sin-atoning Lamb, With wonder, gratitude, and love!
To take away our guilt and shame, See him descending from above. 2 Our sins and griefs on him were laid ; He meekly bore the mighty load : Our ransom-price he fully paid, In groans and tears, in sweat and blood. 3 To save his guilty church, he dies; Mourners behold the bleeding Lamb ! To him lift up your longing eyes, And hope for mercy in his name. 4 Pardon and peace thro' him abound; He can the richest blessings give : Salvation in his name is found; He bids the dying sinner live. 5 Jesus my Lord, I look to thee; Where else can helpless sinners go? Thy boundless love shall set me free From all my wretchedness and woe.
HYMN 16. Third Part. C. M. Christ sustained the pains of hell. ND did the holy and the just, The Sov'reign of the skies,
Stoop down to wretchedness and dust, That guilty worms might rise ?
2 Yes, the Redeemer in his soul Sustain'd the pains of hell; The wrath of God without control, On him our surety fell.
3 He took the dying sinner's place, And suffer'd in his stead; For man, (O miracle of grace!) For man the Saviour bled!
4 Dear Lord, what heav'nly wonders dwell In thy atoning blood!
By this are sinners snatch'd from hell, And rebels brought to God.
5 Jesus, my soul adoring bends, To love so full, so free; And may I hope that love extends Its sacred pow'r to me?
6 What glad return can I impart For favours so divine? O! take my all-this worthless heart, And make it only thine.
HYMN 16. Fourth Part. C. M. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
HEAR what the voice from heav'n pro. For all the pious dead;
Sweet is the savour of their names, And soft their sleeping bed.
2 They die in Jesus and are bless'd; How kind their slumbers are ! From suff'rings and from sin releas'd, And freed from ev'ry snare. Far from this world of toil and strife, They're present with the Lord;
The labours of their mortal life End in a large reward.
HYMN 16. Fifth Part. L. M. The saints rest in their grave.
SAINTS in their graves lie down in peace,
No more by sin or hell opprest; The wicked there from troubling cease, And there the weary are at rest.
2 Thrice happy souls, who're gone before To that inheritance divine!
They labour, sorrow, sigh no more, But bright in endless glories shine. 4 There shall we join the blissful throng, And meet our dearest friends again; And, all eternity, our song To Jesus raise, and with him reign.
HYMN 16. Sixth Part. S. М. Triumph over death.
ND must this body die? This mortal frame decay ? And must these active limbs of mine, Lie mould'ring in the clay ? 2 Corruption, earth, and worms, Shall but refine this flesh; Till my triumphant spirit comes, To put it on afresh.
3 God, my Redeemer, lives, And often from the skies Looks down, and watches o'er my dust, Till he shall bid it rise.
4 Arrayed in glorious grace, Shall these vile bodies shine; And ev'ry shape, and ev'ry face, Look heav'nly and divine.
5 These lively hopes we owe To Jesus' dying love;
We would adore his grace below, And sing his pow'r above.
6 Dear Lord! accept the praise Of these our humble songs, Till tunes of nobler sound we raise, With our immortal tongues.
HYMN 16. Seventh Part. C. М.
The prospect of Heaven makes death easy to a Believer.
THERE HERE is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign;
Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. 2 There everlasting spring abides, And never-with'ring flow'rs : Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heav'nly land from ours. 3 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood, Stand dress'd in living green; So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan roll'd between.
4 But tim'rous mortals start and shrink, To cross this narrow sea; And linger, shiv'ring on the brink, And fear to launch away.
5 O! could we make our doubts remove, These gloomy doubts that rise, And see the Canaan that we love, With unbeclouded eyes!
6 Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er, Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood Should fright us from the shore.
First Part. L. M.
The Resurrection of Christ.
1'IS finish'd, the Redeemer cries;
Then lowly bows his fainting head :
And soon th' expiring sacrifice Sinks to the regions of the dead. 2 'Tis done the mighty work is done! For men or angels much too great; Which none, but God's eternal Son, Or would attempt, or could complete. 3 'Tis done-old things are past away, And a new state of things begun ; A kingdom which shall ne'er decay, But shall outlast the circling sun. 4 A new account of time begins; Now our dear Lord resumes his breath, Charg'd with our sorrows and our sins; Our lives to ransom by his death.
5 Once he was dead, but now he reigns, He lives, he lives, he lives again : Let's tell our joys in pious strains, And spread the glory of his name.
HYMN 17. Second Part. L. Μ. I know that my Redeemer liveth. KNOW that my Redeemer lives ; What comfort this sweet sentence gives! He lives, he lives, who once was dead, He lives my ever living head!
2 He lives triumphant from the grave, He lives eternally to save; He lives all glorious in the sky, He lives exalted there on high. 3 He lives to bless me with his love, He lives to plead for me above;
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